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Everything posted by Tron

  1. the question is "what went wrong with communism" not capitalism
  2. translation: *only spread my toxic ideas here
  3. going for girls at work usually ends badly, and can be tough to be around if/when it does end badly. I wouldn't recommend it unless you are working there temporarily.
  4. preach brother eve took the apple and corrupted man.
  5. nah women are just dumb. nothing more to it
  6. Bro just don’t go to the party. You’re clearly a head case
  7. It all depends on how she feels. Two men could approach her the same way. But one is harassing her just because she isn’t into him men are powerless to womens emotions in the moment.
  8. sucks to be the guy youre dating lol if I saw this thread, I would dump you
  9. bruh its straight insanity. a total mind fuck
  10. bro this shit sounds fucking stupid lmao. were you home schooled or something?
  11. I mean it fucking sucks for men in dating. Of course it makes us feel better to know there is balance.
  12. news flash, women are attracted to stupid shit.
  13. I considered that forever, that was my issue. I am great with people and all forms of relationships except romantic ones. I have an abundant social life, I have the ability to socialize and attract people with my personality. It's a total mindfuck. There is no reason why this should be any different. But it is. The biggest mistake I was making was thinking I wasn't good enough. I realize that isn't the case. I have it. It's not my fault. I'm not doing anything wrong. The only answer to this mind fuck must be fate itself.
  14. nah i refuse to accept anything is wrong with me anymore. Because wondering if I dont really love myself paradoxically makes me not really love myself. I'm done questioning that from now on. I'm good looking, I'm smart, and I have a lot going for myself. If I were a woman, I would feel foolish to let me slip away. I've spent years working on myself and being the best version of myself. Years. I took over a year off from dating to be alone with myself and find that love. And continue to do so. I am more developed in general than most people my age. I'm above average. I refused to not acknowledge my self worth any longer. And the interest is there. 100%. But if they're being fake about it, then they are simply trying to manipulate me for their emotional gain. There is really no other explanation. Because I know for a fact that they weren't just being nice or trying to avoid hurting my feelings. They put themselves out there. They let me know they wanted to see me. I didn't pressure them at all. All of them suggested going out with me. That is an undeniable fact. Why do I hit this same pattern? I don't know. At this point I attribute it to outside forces. God, truth, whatever you wanna call it, does not want me to be happy with this. How else could I possibly have the luck I do? I succeed in life socially with all other forms of relationships. But this is something I realize I can never trust.
  15. ive slept with beautiful women and still despised them :shrug: most of them arent very good people That comeback is played out
  16. I have all that, but girls never actually like me. just the validation i give them literally anyone irl who I admit this too is shocked and cant understand why it is.
  17. i was being sarcastic with my previous post why do these guys with troubles jump to some off the wall shit? If you are saying that shit then you definitely dont need to be around women
  18. you heard him. just man up!
  19. mental and emotional health is at an all time high in awareness, but they still tell us to man up or that we are simply not good enough and should deal with it when we feel bad about this shit. especially Leo bro. The dude is a straight up fool about this shit. him and his mods write off men in emotional distress as man children to ridicule and criticize.
  20. Definitely feel you bro. No point in showing anger though, because youll automatically lose. It's why I release it here lol. But I'm stuck in the same patterns. And ppl online say "she's not attracted to you if she isn't making herself available". And it's never that black and white. I can't stand when ppl say it is. I had a girl string me along at work constantly asking me where I like to eat, and even suggested we get a beer sometime when I said I was putting in my 2 weeks. But she was never actually available. I hit her up, and she flaked and ghosted me. Why even play around like that if you aren't actually into it? Just keep me as a work friend, say you are way to busy to do anything, and Ill take the hint. Why keep making it seem like theres a chance? Because they get off on the ego boost. This shit is what nobody who sees it from the other side will admit. Women will never shine light on this because it goes against their survival. They fuck around a lot and never take responsibility for how it can not feel so great forthe people receiving it. It's shit like that which makes people like op and myself frustrated.