Peace and Love

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Everything posted by Peace and Love

  1. Hi Leo, I would really love to hear your take on the Law of Attraction from Kevin Trudeau's point of view. He has a cd set called "Your Wish Is Your Command". I've been watching his videos for the last 4 months and I was actually able to manifest a very successful romantic relationship using his techniques in conjunction with my vision board and using Reiki spiritual energy. I haven't been open about it on the forum since I wasn't sure if other forum members were ready to listen or understand it. Although I would love to manifest that into reality for others to enjoy because everyone deserves to be a success. I figured you would want to open that door of opportunity for others to be "creators" and manifest their reality especially since it can be used to manifest enlightenment, and self actualization. And it also falls within the the lines of "living the life of a sage". (To sum up in a few sentences what has happened) I recently got in contact with a man who I've known for over 3 years and he literally drove across the country (over 2000 miles) in his RV to meet me and we have been inseparable ever since!! I put him on my vision board and three weeks later using the techniques in Kevin Trudeau's videos with my Reiki energy I manifested him. No joke.... We are in love and we are also starting a hypnosis and reiki business together as he also is a hypnotist and reiki master himself. The synchronizations were off the charts with signals telling me to go for it. Good questions to bring up in a video are: Awareness- How your emotions effect your day to day life and what you create? How does the law of attraction work? (Talk about the actual vibrations/frequencies of the brain that are projected into the universe every time we produce an emotion or thought. And how some of the biggest scientists and physicists of our time have proven and talked about the law of attraction working. Explain why people attract negative things and situations in their life....that it's not the actual situation that they may have manifested but the emotional output that they had put out earlier that attracted the situation that they are currently in. For example: Worried about money attracts more lack of money....or more bills. etc. A car accident may have made that person really angry and frustrated...but earlier in the day or at some point they literally created the same exact emotional frequency (feeling ) anger and frustration in something else they were thinking about. You can also talk about how mysticism....or blaming other people for your situations....the economy, your parents, a cop an excuse..that you need to take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for everything that you do and to really make the law of attraction work. Explain the creation process- How the stronger the desire you have creates a stronger frequency, and how your doubt blocks you from having what you want and that is why people never manifest what they really want. They don't trust or believe enough so they block their own frequencies time and time again. Have a great weekend!
  2. I really want to do something nice for I've been helped so much by Leo and people on this forum that I want to give back. For the last few months I've been sending Reiki energy to Leo and his website, but I want to broaden that and help others, so I will be adding people from this forum and his fans to my prayer list as well. (Reiki can also be done from long distances. You don't have to be physically present to experience Reiki) This is apart of my life purpose: To work with Reiki and Hypnosis to help others progress on their life journey and to find their own life purpose. I feel so good and fulfilled to see others progress on their life journey..whether that be finding enlightenment, happiness, losing weight, quitting smoking, etc. I feel this warm fuzzy feeling in my heart chakra. A feeling of LOVE and compassion for other a sage would feel. If we are all ONE, why would would I not want to give back? We all benefit, and we all grow together infinitely. If you are a Reiki Practioner or Master that would like to join me that is great! If you are someone that would like to grow or heal in a certain way, or would like me to pray for them or send Reiki to them, please let me know, and I will add you to my prayer/Reiki List. Thanks! Much Love and Light, Peace and Love
  3. @BeginnerActualizer The energy is intellectually and spiritually guided and it knows who you are. I'm sure it knows you just off your screen name. You can always message me if you feel comfortable.
