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Everything posted by Shin

  1. Just leave him alone, if he really loved you he wouldn't try to manipulate you and would leave you alone. Be very wary of guys who have the same vibe as him, you need to totally change how you feel and think about relationships to not fall for the same kind of guys.
  2. I almost never understand what he says or know if he's being serious.
  3. Leo will most likely never open a section like that. This forum isn't about fooling around, it's only allowed in scarcity cause we're human, but it's not the purpose of this forum.
  4. You can talk about all those things without being cryptic or not making any sense.
  5. I don't know, I'm fighting for it
  6. The section would be used the same way as the others, with a focus on how to handle emotions, how to do shadow work, how to love yourself etc. It wouldn't be a lay back and free talking section of the forum like the journaling section. All those things like self-love, emotions, healing and shadow work are, of course already teached in other sections, but they are secondary to each of them, not the main focus, and therefore you can't really open a thread in them without feeling they are a bit out of place. In the general self help, you don't care much about your emotions there, you focus on habits, productivity, some other practical stuff and the stages on the spiral exemples. The meditation forum is about all the mystical things in life, with a focus on transcendance of the "self" and "higher" states of consciousness. Again you can talk about emotions, healing and shadow work, but it's not the focus of the forum, the focus is explaining "higher" states of consciousness. The dating relationship sexuality forum is about how to relate to other people and your closed ones, and how to have good sex. It is again possible to talk about emotions, healing and shadow work, but it's again not the main reason you want to come to this forum, you come to have practical advices on how to handle those relations specifically, not how to do meta healing, self love. All other forums are oviously not fit to support those topics.
  7. Yes, plenty of tips and exercices when the new section of the forum will open !
  8. There is already a lot of other things that that subforum is doing
  9. I don't see how understanding is not compatible with healing and emotions.
  10. Contemplate what you were before your birth, after your death, and between the waking state and the dream state. No assumptions at all, no monkey mind, for hours, consistently for days and weeks. Right now you're too much in your mind trying to figure it out, but you won't. You can't figure this out, this is not something you can figure out, because it's you. You can't figure out what you are, because it's prior to anything else, it's what incorporates everything else. No answers on this forum will ever satisfy you, ever, cause the answer you seek is not something you can acquire in your head. What you are is what makes possible to know anything, so by definition, nothing except a direct realization, a spontaneous revelation of your true nature will do it. This is very different than learning, understanding or figuring stuff out. Those things are experiences appearing inside you, they can't explain what you are. Imagine what it's like to have a vaginal orgasm, you can't ! That's a loose analogy, because there can be words describing experiences that are close (but still infinitely far) from the actual experience. God (what you truly already are), is one step infinitely higher in that regard, nothing can come close to explain what it is, what you already are right now, cause it's you ! You cannot be closer to you, because it's you ! So just sit and wonder what you are, you'll "know" when you'll "know", and by that I don't mean in a future when you'll be in the right position to do it, Right now, right now, right now ! You don't need anyone else to tell you what you are, Because everything else is you ! There was never a time where you were something else, Than you ! I am you ! Leo is you ! Your computer is you ! The ceiling is you ! Your pillow is you ! Your desk is you ! God is love ! God is you ! You are YOU !
  11. Imagine experiencing something you love for the first time again. Losing yourself on purpose to fall in love with yourself again is what you're doing.
  12. Maybe, but emotions are the most important thing if not the most important thing in life. Not having a section dedicated for it is a huge problem imo. It must also feed the assumption that many newbie have about not needing to take care of their emotions, cause they are all "illusory and transitory anyway" Spiritual bypassing is HUGE in this forum. Now ofc it's always gonna be something newbies tend to do, but not having a section about it just makes it even worse than it needs to be.
  13. Seems like you have a feminine mind inside a masculine body. You need a companion that has a masculine mind in a female body. Both are rare (compared to the norm), but once you find a woman like that with whom you click it's gonna be amazing my dude
  14. I don't mean I'm going to kill myself if it's what you're asking
  15. God is infinity, which means infinite suffering and bliss all at once. Infinity implies all state possible, and infinite situations and problems to solve/overcome. That implies that no matter how much we solve "problems" and reduce suffering in the world, there will always be more coming. That sounds nihilist and "bad", but actually, it would be sucks if it wasn't the case. Think about it for a full minute (not asking much of you ), if you have peace in the world, with zero situations to solve, that's the same as imagining a world with no experiences, cause as soon as an other is created, there will be conflict in one form or another. That applies to the individual as much as the collective, with no situations to deal with, with nothing to strive for, there is no point in having a temporal life's experience, time would be useless. There will always be suffering as well as new challenges to tackle, so when Leo says Spiritual teachers are cosplaying, that's quite true, they don't actually believe peace and harmony can be reached (or it's wishful thinking), because it won't. I'm not saying that we can't go through stage green and live in harmony as a human race, I'm saying that even if that is done, new challenges will arise out of that, It will never stop. Seeking the end of suffering, in the end, is kind of pointless and aimless, cause not only it is not possible, but it's not truly what you want. Think again for another minute, if we truly wanted a life without struggles, why the fuck would we incarnate ourselves as human beings in the first place ? That's what we wanted, or at least, that's what's happening and can't be avoided. So what can we take out of that ? We have to live life not to stop suffering, but to enjoy everything, even the struggles and the hardships, cause that's literally the only thing we can and will ever do. We will never reach a state of eternal peace for long, cause even if we do, we'll come back one way or another as a human with "problems" (or other experiences) to start the cycle of suffering and bliss all over again. We're not here to escape pain and suffering, we're here to experience it, to be able to contrast it with bliss and ecstasy, and then transcend them altogether, and forgot all about it. Life is just an orgie of experiences that never stop in peace or suffering, but loves to mix both, because every one of those experiences are unique and will never happen again, which is why they are so beautiful and amazing. Even the "worst" moment of your life Was a masterpiece.
  16. Yes, but If I say it with other words, it looks like I'm having original thoughts ! Plus it's one more message for the section we need
  17. You're already "dead", you'd be exactly here, just experiencing something else. And there is a good chance it will be far worse than what you got right now.
  18. Plus if you think systemically, opening the forum section we talked about would solved many cases way before they go to the depressive stages
  19. Yes that too We can only suggest though, only Leo has the power to truly shift where the forum is headed :3 *wink wink*
  20. Probably the most important things this forum needs to adress. A part of the forum dedicated to emotions/shadow work and self love is needed.