Peace and Love

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Everything posted by Peace and Love

  1. @electroBeam Also keep in mind that relationship experience and training doesn't stop at pickup. I'm sure you know that just picking up a chick/ aka asking for her number doesn't make you a master at finding the right girl. There is much to learn when going on dates, and having a relationship, sex, good conversation, etc. Episode #2!!!! lol And my TERRIBLE ADVICE!! I wanted to share some dating experiences with you about why I personally decided not to go out on a second date with certain men. I also wanted to tell you about something that recently mom broke up with Mark!!! (The Salad dressing technique guy!!! and it's for good!!!) My mom and Mark... I was so sure they were going to get married. My mom was very happy, but I learned something really important when it comes to dating. You really have to love yourself and be comfortable with who you are. That is so very important. Mark was not comfortable with who he was. He didn't have BALANCE in his life. He was overworked and he had a 21 autistic son that he took care of part of the time and he refused to ask for help with his son's care so he was consistently worn out. (Tommy is on the opposite side of the spectrum, very low functioning, complete opposite of Aspergers, he has been permanently stuck at a 5 year old mentality and learning curve for many years!) Mark suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from being in the military. He also ended on a really bad note with his previous marriage. He never forgave himself or other people. He never let go, and held grudges and had anger issues. He didn't do the personal development inner work to heal and start feeling confident about himself again. My mom and I wanted to be apart of Mark's life, and most of all my mom and I really wanted to help his son, Tommy. My mom and I already had made plans on how to improve Tommy's well being and with the little exposure we had to his son we had already seen significant changes. My mom and I are both devastated by the turn of events, but we know it was for the best because my mom deserved so much better. Because Mark was not feeling good about himself, he sabotaged his own happiness and a relationship that should have never happened in the first place. Mark mastered pick up, but he didn't master his own heart! He destroyed the very thing he wanted! To be with my mom! How fricken sad!! My dating experiences....... The guys that never made bf status. What did they do wrong?? Names have been changed to protect the innocent and the really stupid! 1.) 2 years ago I graduated with my hypnosis certification and attended this big social networking event with my instructor. It was held at this really nice 12 story Condo, in their activity center that was at the very top of the building. It had a gorgeous view of the entire city and the local shopping area. While I was there, I met this guy named Greg. He happened to live in the condo and he was visiting the activity center with his 7 year old daughter to show her the beautiful view and the stars. This guy introduced himself with his daughter and gave me his business card. He was friendly, engaging, and we talked for a few minutes. I'm usually not interested in men that have kids, especially since I'm single and have none of my own. He was definitely one of the exceptions to the rule. And seriously...this guy was pick up master level 100! He had his fricken kid and I was interested! lol So I went on this date with this guy Greg. And he was absolutely amazing. He was attractive, he knew how to dress. He wore form fitting clothes, and he smelled wonderful He also was bald!! I wanted to mention this because I've seen a few men on this forum that are insecure about their receding hair line. I've found a video showing that the shaved head look is one of the top attractive hair styles for men! Anyways, Greg and I met at this Japanese restaurant, and come to find out he had a PHD in Physics!! I've always had a thing for extremely intelligent men, so me and him completely hit it off. (And this guy wasn't even a gamer!! And I usually go for gamer men! lol) We talked at the restaurant for a few hours and then we walked outside window shopping and in the park. He was just absolutely amazing. He was the very first man that I dated when I came back home to Virginia to be with my parents. He was romantic, he held my hand, we had great conversation. His attractiveness level was definitely a 10 out of 10. He was literally the perfect guy all in one package! But.......I chose not to go on a second date. WAIT.....WHAT?!?!? Are you NUTS???? Red flag #1: He had his ex wife's name tattooed on his hand. Red flag #2: He wasn't looking for a serious relationship. In fact he was into having open relationships, with multiple women! lol Yes I kid you not, this really happened. He was just like Mark....he allowed his ex wife to completely mind f*ck him and didn't do the inner work to start trusting again. His ex wife was in love with another man, and was having an open relationship while she was still married to Greg! And he allowed it! It totally screwed him up big time, so he was stuck in this "I'm never ever going to love another woman again" BS. We are what we believe ourselves to be. Last year in the summer I had a free 7 day trial of, so I decided to go on a bunch of dates that week as much as I could and see what happens! lol These are my experiences..... 