  4. @Annetta - lol you are too cute. It's funny because I asked Leo to delete this account, but I think he knew intuitively not to. I'm going through a massive spiritual transition right now. I know my life is about to change very dramatically. I've also been recently attuned as a level 3 reiki master which has a tendency (and is normal) to become overly emotionally sensitive as I adjust to the energy. I've with drawn from this forum and from people in general to do a lot of reflection, personal inquiry as well as studying. I'm very excited about my future and what is in store from me. I'm currently learning how to use the law of attraction to manifest my desires into reality. Most people think it's totally bogus, but I recently met someone that has been teaching me how to use it the right way to get the results that I want. I'm very happy with the changes I've made so far using the law of attraction in conjunction with my reiki healing to manifest my dreams so far. @egoeimai @BeginnerActualizer
  5. HI Family! I was wondering what you guys and gals are doing for an exercise routine that has worked for you! Share your tips and ideas and experiences here! It's so important that we take care of our health and our bodies! This is a part of personal development that sometimes we have a tendency to ignore. Life is about BALANCE. Taking care of your body is a form of self love.....if you love yourself, it's a a lot easier to give back (including your life purpose) and love other people. If we're not healthy, how can we fully and completely focus on self actualizing and enlightenment?
  6. Hi family, I figured since we had a post like this for men, I think we should have one for women as well. I just recently did a ton of studying on dating and what makes a woman (and her femininity) attractive to a man. Maybe you have some great info and details to share as well! I want to hear it! I'm most particularly interested in sharing information beyond the physical aspect. I think women have enough issues with self esteem and body image already. I'm pulling this information from one of my favorite dating gurus, Brandon Martin, from I like his perspective in the products he's created for women because it's from a higher consciousness perspective. He talks about using meditation as a daily practice, balancing the chakras, enlightenment, letting go of the ego, etc. He talks about what makes a man attractive to a woman and it's most specifically her femininity. And he goes in depth about masculinity and femininity and how we are polarized opposites and balance each other out. Most women think that physical beauty is what makes a man attractive to them, but that is not completely true and inaccurate. is only one part of femininity. Beauty is attractive because it is feminine. Femininity is the follower, is creative, playful, water like, lighthearted. Men like a relaxed woman that is non-judgemental. He says that the most attractive woman to a man is 80% feminine and 20% masculine. (This is very different from our enlightened souls wanting to be 50/50...relationships are different and are polarized) That is the perfect balance. Just like how Leo talks about in his videos that men need to explore their feminine side, so do women and their masculine side. And just like the yin and yang symbol there is a little dot of the opposite side in there to balance themselves out. We can never be completely all feminine or all masculine because it would cause us chaos. He states that "Too much" feminine energy causes women to have no control over their emotions, becoming overly sensitive, and lose perspective and they get sucked into every little incident that arises. And for women to balance that out they need a little masculine, and specifically he talks about integrity. ...keeping the games, drama, manipulation and lies out of the picture. ...being honest and upfront. And I found this to be really interesting. ... Brandon talks about how women are worried about the future , and men are masters at planning the future. While men are worried about NOW and the present moment. Women...and femininity is very much in the NOW. They each give each other what they need. Men want a women that can bring them into the present moment. .....being fun, joy, laughter, adventurous, lighthearted, vulnerability, being open, spontaneous. She also needs to have high self esteem, and is emotional balanced......and very important...non-possessive and relaxed. He emphasizes the need for women to meditate, and let go of her past, and her "childhood vows".
  7. @Leo Gura - Please delete my account. Thank you!
  8. wow...ummm...I made this post to help women feel better about relationships. I know looks is some part of the attraction, but I'm really hurt about some of the responses I've received here the last week or so. The jokes are funny, but deep down they really hurt and I deserve better than to be treated this way. I love myself too much to put up with this especially when I've given so much back. And if anyone should know about this it would be me. Considering I'm an ex-adult entertainer and seen first hand how good looks can also lead you to being treated like total garbage and a sex object. Looks are only the advertisement and outside package and they fade with age. The emotions...working on the inside...what Leo promotes here...working on your spirit is what makes you beautiful....and that beauty within is cultivated and seen in outer appearances. Whatever happened to unconditional love? I thought many of you were about dropping the ego, and seeking enlightenment? Looking past all of this? I do not see that here. And I don't want to be apart of this negativity anymore. I'm deleting my account immediately. "You were born in the perfect body for your mission (aka life purpose)" - Pauline Victoria,
