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Everything posted by Shin

  1. It is simple but not easy. Op made it complicated by himself in his mind. How complicated is it to start kissing a girl ? Don't need to do calculus, just kiss. Most of the time it applies. The few times it doesn't is when experience is useful to gauge the situation. It doesn't matter anyway, you can just say you thought she wanted it, and back off, unless she's a psycho she's not gonna hold it against you.
  2. It's never the right moment when you're not comfortable around women ? Next time you think this way, say that you need to go to the toilet, slap yourself real hard in the face, then come back to her and kiss her ? Most of you guys just need to stop thinking and start acting, there is nothing complicated with all of this. She accept the dates = she likes you The date goes fine = she wants you to kiss her She lets you be alone with her in your/her apartment = she wants you to fuck her Just stop thinking ?
  3. Just say you want to take a walk next time. Then stop at a bridge and kiss her.
  4. They are there, I pray for your lower back my friends.
  5. Yeah but they have such a beautiful face that it compensate a lot. God, I'm arguing about women boobs, I think that's enough internet for today
  6. Maybe there is more, but you will never prove me anything or anyone else
  7. Concerning women with flat chest, well that would be lying to say a decent proportion of men like that. Don't see the problem with implants or make up, just that in some case it's unnecessary, neurotic and/or overkill. Just like men who are so buff they don't look like healthy anymore.
  8. That's exactly what Leo and Mu talk about. Your problem is that you're lost in concepts, and to you, it looks like they are contradicting themselves. This stuff is too much of a mindfuck, and it's deeply paradoxical, so unless you directly experience it, you will fucking fight over fucking words and terminologies that all pretty much point to the same thing. When you will drop that pointless fight of concepts then you will just stop debating and actually do what needs to be done. Until then, it's just a sneaky way to distract yourself by convincing yourself you're not lol
  9. I thought «she» was a «he». Wouldn't have made that joke otherwise ?
  10. If you put some good make up maybe ?
  11. The mental masturbator: Tell me the truth The teacher : INFINITE The mental masturbator: Can you elaborate for fuck sake ? The teacher : IN FINITE The mental masturbator : Still don't get it old fart The teacher :
  12. It's a belief/deep intuition right now cause I'm on Shin ego mod, but it wasn't when I was conscious of being God. It's exactly like Leo says, except it's just words for you, go experience it, BE IT. That's more interesting than talking about it
  13. You seem to disagree and are debating about something that is more than obvious if you've experienced it just once, that is all I'm saying. From my own experience, that's a HUGE waste of time
  14. Too much mental gymnastic. Take whatever psychedelics you need, or go do a hardcore retreat and focus on what is Love. You'll have direct experience, even if just for a minute, then you'll stop the mental masturbation and won't need to debate anyone on the forum anymore. Problem solved !
  15. Guys who tell you that it doesn't matter are firstly liers, and also probably have a feminine mind. No way in hell any men would want to fuck a flat or flat girl, that's just the harsh truth (except they have a kink ofc). Beyond that, Visual cues are very very useful, you can subconsciouly know if a person: Is taking care of themselves Has a certain personality(to an extent ofc) Identify to a certain demographic (to an extent again ofc) Value certain things Has insecurities or not etc.
  16. There is no lesser dense one, you imagine that reality is dense right now, it's not. If you were in a "lesser dense dream", you would think a dense dream is crazy and unlogical the same way you think the lesser dense dream are right now. The internal logic of every dream is self consistent, because that's how you fool yourself into identification. It doesn't matter what the rules are, you were fooled even in the most crazy dreams you had. It's only when you start again to identify to Tatsumaru that the prior dream seems like a dream, but if you woke up in another dream you would think this one right here was a dream too. You see, it's very convenient, cause you think that since you remember something of the dream, it happened in your head, but that's just a rationalization you do, memories don't need a human with a brain to occur lol
  17. I hope you'll join me on the adventure ! I can't wait to go to my first retreat !
  18. Because you need to trick yourself to think dreams are not real, so you can ground yourself in this dream. You do that by telling yourself dreams are not very dense and that therefore reality is real and not dreams. Even though what you recall of those "dreams" are just memories and it actually felt as real as "reality". Until you "wake up" (KEKW)
  19. What If I told you I saw an Alien coming out of an UFO and speaking in an Alien language ? Am I lying or do I need to get a selfie with him next time ?
  20. Are you ok with me raping your granma ?