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Everything posted by Shin

  1. If you only attracted men like your ex, you may want to self reflect at how is this a constant. It's not by accident that you always attract the same kind of guy.
  2. Is your ex named Joseph, the same Joseph who was banned here ?
  3. I don't know if you know. But there is a thing called Corona right now.
  4. This night I was on earth and there was hoomans from other dimensions coming from some portals (not really portals though). I had to save the day with a partner, she was my girlfriend, although at some point I was suddenly alone (probably dead, rip), earth was invaded and we needed to kill them all or so I thought. I had a rifle who could fire some sort of ice, and kill after 2 seconds. At some point, some hoomans wanted to kill me, but I told them they could go back to their homeworld, that the portal was still open. They were pissed when they saw that the portal was closed (they lead me to it), and threaten to kill me again, so I told them there was another portal open, the one were I was defending earth from in the first place. I explained that I could kill those fuckers at anytime, that I just helped them because I didn't want to kill needlessly. That's all I can remember, except for sweet romance with the girlfriend in the first part of the dream, so funny and hot hehehe
  5. ????? «Even God is corrupted !Or maybe we are fools? ......... Naaaaah God is the devil, REVOLUTION !!!!!»
  6. I would never bring you coffee. You're delusional ???
  7. There is no Shin, no I, no you. There is only pure experience, nothing is doing everything. See if I care !
  8. It is painful though. If you don't it's like putting a bandage on a gun wound though, so better put the bullet out before you lose too much blood.
  9. Is this what you talked about when you said we could become insane ? ?
  10. First Lady Gura. For 2060 presidential ! Everybody on the hype train ?
  11. All the incels and women not fitting the criteria right now :
  12. Pretty sure that if she doesn't open her ass to 5meo it's a dealbreaker for Leo ???
  13. The truth is, they're all jelly. ?
  14. Technically he's right. If you're a fundamentalist, you will only enter heaven when the body dies. If you're non ideological (so not dumb) though, you can decades before. Had to be smart though ?
  15. No, he's saying that you already are in the present and you just have to notice that. He's saying the same thing as Eckhart Tolle, just different phrasing and choice of words. Funny how teachers can argue about phrasing and words
  16. Technically, if you do an operation and get a vagina/boobs, you can apply
  17. He only wants one, he's not greedy like you It makes a lot of sense for him, he works at home and don't do gathering like most spiritual teachers do. So the chance of meeting a high "spiritual" quality woman is quite low for him unless he forces himself to go to spiritual gathering, which he don't need anymore.
  18. Don't lie, you'll all do the same if you had the influence to do so
  19. Also, meditate everyday for 20 minutes, and try to be conscious of your thoughts the rest of the day. That will help a lot too