  9. If you want to read a book that gives you a really good idea of what really matters in a relationship read this....
  10. @pluto I have a shungite necklace that I wear and I've noticed a huge difference in how I feel when working on the computer. You can buy shungite plates to put on your cell phones to protect against electromagnetic frequencies. I so completely agree with you on this. I can't wait until this becomes common knowledge...I feel like I have to tiptoe around talking about this....or keep my mouth shut when talking about these types of things at all.... Everything is made of the same frequencies.... stones have it too...just like we are made of the same energy. If you study reiki...this energy is considered spiritual consciousness. This energy is every where and in everything. There are a ton of reiki practitioners that use stones for healing properties. But stones are interesting....not all specific stones are for everyone... to some degree and as crazy as this sounds.... the stones pick you... and they also need to be charged with energy too, and can be drained or depleted, just like a person or an animal can become depleted. I thought stones and healing jewelry were totally bogus and foo foo la la, placebo effect, until I got attuned to Reiki and started feeling the energy from them. A lot of people are just not attuned to the energy as of right now, but they can be. I had a sodalite necklace that I wore for an entire year that helped me with coping with people and anxiety. Now I specifically wear a lapis lazuli and I've had Clair-cognizance effects and heightened consciousness from wearing it. When I was in the hospital dealing with my dad dying from cancer, I used a lot of crystals for healing and balancing. The night before my dad passed away, I slept over in the hospital with my mom. While I was there I put on chakra healing music and placed crystals all over my body. Just seeing my dad so deathly ill was so toxic, and draining. But the crystals made such a huge difference, I felt rejuvenated and alive. I recently received a rose quartz with dalmatian jasper bracelet as a gift, and it's one of the few bracelets I can wear. My body lets me know if it's ok for me to wear it or not...most stone bracelets bother me and it actually hurts for me to wear them. This one does not. And if you get into crystal grids...which is my goal to learn at some point....those are awesome.
  11. @clytaemnestra I'm sure the 80% is probably a rough estimate. And is being used in example to the yin and yang symbol. I'm not saying everything is in all black and white here and that all women and men are like this because that isn't true. I'm referring to feminine and masculine energy. The Yin and Yang. Feminine energy in general is very much in the present moment. It consists of laughter, fun, humor, being spontaneous, adventurous....these are present moment qualities. Masculine is logic, structured, thinking, and planning, integrity.......these are future qualities. Feminine and masculine are POLAR opposites. No person is completely feminine or completely masculine. But I'm saying that the women out there that are too much in the present moment (obviously this is not all women)....and don't plan their life out....have a life purpose...learn to have emotional control (which is a masculine quality) are going to have issues. And the men (not all men) that are very goal oriented, and continuously planning, focusing on the future....but aren't in the present moment (a feminine quality) aren't really going to be enjoying life either. I'm saying that relationships that are based on polarity can be successful and loving relationships. The natural good qualities that each sex possesses (when they are their best selves) can enhance and bring harmony to the relationship. I'm saying that women that panic....that's not healthy or natural for them, they are out of balance....and men don't want that or are they attracted to that....they want a woman that is light-hearted and relaxed.... a balanced woman.... Relaxation, calmness, meditation....that's masculine. When a woman has those qualities that balance their feminine energy it gives them emotional control....and that is extremely attractive. Men don't want the drama, or the manipulation, or wild swinging emotions....but the balance in a healthy emotional woman...will not be like that. We don't need anyone to be happy. We all can be very happy on our own. All successful loving relationships start from a place of self love. can have a relationship without self love....but is it going to last long? Are you going to be happy?
  12. I made it a point to take the physical attributes out because there is a HUGE body image issue with women going on caused by society and the media. Men are lucky because they don't have to face nearly as much criticism as women do. And it's very nasty and very ugly. It has caused women a great deal of harm and disservice. It makes them feel that their only value is their BODY. Which is absolutely not true. And I made it point in the other post about men...that it's not all about physical when it comes to attraction and it's true...and that is what I'm stating here. In relationships there is balance....physical, mental and spiritual.