1.) The first guy I met was Jared. He was a professional Chef and I met him at this nice restaurant. I decided I really wanted to prove that I do look like my pictures since so many dating sites complain that nobody puts actual pictures of what they look like anymore. So I dressed up nicely. I curled hair, put on this nice dress, etc. So I met this guy, and first off he was completely intimidated by the way I looked. Which was a red flag for me. I wanted someone that was confident. And I was surprised because he was a bit older than me, early 40's. He was shy, so we didn't have that connection like I did with Greg that I so desperately wanted to recreate. After dinner we went bowling and played at the arcade. We acted like kids and it was very liberating and something I look for in a guy, but the connection wasn't there that I wanted. The lack of confidence and communication was such a big turn off. Of course the guy wanted a kiss at the end of the let's say he didn't get one and I never called back. 2.) The second guy I met was really cool. His name was Ryan and he was a professional indie Game designer and had just released a game for the PS4 that he had worked on by himself for the last 2 years!!! We talked on skype for 8 HOURS STRAIGHT!!! lol We just totally clicked online. He looked HOTT in his pictures! He was definitely my type! However when I met him in person, it was a very different story.....He didn't look like his pictures at all. His face was puffy, he had gained weight and he wasn't taking care of himself. He told me that he had just recently recovered from kidney cancer, and he almost didn't make it. This was very hard for me to swallow, especially since my dad had stage four terminal colon cancer. I could see by the way he was eating he probably wouldn't have lasted very long, and we definitely would not have a good sexual relationship if I pursued anything. He definitely would not be able to satisfy in bed! lol HEALTH is VERY IMPORTANT!! Also besides the gaming stuff unfortunately we didn't have anything else in common! There is this huge spiritual side that was untapped that he could not relate to or understand. He wasn't into personal development, so I could see our conversations and chemistry would be based off of gaming interests, which wasn't enough for me. Since gaming is not a primary thing in my life anymore. He got the kiss, but he didn't get the second date. 3.) The third guy I met Cameron, was actually from facebook. He was friends with someone I went to college with. We had a lot in common: he was vegan, he was a gamer/cosplayer, he liked art and was into photography, and he loved to kayak (which is something i love to do!) So I added him on facebook, liked a couple pictures on his page, left a comment about kayaking....etc....he figured it out and pursued me after that! lol So we talked back and forth on facebook for about a month, and then he invited me to his birthday party he was having at a Irish Pub with a bunch of his friends. Of course he tried to entice me with vegan tiramisu for his birthday I couldn't resist! So I meet this guy. I loved his friends. These were the type of people I would totally chill with. Unfortunately things didn't work out despite all the things we had in common and talked about online for over a month. We definitely had established a good solid sense of communication. Apparently I learned that talking online, and talking in person are two VERY different things! You can be under an illusion of what the person is really like. So I'm at the pub, and my date is getting totally sh*t faced drunk. lol Of course I naturally don't drink at all because of all my food allergies. I had one, just to feel like I was part of the party but that was it. Cameron was trying to force the whole kissing thing and was trying to get me right...good luck buddy! The major red flag was that the guy told me at the end of the night that the whole reason he wanted to get remarried (was divorced for over a year) and specifically have kids was because his dad wanted grandchildren and was going to pay off his school loans if he had kids!! Yes he really told me that! TRUE STORY. I left, the guy didn't get the kiss, the end! 4.) By this time I was really getting annoyed with the types of men I was encountering. I started to take things into my own hands. So i did a refined search on for specific types of men with very specific qualities I was looking for, including zodiac stuff, and putting in key words like meditation and enlightenment. I ended up with like 3 or 4 guys in the results and I each contacted them. Quality over quantity. Most of them were inactive which was a bummer, but I did get one! His name was Derek. He lived two hours away, but it was worth the drive. We met up at a half way point and went bowling and had dinner. Derek and I had a lot in common. He was into spiritually, and enlightenment, but was also a gamer. I'll keep it brief out of respect for the guy, and of course I changed his name. In fact