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Everything posted by Shin

  1. You're getting vaccinated in a wallmart ?
  2. So you're saying that you had/have an awakening of some sort and that you feel "happy" regardless of not getting the attention you need from women ?
  3. I'm confused, the thread name implies you're screwed in the inside, but at the end of the post you don't seem to have problem with women at all ?
  4. Then it's not realistic to talk about femininity and masculinity as if everyone can achieve that. It's more useful for 99% of people to talk about what attract and is fulfilling for both mind.
  5. There is still a different percentage of natural masculinity and femininity in each of us. What I mean is that there is such a thing has a true percentage of masculiity and femininity that is set in each of us, and even after healthy integration of both side, it is still there. You can't truly know how it is naturally balanced until you've done shadow work and healthily integrated both sides, for men that can't be done without a life purpose on top of that. But like you said, upbringing and life experiences can change that core and natural balance (which is not 50/50 for most people).
  6. I hope not, I don't think the world can survive with just the stage green reacts. The human race would be doomed Then I'll have to get the vaccine against the vaccine which is against the vaccine of the vaccine. Plus If I want to be sure, I'll probably take one more You know what, I'd rather die
  7. Yeah I guess that's difficult to figure out with me Just assume I'm not, cause most of the time I'm really not, it's just sarcasm for fun that's it
  8. I got the Pfizer one. Am I gonna die ? ?
  9. Was making a joke about the 2 day rollback, Now I'm concerned that you forgot you already post it
  10. You're gonna need to back up some solid evidences to claim that an entire country will go downhill like that, as of now your post is just alarmist. The reporters themselves don't even know the reasons of why there is such an increase.
  11. He could also just have a feminine mind as a guy, and be very confused about it. Stop the quote war/gender war and be more mindful of how you communicate towards each other please. The posts that are off topic have to stop too. Get back on topic and don't derail from it Otherwise you leave me no choice and I'll pm mods to tune down all that, and you might not like it
  12. We're not talking about inconditional love, but attraction which is necessary to create and sustain intimate relationship and parenting. A woman can inconditionally loving you and not wanting to fuck you or be with you, usually that translates by friendship. I mean, imagine if you had to be in relationship with every person you inconditionally love ? The more you go deep into spirituality, the more that becomes pratically impossible and incestuous
  13. It's also about understanding men better, there is no bias towards one side ? Now let's keep the blame and assumptions on the side, those are generally getting in the way of understanding (not talking about anyone in particular) ?
  14. I hope it's that, I thought about something way worse Time to go to bed
  15. You are explaining the side of one coin (the other side is Harley's explanation). Both of you think the other person is trying to say the other side of the coin doesn't exist. Pretty sure you'd sit and talk face to face you'd agree about this.
  16. I'm pretty sure it's not I'll reply to your pm when I have time, sorry I'm super busy as of now
  17. It's not just that, even though there is plenty of that for sure. Let's face it, there is an imbalance in our society, lots of men are nice guys or assholes, rarely in between (there wouldn't be so much complaint if there were the minority). None of those two read body language very well, and if they do (mostly assholes), well they're assholes. Even the guys that are in between don't necessarily know how to read body language very well either, that's just not something men are naturally good with, not only that, but speaking implicitly too.
  18. The same way men should learn to read body language, instead of being so focused on words and what they are supposed to mean. Both, idealistically should learn how to speak the other gender language better for sure, Cause even if for example a man is super good at reading body language and other implicit ways women speak, at some point he won't because he truly won't know (tired, specific situations etc.), or be annoyed by it, cause let's face it, sometimes it's just too much and too often.
  19. What is common sense to you is totally not obvious for a lot of guys. And for those who have been redpilled, it is blue pill bullshit, beta advices.
  20. No, she's asking men to be aware in real time in their head by screening their cues every step of the way. Instead of being autistic and rationalizing what has been said or not like we do between men.
  21. What matters is visual cues, and the tone of the voice. If you have decent emotional intelligence, you don't need to hear a yes or a no.