  13. @username - The logic is if the girl is hot.....and she's a total B*tch the guy isn't going to stay with her....maybe for a piece of ass...but he's not going to put up with her emotional imbalances in the long run. Of course I'm not saying that if you're some amazing dancer or singer the guy is going to fall head over heals for you...but men like it and are attracted to it...and it's feminine. If the girl is hot...and she does sing and dance, it can enhance the attraction. But think about this.......not only is the girl going to get old....the guy is going to get old too....his anaconda isn't going to work anymore at some's going to be limp...there will be a point when the Viagra isn't going to work anymore...there has to be more to this. And there are women out there that still love their man whether it works or not....And there are men that still love their significant other no different while they're bald and dying of cancer, or got hit by a car, or they are a run way model....they love from the heart....unconditionally...they transcend the ego. Nothing in life is ever completely black or white. I've seen couples that are madly in love with each other that are so consciously developed that they transcend this stuff. The physical attraction can be there...but there is so much more.
  14. @Whywolf I completely agree! You're friend is a great example of what the author likes to call "Heart Consciousness." Women are emotional beings, and men are more logic and straight forward. We are attracted to each other because we have something the other lacks, and it balances us out. Men are attracted to that love (feminine). And Women are attracted to meditation (masculine). Men like how women live from their heart.
  15. @username - By no means am I completely discarding physical beauty. I know that is a huge part of it. The physical beauty in a woman is a significant factor of what brings a man into the present moment and attracts him......but it's certainly not going to be the only thing that is sustaining the relationship for the long term. In all relationships...the excitement and newness will fade away...there will always be a prettier and more attractive woman....but why does the man really stay?? The feminine aspects.....There is more to this....And when a woman grows older she loses her beauty....but there are men that are still madly in love with the same women after years and years of commitment of growing old and being together. The book talks about how there are men that are with women that aren't really that attractive....but they stay, and are happy and madly in love.....because she gives him emotional balance, and femininity. And the book does most certainly talk about taking care of the body, and dressing nice, but the emphasis is on being feminine and having that emotional control. The emotional control is a lot of the time what causes a lot of these breakups. Drama that doesn't need to be there. Oh I forgot to mention...the books says this love dancing and singing...the essence of being feminine.'s like literal crack to them! lol.
  16. @spicy_pickles For right now I'm just adding people to my reiki prayer journal. But if you want to get into alternative energy healing I would find a Reiki Master/Practitioner in your area to train you. What is it that you would like to know?
  17. @Leo Gura You have a great point here. We have a tendency to become a little over focused and become isolated. I have a question though, and this may be a little off topic or too personal, so I apologize... but it may be a great discussion at a later time or in a video, about trust and commitment in relationships and being more open when it comes to sexuality. The intention of my question is not for argument and bantering, but I'm really trying to gain a better understanding and to obtain spiritual growth and awareness. Being an ex-adult entertainer I can relate to this. ... I'm guessing since you are in relationship, the girl that you are currently dating is probably in adult entertainment herself. Most women would not be comfortable with someone they're dating going to a strip club and being and talking with other women. I think we allow society too much control over what we believe is normal for relationships. We can get overly possessive and jealous. And then there is information out there and even in your book list that talks about it not being natural for us to be in a long term relationship. But I'm also finding information that shows that with the right person you can have a spiritual partnership... a relationship of service, where you can enhance each other, promoting spiritual growth in each other. What do think is the ideal relationship? Do you think for a relationship to work, that people should be more sexually open?
