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Everything posted by Shin

  1. What about relationships between people that are attracted to each other and have a healthy psychology ? That's the third option, and also the only one that is worth it imo.
  2. I think he means being totally engrossed and lose consciousness in the activity, being lower than thoughts (like being drunk in a sense). That's different than being totally in the moment, enjoying the experience for what it is and being completely conscious of everything that's happening.
  3. Isn't it nice to be able to enjoy everything more by just being present right ? Music is night and day, you don't know what it is to appreciate music unless you can shut your mind off and completely be with the music <3 Letting yourself feel negative emotion, especially in public, is a HUGE step, be proud of yourself, that's not something a lot of people are comfortable with You can't change everything at once, if meditation and the gym resonate more with you than something you think is more important, that's exactly what you should do
  4. Using the words "wrong/evil" is what create the wrong/evil in our mind, and by ricochet in the world. Better not think like this if you want to feel at peace and not create evil.
  5. He means God is a dream machine, and it imagines everything that is happening, including all the humans, animals, plants, planets, galaxies, universes, multiverses, realities (=dreams) and the interactions between them. As an analogy, in a dream, you're imagining everything, even your own body/mind in it, and everything you experience is you quite literally. There is only God, nothing else exists except God, and God right now is imagining being an individual entity named Machiaveli talking on a forum with other entities. God is not a person or an entity, it's everything and nothing at the same time.
  6. So many assumptions, zero epistemic interest. Full on science, without never wondering if there was something it couldn't explain or explain poorly. Science = truth Science = reason Science = Go.... The big bang
  7. As long as her other family isn't a sect she will be fine. Don't try to change her, she's perfect as she is and she wouldn't understand what would be the alternative, it would just be another belief anyway for her. Just love her as she is, and if she is interested to know what you believe in later, you can always explain, and maybe or maybe not she will open up to something more true, it doesn't really matter you'll still love her
  8. The only value in this article is how loud I laugh when I read it. ?
  9. Oh man. I just had a direct experience of me creating my own shadow. I was dreaming of some search about a suspect and I thought there was no suspect after all, that the crime or whatever that was was case closed. Then I feel someone trying to choke me, trying to cut my throat while I sleep, feeling a sort of «No, there needs to a problem, there needs to be something to be afraid of», a dark and invisible entity linked to me, and in an instant I said fuck no, only me can hurt me fuck you, and then it was gone. Then I wake up. Was super scary, like probably one of the scariest shit ever, super hardcore ?
  10. Thank you it helped I hope it helped Tatsumaru too
  11. I know how you feel, I felt like shit just 10 minutes ago, like seriously like shit with tears, feeling of emptiness and pointlessness. The good thing is that it passes if you let it pass, I could have followed along the trail of thoughts and feel like shit the rest of the evening, but I didn't, I just let it go. Do I now feel amazing ? No Do I now feel happy ? No I think the point I'm trying to make is that all of this is just an endless river of emotions, and you never know where it will go. One moment you can feel good, the other like shit, the other without any particular emotions, it doesn't really matter, it's gonna change anyway. We as humans wants too feel good at all costs, and that's understandable, but it just cannot be done, the river doesn't stuck itself into itself, it flows and flows forever. I'm not saying your pain is irrelevant, like I said I felt like shit just a moment ago, and I didn't want to go through it either, but it's not really a choice, sometimes there is suffering and we have to accept it Jay and move on. I wish you the best, I hope you can find your way. I love you <3
  12. Ahah you have an amazing smile, it looks like you can't stop feeling awesome ? I wish you the best and great video thanks ?
  13. Nice, all beautiful ! ?
  14. I was a spaceship in deep space near a gigantic space station, arriving at light speed, I also noticed I wasn't a space ship but nothing really. I member when I woke up I was stresses as fuck cause «irl» I have height anxiety ?
  15. Well nothing goes nowhere in that case ? It's just pure observation without judgment of any kind.
  16. Read some history and you'll understand quickly
  17. Nice, I bet that spine must be rock solid
  18. It's a funny internet cartoon from Quebec, I thought you designed the eyes and mouth of the apple with it ?