at one point he was somewhat of a famous celebrity and had gamer rap videos all over Out of the guys I met on match he was the only one that I continued to date after the first initial date. He was just perfect.... We dated for about a month, and we were both head over heals for each other. One date we went to a park during the summer time and meditated. He also had the healing energy ability like i did, and we would send energy to each other. It was amazing. After having a really intimate experience with him one night, I did a hypnosis session for relaxation as well as reiki on him. He wanted to do this, and he enjoyed it. However this time, the reiki did something that I wasn't expecting....since it's spiritually guided energy and it goes for where the healing is needed most.... it effected him on a subconscious level, and lets just say I found out things that most women would not find out about a man unless they dated him for atleast a year or two healing abilities literally saved me from wasting my time in an relationship with a man that didn't deserve me and my love....the following weeks after that instance i discovered who he really was. I found out he lied about certain things. Dishonesty is such a big NO NO..... He was trying to be more spiritual to impress me, and played down his gamer side like it would keep me attracted to him. He tried to manipulate things.... I gave him several chances, which is pretty rare for me to do with any guy period...because i thought he was worth it....he screwed up big time, and he even came after me several times to try to win me back (after his final last chance) and he has been permanently placed in the the "friend zone" arena. Like i said in my original first post to you, Men make things harder and more complicated than it has be. Just be a friend and be yourself. Love yourself, and take care of your body. Dress well (with form fitting clothes) and smell good (take a shower!) it's surprising how many men don't realize how much smell plays a big part in attraction. I have placed men in permanent friend zone status based off smell alone! You can't force or manipulate someone to love or like you. And that goes both ways with the sexes, men and women. Love comes naturally on it's own from being yourself. And if things don't work out it's for a very good reason, and sometimes you won't understand at all and just have to trust it for the better! And sometimes it's not your fault at all and has absolutely nothing to do with you, but the other person has some mentally mind f*cking issues in his head that prevent him and sabotage himself from having a loving relationship.
  2. @Bebop @Trond The numbers were out of control today again! lol I was in my car and my millage said 101111. I don't know how I do it, I'm not even trying at this point...every time I look at the clock it will say, 11:11. or 3:33. Even when I rang stuff up at the cash register it was getting crazy. lol $4.44. I was seeing a lot of 7's this week. Sometimes it would be like $37.37, or the time would be 10:10. I know I'm not being paranoid, because I've had days where I would completely not see any repeating numbers at all. Because of my holistic nature, I follow a lot of Doreen Virtue's stuff.
  3. Here is a website I saw posted somewhere else on the forum about angel numbers. I thought I would post it here again. It talks about angel numbers.
  4. @aryberry - do you have a pet cat or dog? Have you ever snuggled with them? How did that feel?
  5. Here are a list of my top values so far: I plan to go over them again after looking at Leo's life purpose course again. Truth To Serve Health Love Power Wisdom/Enlightenment Humor/Fun
  6. HI family!! Lets talk about this one blew me away. And honestly it was almost too much for me to handle. The whole idea of structuring my life around my values completely blew me away and I started to panic. I felt overwhelmed and I was omg.....this is just too much! So I meditated and did reiki energy healing to calm myself down (ground myself, center myself, bring myself in a state of being) for about two hours last night. It seemed to work really well. I think I'm going to have to take baby steps on this. I wanted to ask you guys and gals this: What are your top values and what are you doing to bring them into your life? I didn't realize that Ive already started to take initiative. I really love art so I just recently applied for a floral design job to get some of my creative juices going. I figured this would put me in a better mood, and raise my vibration so I can go after what I really want to do...serving other people and helping people heal themselves through holistic healing . I noticed my health was huge deal for me, so I've already changed my diet, and started exercising every day this week. I also want to make meditation with my reiki prayers a regular thing I do daily. I felt so good last night after I meditated that I felt like a new person, and it felt even better because I get to fill my life purpose that way and help people to grow. Truth is another one of my values, that I need to work on. I need to find time in my schedule to read more. I find that the "to do" lists really work in helping me manage my time and getting everything done.