  18. @Evilwave Heddy You are more than welcome. Most people do doubt the energy, and I honestly can't blame you for feeling that way, because believe me I thought the stuff was FAKE and a scam. lol. Please, don't take my word for it, that's the whole point of this website and forum. To study, research, and find your own answers and gain your own TRUTHS. And who knows, maybe Reiki isn't the answer for you....or maybe it is....only you know that answer. Find your sacred TRUTH. I just want to provide information to people so they can enhance what they have. For me this is my sacred truth, and my life purpose. LOL.....Just as there is Positive energy in the world, there is equal Negative shit on the opposite spectrum. Everything has a balance. I think a lot of this information is repressed for a reason, as you know a lot of this knowledge is thousands of years old deriving from Japan, China, and India. Yes Energy healing has been going on for thousands of years. I'm glad the negative stuff is harder to don't need any more Darth Vaders in this world. To be honest with you ....there are a lot of things on this forum in different topics that I've wanted to talk about, but I've never responded to or spoke up about. Sometimes I felt it was best to keep silent. There was even a post in this forum that I followed for over 4 months before I responded with anything. Other times I knew the answers, but I rather not start drama in the forum. I've worked too hard to eliminate negativity in my life to have it come back flooding in. My focus is to be the best that I can be, and radiate Love in my being. My goal is to eventually leave at some point, or at least pull away as much as I can and only be here as needed.... however, I will still continue to do Reiki for people on this forum so that it isn't an issue. I think sometimes being on the forum can be distracting and take me away from my focus of working on my life purpose. And honestly I feel out of place here, and I don't think people can relate to me and my personal and spiritual experiences. I need to find like minded people. And I'm sure you can understand that.
  19. @Haleymac The more you practice the better you will become. Also remember you can't force the energy, and it's not you that is doing the's spiritual consciousness. The more calm you are the better it will flow through you as a conduit. For right now you may have to use the symbols to activate the energy, but eventually you will get to the point in your development and learning that you will no longer need the symbols at all. I'm pretty much at that point now. Find friends and family that are willing to let you practice. And practice on yourself! I also love to use reiki during my meditation practices. I have a list of things and people written down (my prayer journal) and send Reiki to the things that I want to focus on. There is also a cd I think you should buy that will help you on your journey that you can purchase here: It's a tutorial DVD that shows you Reiki hand placements and how to focus your energy. But my favorite part of the cd is the free distance energy healing video William Lee Rand gives at the end. I used it for my own healing purposes, and while meditating on my prayer journal lol to strengthen the energy already being sent and for my dad when he was in the hospital dying of Cancer. Here is another website you can look that has great resources. I love this website. The information and free stuff and books on this website is amazing. I love the energy of the people that run and facilitate this page.
  20. @I_Like_Thing - I'm actually glad you brought this up. I "used to be" crushing hard on Leo. I mean seriously what girl who is hard core into personal development and becoming a sage, and into enlightenment would not want someone like him??? I'm sure there are a few out there silently that have felt the same. But I will tell you this....the best thing that ever happened was Leo coming out and telling everyone that he had a girl friend in his previous video. It completely destroyed the crush (which can be an addiction for some) that I had, and probably for most of the women that did on here. It put me in a reality check and allows me my freedom so I can go after someone that deserves my love and respect. But when it comes to being SEXY...there isn't one simple path, or journey all men should take. It's about being your best self and finding your own answers....following your own sacred TRUTH. We all ask the same questions, but we seek answers in many different ways.
