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Everything posted by Shin

  1. Everything you can imagine and everything you can't, but since it happens all at once, you can't recall anything, cause memory is something you create too.
  2. From the state of consciousness he's speaking of, there is just God, all separations or bubble of consciousness that you thought existed are unified. There is no such thing as an another person in that state, everything is just a manifestation of God's infinite Mind, which is a singularity of infinite love, peace and freedom in which you can experience anything. Even negative emotions can be experienced (contrary to popular spiritual belief), you acknowledge they are "negative" but they are in this mind sea of infinite love, peace and freedom, as any other experiences.
  3. We can't apply the same logic as other systems for dating and relationships. It is not the same to create equal chances in workplace and educations than in it is for dating and relationships. The difference is that in dating and relationships, what comes first and foremost, is attraction. In the conditions of getting a job and getting into a college, this should solely be put on your capacity to do the work and study efficiently (which is the case in Western Europe, for the most part). For dating and relationships, attraction isn't just some objective skill you can check with a test. Attraction for a women depends on how much the guy in question is confident, is playful and have humor, is detached and non needy + have a purpose greater than the girl, is adventurous and challenging, and is capable of giving her Intimate & dirty sex (yes, directly paste from Leo's video, but it's just the 100% truth ). That's a bit different than just big titties, nice face, curvy ass (with of course decent personality if it is for a relationship). Now you just sprinkle a bit of selection with spiral dynamics on top of that, and you understand pretty much 75% of how attraction works. This can't be institutionalized What can work though, is progressing through stage green and yellow more, which will allow us (the society as a whole) to see this problem more clearly, without judgment, and being able to educate our younglings better on how to be social, make friends, be attractive to the opposite sex from a very early age. That's already started in Nordic countries in Europe to some degrees If I'm not mistaken.
  4. You're creating your memories each instant. Past is literally fiction, it's created out of thin air. It's just soooooooooooooo consistent
  5. Ok then I completely misunderstood you post, I apologize :3
  6. It's been 3 days. You sure you're done ?
  7. Althought it may be true to some extent, that sounds like an excuse to not have to work and be lazy. She literally has no choice to be with someone to be able to eat, what about when she wants to be alone, or right now, when she isn't in a relationship ? That may work, even for a long time, but at some point she will be in a very toxic relationship and she will regret this a lot.
  8. No. Jesus is your savior. You're going to hell for blaspheming ! Bow down to Jesus and REPENT !!!
  9. Especially if the new boyfriend comes to his appartment to fuck her ex girlfriend.
  10. First sign of abuse of power I report you
  11. I thin you should encourage her to be independant rather than letting her be in another codependant relationship (by definition if she needs the partner money, it's codependant). Would be better for her on the long run. So she go get a job right now, and give you the rent she should give you. That's a good start.
  12. Hi, and thank you for helping here
  13. How do you have 0 warning point ? Or we can't see warning points of other members ?
  14. It's legal there cause it's actually more hurtful for those women to make it illegal. Also, lots of money to make out of that, so ... When it's legal like in Germany, you have guards and cameras, the job is regulated etc. It changes everything for those women, cause they know they are safe, both physically (guards) and mentally (no need to live in weird places cause your money isn't legal + your job is more accepted by society).
  15. Actually, I'm amazed Leo didn't ban me when I was on full troll mod
  16. Don't let the mod tag corrupt you
  17. Op, I have a good idea for you. Just convert to Islam, get rich, and move to Saudi Arabia. You can marry how many woman you want, divorce as much as you want (without consent), and abuse them how much you want (they have to give proof that you abuse them, which is almost never possible). That's kind of what you want, but you can't admit it.
  18. Hi @Flowerfaeiry , Adam8 and Andyjohnson, Snader, Octagon I believe ? ^^ @Adamq8 @andyjohnsonman
  19. You're already in a non-physical plane, this is no more solid that your last night dream, except now you believe everything around you is made of something you call matter and that is definitely not made up by your mind, but it is. God is everything you experience right now, and no individual self is experiencing anything, the individual self is an experience too. There is no ego that can die, it's a figment of your imagination, an experience you create out of thin air right now, something you imagine as God. So there is no contradiction really, those people just recall what they imagined (as God) after "death", which is just more experience. What Leo says is that to merge with God you have to see through the fiction of "death" and see that you're not a human being, that it's just an experience inside you (God). So in a sense, the death of the body, is the same as the death of the self (what you think is you), cause when you lose the body, you lose the object of identification you used to be attached, and if you believe in reincarnation, that you have an individual soul, then you can go on and imagine there is a you in an another body or animal or whatever. Basically, if you want to understand this intuitively, just start to think that everything you experience, whether it is a dream, "real" life or the "hallucinations" of a psychedelic, that they are all happening inside an infinite mind, capable of imagining whatever it want, even that it's a human being extremely limited in what he can do, in a vast world with other people. It's all imagined by you (as God). Just be careful as to say that then nothing is real, that will just add unnecessary suffering and depression, that's just a human projection, cause you can't say that something is real or unreal, cause there need something to be real (materially speaking) for that distinction to be even possible. There isn't, nothing is material, materiality is a thing you imagine too. Same thing with aloneness, you can't be alone if there never was something else than you, that's another human projection. /!\ Don' t harm the body, you don't need to "die" to realize what's true /!\
  20. Stage orange watching this video be like :