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Everything posted by Shin

  1. That's because death is imaginary and what would happen is you constructing another ego in another reality to ask this question. You're already in the afterlife, wondering what the afterlife is like lol
  2. No, thank you ! You're a blessing to this forum
  3. If you can't handle this paradox you're in for a pickle ? Plus, I don't know what you need, 99.99% of people are completely clueless about spirituality, even in their last dying breath ?
  4. Start an ACT therapy and stick with it.
  5. That sounds good and all, but will you try it ?
  6. If she cared about money she wouldn't have dated you in the first place.
  7. He's like a boomer Leo, Except he was famous for having sex with hundreds of woman. Oh wait that's still Leo
  8. Go to a pet shelter and after a month look in the eyes of the dog you often go out with when they look back at you while being on the walk.
  9. Yes but maybe not now, I don't know much about genitalia and hormones surgery/treatment.
  10. That's just a gross projection of the human mind. You don't need a penis to feel masculine or a vagina to be feminine. Some (not all) who change sex are very confused about their gender to need to change their genitalia, when all you have to do is just accept that you have a masculine/feminine mind inside a woman/man body. Many gays and lesbians are just fine accepting that, no need to butcher your body.
  11. Maybe for now, but medecine will evolve and I'm pretty sure you will be able to change your genitals (and hormones level associated with them) perfectly at some point. Gender is also being more and more fluid nowadays, I assume (this kind of come from my ass though, no pun intended ) there is more and more people in the middle or able to switch psychologically how they feel they are on the masculine/femininity spectrum, and it will only get muddier and muddier.
  12. I don't think there is an end goal. The point is just to become a better human being, as in being able to be happier and happier to share it with everyone else.
  13. One way or another you'll have to drop the idea that you have to acquire love. Then you'll realize you are love, that it has always been the case. You cannot acquire something you already have. This is deep metaphysical irony right there
  14. Have you tried traditional CBT (not ACT or Mindful one) ? A regular psychologist won't do much except hearing what you say, but a traditional CBT therapist will directly work with you on a specific goal. They are generally more on your level and directly explain what might be your problem, how it is sustaining itself, what you need to do as in practical exercices in between sessions, and there is a definite goal that you set with them etc. Don't expect all that from the first or two sessions though, they aren't magicians and still need to probe your mind a little to be relatively sure of what is your core issue.
  15. There is so many different type of therapy, that depends what you want to work on
  16. Share every funny pictures/videos/quotes and texts about Self-Actualization here please !
  17. "Behind" is a concept and is imagined, cause space is something that is imagined too. In that case you might move your head "behind" and the character you're incarnating might be afraid of that "behind danger stuff", but truly the "screen" of experience doesn't move at all, you can't even say it doesn't move actually because movement is also imagined. That somebody behind is first just a concept of sound or touch, all of those imagined by God, and then directly materialized in an instant as an physical object when you move your head. There never was a "behind" though, so as a front and side, I mean yes relatively speaking (when you imagine it) but it's not there until it is created.
  18. Go in front of a mirror and look at yourself. What you feel you are is the shape that looks like you in it. Now look at your hands and touch your body and face, that's what you feel you are right now. Enlightenment (well one side of it) is when the sense of identity shift to everything else in your experience. What you feel is you is not just your body or your mind, but literally the wind, the sky, the floor, other beings, every sound you hear, etc. Also you realize that you're controlling everything (not as an ego kind of way, it's different), when you got punched in the face, you punched yourself in the face, when you had sex with that beautiful girl, you had sex with yourself etc. Yes you only experience yourself through this thing you call "whatever your name is", for now, but this thing is more like a camera inside an infinite mind (without a physical body to wake up to), and that mind is what various religions call God. You're literally the only thing in existence, and when you become conscious of that you literally see/feel (actually senses are imagined by that mind, so it's beyond and prior to those) that everything is made up of one thing, you, and it's divine -> infinite love, freedom, creativity. That's more like several degrees of awakening that I described, so you most likely won't experience all of those at the same time when you awaken the first time.