  7.!/episode/cuddles-and-conscious-relationships-4194 Cuddles and Conscious Relationships - Barbara Carrellas Life is all about balance and growth. If cuddling leads you in the direction of self actualization and expanding your consciousness go for it!!!! @aryberry
  8. "Every mammal has to be cuddled and in close proximity with its mother in the first days and weeks of life," says Feldman. "This builds up the bodily systems that are sensitive to a physical presence." In human preemies, Feldman says, the need is especially acute. "We think of prematurity as a proxy for maternal denial, since babies are outside the womb and away from their mothers for months." The Cuddle Sutra Book
  9. @aryberry 12. Is snuggling a therapy? It is considered to be an alternative therapy labeled as touch therapy. It is also synonymous with the phrases, professional cuddling and professional snuggling. Read about the health benefits of touch therapy The Benefits of Touch Therapy Do you find yourself depressed at times? Do you ever feel lonely and wish that you could just talk to someone that would genuinely listen? Do you find yourself suffering from stress, anxiety, or sleep loss? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are not alone. Many people lack the companionship they want or need in their everyday life. It has been found that people, especially in the United States, have higher rates of depression and aggression compared to most other countries. This could be due to our fast-paced lifestyles, or our mentality of constantly telling ourselves that we just don’t have time. We seem to forget that in order to boost our own morale we need to make time for human interaction. Studies have shown that the lack of human touch is an enormous factor towards causing depression. Platonic human touch releases oxytocin (chemical in our brains), which is why touch therapy and professional cuddling services have been so successful. Oxytocin has a major role in lowering blood pressure, lowering stress levels, reducing social anxiety, helping to relieve pain, and protecting against inflammation, which is said to make us age faster! Snuggling is an extremely important part of life that is considerably undervalued. It helps us grow mentally and physically because of the chemical changes it causes in the body. Human beings thrive on contact. The Snuggle Buddies, an alternative therapy company specializing in professional snuggling, was created with the sole purpose to help relieve everyday stress, depression, and anxiety by the simple act of human interaction. Whether it’s through cuddling, or conversing, we feel that all individuals deserve to experience happiness. Below is a comprehensive list of the benefits that occur from snuggling, which are caused by its ability to release oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, and inhibit cortisol. List of Benefits Decreased stress and increased relaxation Lessened depression Lessened anxiety and social anxiety Improved social skills Improved self-esteem Improved sleep Lowered blood pressure and heart rate Reduced risk of heart disease Improved immune system and faster recovery Protection against inflammation and oxidative stress Pain relief and raised pain threshold Reduced drug cravings Lessened PTSD
  10. @aryberry cuddling is awesome and has health benefits! 1. Cuddling releases oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone that does everything from making you feel good to helping you feel connected to others. Oxytocin is crucial in the act of cuddling, as you’ll see from its benefits popping up in the list below. 2. Cuddling boosts your immune system. When you’re so in love you feel invincible, you’re experiencing oxytocin release. This feel-good hormone makes you feel like nothing can hurt you—which is an amazing benefit! It also increases hormones that help fight infection. So, basically, you’re boosting your immune system because you’re feeling too good and healthy to get sick. The power of positive thinking—and feeling loved and secure—actually works! 3. Cuddling relieves pain. Just as it boosts your immune system, cuddling and releasing oxytocin will decrease your pain levels. Whenever your neck hurts, what do you do? Rub it, right? Even simple touches like that release enough oxytocin to make you feel better, so imagine the effect cuddling has! 4. Cuddling helps deepen your relationships. Communication is important in relationships, but people often forget how effective and meaningful touch can be. When your career is so stressful you come home and can’t stop thinking about the job, you’re taking a negative toll on your relationship. Instead, imagine coming home and cuddling with your partner for even ten minutes a day. This brief break from the stress of everyday life will not only give you all the other benefits listed here, but will also deepen your relationship. You’ll be taking time to focus solely on your partner and what you feel for them. 5. Cuddling can lead to more. Even non-erotic touch can release dopamine, which is a hormone that increases sexual desire. Getting a sweet hug or massage from your partner after a long day can lead to more, which is win-win for both of you! Regular sexual activity will strengthen your relationship as well. Also, sex is a good stress reliever, and an easy way to get in some physical activity. 