  21. @Annie I completely 100% agree with you. If i need me I'll use them...but I'm going to do my best to take care of my body in any way I can and use them as a last resort. I would give you a thumbs up, but I'm sure you know that you're only allowed to give 30 a day! Why does there have to be a limit to reputation points?? I can't believe I've used mine all up already!!! lol
  22. @Evilwave Heddy I get what you are saying here and it makes complete sense, because our bodies are self healing. When we feed our bodies and give ourselves the right things our bodies will heal by themselves usually. The examples I was giving about reiki were pretty immediate. Like I put my hands over your chakras and your aura in person and you can feel it in a matter of seconds. The energy can work differently on different people and it really does depend on where you are in your consciousness journey. It makes a lot more sense when you study reiki. Like I've been saying in my posts.....I'm not the one doing the healing....I'm just a conduit. I'm actually both a hypnotherapist and a reiki master and they are both two very different things. Although I personally choose to mix the both of them together with my clients because I love the results they receive. Reiki is actually the laying of hands and is actual energy healing. There are no words involved. There is no coaching, there is no talking about etc. People use reiki to promote relaxation and stress relief, but it can be used for other things but it is not well known and not often talked about. You're pretty much laying on a massage table and someone is healing your aura and your chakras. Hypnosis is different because you're talking about the changes you want to make- physical, mental, and spiritual. Any habit, behavior or belief, it can be very similar to life coaching, and a lot of people mix the two. It is often used for quit smoking, losing weight, getting rid of phobias, etc. In hypnosis you are usually sitting on a couch, i use a massage table, or any comfortable position, and put into a heightened state of awareness where you are able to reprogram the subconsciousness mind to facilitate new habits, behaviors or beliefs. Our subconscious mind makes up 90% of our brain and controls our behaviors, habits and beliefs. Thus we are what we believe ourselves to be. If you change what you believe about yourself you change the way you are. Great observation!! Reiki isn't the same thing as hypnosis.....however it can have the same benefits of hypnosis...and hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness...and when doing reiki you can be in a heightened state of awareness. I hope this is making sense. (which I've had happen to me on multiple occasions by just doing reiki by itself.) Hypnosis is pretty natural, we go in and out of hypnosis all the time on a daily basis. Like when we are driving and we miss our exit because we were thinking about something else. Or when we are playing video games or watching a movie and someone talks to us and we don't even realize they are there for those few moments because we are in a heightened state of awareness. So when you are receiving reiki or pretty much anything you are doing you can go into hypnosis...a heightened state of awareness. Because Reiki is spiritual can work on a subconscious level. Because I'm not technically doing the healing itself I don't know exactly where it's going to go. You can facilitate healing in certain areas, and I can certainly feel them and where it's needed, but the spiritual consciousness is going to solely determine what is healed and what is right for you at the time. **Can you add me to the list too? Can you make something bad happen to me? Like break my leg or something? Yes you can be added to the list. And no I'm not Darth Vader and I'm not going to send the force to kick your ass! lol No I don't have any abilities to hurt anyone and I have absolutely no desire to. All the symbols I've been taught and attuned to are used to promote healing. Spiritual Consciousness wants to give you love and healing and help you on your journey to enlightenment. Does dark energy exist? Most likely so. Is reiki involved in that? absolutely not. You can change your thoughts and your affirmations in your mind by yourself and it's very powerful for healing. But Reiki can also facilitate that. Can meditation by itself help you change your thoughts and come up with new patterns of thinking? Yes. Can Reiki help facilitate new thought patterns while meditating and speed up the process? Yes.
  23. @Annie I've noticed that with many things besides Reiki....even with healthy eating. There is big profit in keeping people sick, and I've worked very hard to pull myself out of that loop hole. Think of all the doctors that get paid incentives for giving out prescription drugs. When I was living in Cocoa Beach, Florida. They caught this doctor who was selling oxycodine and other stuff (I think that's what it was, if I have to I'll find the article) to kids illegally and they were mixing it with alcohol and getting high. He made 4 million dollars doing that. Doctors are not unfortunately taught how to deal with diet and nutrition...they are taught to treat it with pharmaceutical medications...
  24. @Steph1988 We all have the ability to use it. It's just whether or not we choose to use it. I'm not saying that in all instances that if you use reiki for an hour that all your problems are going to go away or disappear, but it definitely can facilitate and promote healing. People can heal at different levels, and we are only given what we can handle. You could specifically ask the reiki practitioner to work on specific things. I find that you gain the most benefits of reiki when you are attuned to it yourself and you study the material, because then you can use it whenever you want. The Reiki knowledge is originally from Japan, and was brought here to the United States. There are many different types of reiki, and many different types of energy healing, and how it can be applied. This is only one of many ways. ....acupressure, acupuncture, quantum healing, healing touch....tai chi....etc. When the knowledge was brought here a lot of it from what I could see through was somewhat hidden and watered down when given to the public. In my books they talk about how in WW2 a lot of these people in Japan went into hiding because they were being banned from using it. It has thus become esoteric knowledge.