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Everything posted by Shin

  1. What about a forum section like the one I talked about in this thread ? Obviously we can't open a section of the forum just for women or mostly for them, but we can make room for more awareness of what women goes through in the relationship's section of the forum. So those two things are separated in my mind.
  2. Casual and sex in the same sentence. I feel much copium when people say this two words combined ?
  3. Nah man, it's all about your jaw and bones. You're so blue pilled ! ?
  4. «So all is totally imaginary ?» Fixed it for you ?
  5. You're talking about an another thread, this one has been opened for a while ?
  6. The labeling of the section could be different too, but we need it. ??? ➡ ?? = ?
  7. Last time I had a veing in my foot stuck (happens often) I just accepted fully the pain, Guess what, there was just sensations but not pain, not really. That's not much pain but I guess you can extrapolate that to anything, even being eaten alive
  8. That's basically what you said though, I just noticed. It's been 34 degree for 4 days now, so shhhh
  9. I don't think so, it's more you interfering with what you need.
  10. Incels of, Activated
  11. The second we try to manipulate a lucid dream, we wake up or die in it. The second we just let everything be as it is and just enjoy it, all sort of crazy shit happen
  12. Thank you ( ) + @Jacob Morres (and anyone I might forget ) I also appreciate that you're the one of the few mod to give constructive criticism to Leo, That requires some juicy balls
  13. It's not weird, it's totally normal. They can't accept people that are doormat because themselves are (to a high degree or not), and it's just a shadow they don't want to face. If they accepted it, and where inclusive to it, the shadow would have to be faced and ultimately slayed. Basically everything we hate we have inside us, and everything we chase unconsciously is something we didn't get in the past, and those can be expressed in lots of counter-intuitive ways. That's funny cause it makes me think of Psychoanalysis, and how complicated their lingo is, it makes me wonder if they even understand what they're talking about sometimes
  14. I can manipulate time. See, if I want, this forum would be rollback two days in the past ! MAGIC !
  15. Let's go peeps, You're all beautiful, Let's heal together ! ?
  16. Yeah this looks like coping. You want to avoid the pain that you would feel by investing what is the real reason you suck with women. It's not gonna be pretty, but true self actualization isn't about feeling good, it's about what needs to be done to evolve accordingly to your life situation, and the desires that keeps changing in this life of yours. I was also there and also tried to cope with spirituality, but guess what, it didn't work out very well. Not saying that spirituality can't help to feel better in your life, it does, but it's not about avoiding your internal and external issues either. You'll always have to interact with women unless you isolate yourself, this isn't something you can avoid to deal with if you want to live the good life. I hope in some corner of your mind our messages are being recorded, cause otherwise you're gonna potentially waste decades if not your entire life coping this inadequacy around women. Don't, you're only going to go into an endless pit of despair and sorrow, and it's going to get darker and darker as time passes. Avoiding life is not what spirituality is about, at all.
  17. I concur, yesterday I was able to rollback two days in the past just by thinking about it. If that doesn't prove time is just an illusion, I don't know what is.
  18. Become a Pornstar. Problem solved.
  19. It's definitely B. I don't know what you mean by "it's all an act", but if you're unattractive now it's because you think (consciously and unconsciously) a certain way, which shapes how you speak, move, feel, and what you do and don't do. There is very specific things that make a man a healthy and attractive man, and a woman a healthy and attractive woman (even though sexual attraction is way more straightforward for a man). You just need to know what those are, and embody what you lack about your masculinity (but also your feminine side). Everybody can do that
  20. Dysfunctional women might hate you, but regular women just won't find you attractive, you'd still be able to be friends with 95% of women (just not their lover/partner/boyfriend).
  21. No, but he has a boyfriend. And I can tell you, He knows how to go deep.