6. Cuddling helps women bond. Have you heard the term “oxytocin” in relation to childbirth and breastfeeding? It’s because this chemical doesn’t just inspire good feelings between couples—it also works for women and their babies. Oxytocin helps relax the mother, so that breastfeeding may come more easily. It also enables sleep, even when the mother might have difficulty sleeping with a newborn in the house. 6. Cuddling helps women bond. Have you heard the term “oxytocin” in relation to childbirth and breastfeeding? It’s because this chemical doesn’t just inspire good feelings between couples—it also works for women and their babies. Oxytocin helps relax the mother, so that breastfeeding may come more easily. It also enables sleep, even when the mother might have difficulty sleeping with a newborn in the house. 7. Cuddling reduces social anxiety. Oxytocin inspires positive thinking. It helps you have an optimistic outlook on the world. Which means when you get a hug right as you arrive at the party where you only know one person, you’re going to feel happier and more social going in. You’ll feel like you can charm everyone at the party. And with oxytocin coursing through your system, you will! 8. Cuddling reduces stress. It’s obvious by now, right? Oxytocin is an amazing natural hormone that has so many benefits for the human body. It’s only natural that all these positive effects are going to release stress, also. You’re feeling more connected with your partner, you’re feeling confident in social situations, your immune system is stronger—what do you have to be stressed about? You have a great, cuddle-filled, loving life. Enjoy it! 9. Cuddling lowers your risk of heart disease. Yup—oxytocin again! All the benefits listed above add together to mean less stress, less anxiety, lower blood pressure and—you got it—a lower risk of heart disease! Because your heart is happier and not working as hard to combat the effects of stress and sickness, you’ll be healthier, longer. 10. Cuddling doesn’t have a definition. Cuddling doesn’t have to be between you and your romantic partner. It doesn’t even have to be with another person—you can rub your own shoulders! You can also hug friends or play with your pets. If you don’t want to be social or don’t have a furry friend, never fear! You can take a warm bath or get a massage. Feeling warm and connected by some sort of touch is enough to release oxytocin into your system and get you feelin’ good!
  11. "My body mirrors my state of mind. I am healthy, whole and complete." Louise L. Hay
  12. @Steph1988 That makes perfect sense to me. When I used to run cross country and track they would over work us!! I was so sore from building muscle, always hungry, and sleeping a ton! I do notice that if I do over work myself I do have a tendency to give up and quit. I heard it takes about 3 weeks to really get an exercise routine in stone. The first week is easy, the second week is the hardest because you are sore if you over do it, and extremely tired. And the third week it just peters out and you're like ok...this is normal now.
  13. @Principium Nexus My computer is too old to run photoshop....I used paint! lol
  14. @Orange - yes you may. I'm at the point now, where I'm thinking it will probably be best just to add the whole forum. I'm hoping to take my Reiki Master certification soon. I'm so excited!
  15. @Steph1988 That's so awesome! That's some serious dedication to exercise. My goal is to find time every day to exercise and make it into a permanent habit. How many miles do you run a day when you do run? I used to run 5K races back in the day! Boxing sounds like a great idea though. I have zero arm strength.
  16. I wonder what Leo's vision board looks like?
  17. @Principium Nexus How interesting! I've never heard of power yoga. I've tried hatha yoga (for relaxation), Kundalini yoga (for balancing chakra energy) and yin yoga.
  18. As of right now, I'm starting to get back into an exercise routine. I used to run cross country and track in high school (running 3 to 7 miles a day) but I currently don't have that type of stamina anymore to do those types of things. lol. Plus I don't enjoy running as much as a used to. I find that if I enjoy exercising it makes it easier. My diet has been pretty clean giving me energy, but I noticed even more that my mental and my emotions plays a huge part in staying motivated to exercise. My diet has kept the majority of my weight off, which has been great. I usually walk for 1 -2 hours a day. I love being outside in the warmer weather and getting some sunshine, vitamin D! As a woman I also really like the Brazillian Butt Lift from Leandro Carvalho. I have the dvd set, and I really like the techniques they use for lifting the BOOM BOOM! lol I was searching for the youtube video that showed some of squat techniques they emphasize but apparently it's not available on there any more. This Brazilian Butt lift thing is apparently big with the Victoria's Secret Models.
  19. @Itay Spiegel - Maybe I did?? who knows! lol I was meditating for a good hour yesterday while sending reiki to my prayer journal, with everyone's name that I have written down in there. Yesterday at a certain part of the day I did specifically send energy to the forum itself and not just the journal. Either way,,..whatever happened and however it happened, I'm glad you were inspired and you are making great changes in your life! That's great news!
