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Everything posted by Shin

  1. Whenever you want to lie, say the truth. If you couldn't help it then say it just after. Obviously in certain very rare situations it would be better to lie, use your emotional intelligence. The most important thing is to not bullshit yourself though, by doing what Superfluo said.
  2. Cause if we had to be serious about all the shit in the world we would all be depressed
  3. When you were a kid you thought a puppet was your friend too. That's basically the same thing, except the puppet couldn't talk back and hit your dick.
  4. As a dogma and self esteem bashing no. If you feel like it is healthy for you yes. It's not a /on or /off, you can just refrain yourself to fap until you feel like it instead of not faping at all. That is more healthy in my opinion, cause most often than not you fap cause you're bored and feel empty, if you've a healthy psychology you're not going to do that often anyway.
  5. Green stage dogmas aside, watch Zeitgeist addendum, it explains pretty well how money and banks work.
  6. Natural selection at play. They get vaccinated less because of stupid reasons, they die, more votes for left parties
  7. Please go watch Dune on the big screen. I need part 2 so bad
  8. Isn't it both ? I mean I get (well I think so lol) what you're saying, you could be doing this exact thing and not suffer at all if you're completely detached from your thoughts and actions, but at the same time people who wants to control reality are in general very sad people inside (in my experience).
  9. You're dreaming a dream that appears more consistent than other dreams, and those dreams appear to be less real in order to trick yourself into believing blindly that this current dream is 100% real. AHAH !
  10. You're like a molecule who thinks other molecules around it are super important, when the whole universe is moving into one direction that requires your death. Such arrogance
  11. Assumptions. Infinite suffering is infinite love. You see it as suffering cause you're still biased and can't see the big picture.
  12. Sums up the problem with that part of this forum
  13. You probably could, but you need to understand that the more you want to control reality, the more suffering you're actually holding in you. To just even have the idea that the solution to solve the galaxy problem is to kill half of its pouplation, you must suffer deeply. To actually do it, you must be agonizing inside.
  14. I just find that people in his situation, often chase enlightenment as an escape from reality, they only want it to get a magic pill to not have to deal with their problems.
  15. No matter how much the book is good you need 10 times more practice though.
  16. If it's all illusory you can't call it illusory or real.
  17. That's a bit much to ask of him now no ? The most important thing he can do right now is to just observe the pain instead of rejecting it, that's already a lot of courage to muster imo.
  18. Thinking racism isn't an issue and isn't real in 2021. How deep in the ground your head is ? I see it all the time when I look at arabs people being looked weirdly by people in the streets, it's everywhere. Now of course it's an extremely complicated and deep phenomenon, but that doesn't change the fact that it's there. I don't know where you live, but travel a bit and you'll see that you're bullshitting big time about this. Maybe in your Nordic country racism isn't a thing anymore, but in the rest of the world it's the wild wild west.
  19. Can't wait to get my permit to date a 4.0 girl cause I'm bald. Surely being bald puts you on the lower end of the permit spectrum
  20. I don't know how to feel about this. Isn't this gonna make easier for people who hate lgbt to harrass them ? Sure there are cameras, but I don't know if that's enough, since you can wait outside to memorize who is lgbt or not etc.
  21. Publisher : Who do you want to expose ? Reporters : Yes