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Everything posted by Shin

  1. That's assuming you're a human being to begin with though
  2. Should get back to the topic. This is more about who has the best comprehension about mbti than ressources for Intp.
  3. Why not ? If it turns out that you are the universe, everything you think comes in existence. Isn't it so ? Banana or human being ?
  4. For Stage Orange scientist, you just replace "believes in God" with "believes in the Big Bang".
  5. It's not over, he still has a shot for 2024 and until then he can do some serious damage by saying horseshit on a daily basis with QAnon behind him.
  6. Yeah, the "I'm not even moving even if the body moves" starts to be more and more present. It's kind of funny, it's like you're a black hole and everything else is just sucked in you.
  7. 2 full hour of walk, while being aware of being aware. The peace is indescribable ... 10/10 would recommend !
  8. Maybe you always were infp, but were addicted to thinking, like almost everyone until they can be aware of being aware constantly !
  9. Yeah pretty much how they think trying to fit the stereotype
  10. Ahah so true. I see some fellow INTJ think that "hey I'm an INTJ, I'm supposed to be cynical, assholish and have 0 friends !"
  11. It is in the beginning, it will be effortless if you persevere and train 24/24 daily
  12. If we were all at Green, and your statement were true, we would be quite fucked don't you think ?
  13. The only thing that I never saw changing (so far) is the Introvert/Extrovert spectrum. I never saw someone who was introverted becoming extrovert or vice versa. That might be the only thing you can't really change, everything else you might be able to train and embody. Or maybe you become ambivert the more you age, who knows (not me that's for sure ).
  14. It's hard to say, cause the more consciousness work you do, the more genuine you become. So the MBTI you had in the first place might not even been your real MBTI.
  15. Let's say relationships can be less transactional and more genuinely about giving selflessly. But yeah, in the end, it's 100% a transaction too ^^
  16. I don't know about that. It could be either way, I have lots of women friends and what op describes isn't that triggering to me.
  17. Finally a sex dream ? Ahah, dreams, the only moment you can cheat without never being caught
  18. It's legal in Australia Germany too, they are even in glasses totally naked at night. Hooker aren't in it for love, it's a transaction and it's definitely not for a night in most cases.