  20. @Ray Ok, I tried doing the typical vision board this time. It took me a few hours to do it but I was really happy with the way it turned out. I think the hardest part was trying to fit all the pictures on there!! lol It was hard picking just one photo for certain topics! Now all I need to do is print this out and post it on my wall!
  21. Hi Family!! I had a few questions about the video Dropping the Roles you Play (I highlighted the questions in bold lettering). Maybe you can help me! Thanks! ***Copying and pasting my comment from the video section. I figured Leo is probably super busy with updating the server and being plagued with emails and comments to answer at the moment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh shit Leo!!! You caught me! Lol Wow, just wow this really hit deep in my heart and my subconscious mind. This definitely is a button pusher and brings your insecurities right to the surface to be faced head on! I definitely have more than three roles that I play on a regular basis. And I absolutely loved the worksheet. I felt like I was being seriously psycho-analyzed. You had some serious questions that just made my jaw hit the floor!!! Especially the one about how these roles play out deep psychological needs and limiting your growth in consciousness. I do have a few questions though. I’m not sure if it’s better to ask here or in the forum. Just let me know and I can repost there if you want. 1.) Where does this tie into my life purpose? A purpose usually entails some type of role you play to help society, mankind, the world. Is a life purpose considered an authentic personality and value? 2.) Are all roles detrimental? I’m a healer and although it ties into my life purpose it also is helping me to go after the Ultimate Life Purpose, Enlightenment. 3.) What if the role is a passion? What if the role made you a better person than you were before? I could drop the role as a healer and just think of things as just actions, or just being. I know the roles aren’t everything because I’m an infinite being. The roles are ever changing as a part of growth and obtaining enlightenment. I will tell you I felt a huge release when I dropped the roles while doing deep reflection. I just felt this huge emotional release. I felt freedom! I felt liberated! Thanks again for all the work you do! This video was short and sweet!
  22. @Nahm @Azrael @Deep @Empty @aclokay Thank you so much for your insight! This has really helped ALOT!!!
  23. @Nahm After some reflection, it looks like I'm having a mixture of both definitions of Healer. This gives me something to work on. I can drop the role and focus on the healing that my clients create for themselves....because initially it's there choice for healing... they make the choice that they want to get better, and they took initiative. I definitely without a doubt have experienced Truth and without Truth with my healing passion. I was struggling for a long time with getting my healing business off the ground, and I had a lot of frustration and anger. I judged and over criticized myself for not being farther along, and more personally developed. However when I shifted my focus to "SERVING" other in showing love for other people, genuinely caring about others well being, I knew it didn't matter how long it took to reach my life purpose of being a Healer. And that's because I can be serving other people on a day to day business just doing every day life. I work a part time job as a cashier/customer service right now....and it really bothered me initially. But I gotta tell you, I've learned so much from this job and SERVING other people, that I have no quarrels with it. It's gotten to the point where I've really mastered the art for caring for other people and their genuine well being. It just feels so liberating to give and to love. I let go, and I just let everything be as it is. I've learned that my MISTAKES have caused me serious growth spurts. I also learned from this job that I also enjoy working with floral design. I've kinda put my art on the back burner for a long time and I realized it's important that I "BALANCE" myself. If you don't love yourself and go after what you can't truly love other people and give back to others. The Truth involves taking care of yourself.
  24. @Principium Nexus - Cool! I added you to my prayer journal! Thanks!
  25. @Principium Nexus To answer your question ....YES! Book - Reiki, The Healing Touch, The First and Second Degree Manual By William Lee Rand pg 3- Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It was discovered by Mikao Usui in March 1922. Reiki is administered by "laying on hands" and techniques such as this have been practiced for thousands of years. Q. What can be treated with Reiki? A. Reiki has had a positive affect on all forms of illness and negative conditions. This includes minor things like head or stomach aches, bee stings, colds, flu, tension and anxiety as well as serious illness like heart disease, cancer, leukemia, etc. The side effects of regular medical treatments have also been reduced or eliminated. This includes the negative effects of chemotherapy, post operative pain and depression as well as improving the healing rate and reducing the time needed to stay in the hospital. Reiki always helps and in some cases people have experienced complete healings which have been confirmed by medical tests before and after the Reiki treatments. However, while some have experienced miracles, they cannot be guaranteed. Stress reduction with some improvement in ones physical and psychological condition are what most experience.