Peace and Love

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Everything posted by Peace and Love

  1. copy and pasted straight from the website.... A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
  2. @quantum I do Reiki on myself all the time. I wish I did more on myself. I'm so focused on other people, that I forget to take time for myself! Reiki energy specifically, you have to be attuned to it. You have to go to a Reiki master, take the class and get attuned. You don't have to become a Reiki Master to use Reiki. You can just get the level one training and it will be enough. It works pretty much automatically. Even though Reiki itself is relatively new, the energy has been used in the Far East, China, Japan, and India, for thousands of years. Some people are born with it or receive it through other means but I'm not completely familiar with how that is done. I'm hoping Leo will talk about it in some of his videos soon. I've seen him on the forum post a few books about activating Chi energy from other means, but I don't remember the titles or which forum post that it was, other wise I would list them here. There are different types of energy healing out there. Acupuncture/acupressure are forms of energy healing. Healing Touch is a form of energy healing that's used in Hospitals by Nurses. Kundalini yoga works with healing the chakras. There was this guy I dated over the summer that was very spiritual and he seemed to have some of the energy healing in himself. We used to go to the park and meditate together and send each other energy. He was very sensitive to my Reiki energy, and he gained a lot of quick healing immediately. Reiki energy by passes time and space. At each Reiki level you are introduced to new symbols that you are attuned to. You can look at the symbols but they won't work or do anything for you unless you are attuned to them. One of them is the Reiki distance symbol, which allows you to heal things from your past, and things you want to work on in your future. If you believe in past lives, we are infinite.... you can send energy to those areas too. There is another symbol that works with emotions. There is supposedly one that I found that works on enlightenment, but you have to take a ton of classes to get to that point. You can also write things down in a journal like a I do and I send energy to the journal and the Reiki knows who it is for. And this sounds really weird but I can actually imagine a person or I can use a stuffed animal and put my mental intention into it saying that I want it to represent a certain person, and I can feel which chakras are out of alignment. It sounds bogus but it really works. I was thinking about this new guy my mom is dating and this guy's son is autistic. So I decided to feel his chakras and see what was out of alignment. I didn't tell anyone what I was doing. I noticed that his throat chakra was definitely out of alignment as my hands were feeling the energy sending it to that area. I talked to my mom about this guy's son and she was telling me that he had trouble communicating his feelings and he can get mentally stuck and focused on certain things. It freaked me out because your throat chakra.... is your chakra of communication. lol. I've had my moments where I've doubted this stuff me it's been a lot to deal with. And then something will happen where my findings were true, and I was freaked out by it! l And even talking about Reiki...I'm surprised I've been so open. lol I could write a book on the stuff that has happened to me. A lot of the time I don't even draw the symbols any more, It just activates by itself and I send energy to my clients when I'm using hypnosis. They usually say you need to draw the symbols on your hands or say them and imagine you are drawing them with your eyes over each chakra you are using, but I don't need to do that anymore. I have noticed that my reiki energy has improved over time. I know there is a huge correlation between working on yourself and this energy and a connection with the spirit world, (if you are into that.).... especially your subconscious mind, your ego, enlightenment etc. I noticed the energy became stronger with my dietary changes as well.
  3. @STC The guy that I dated for a month....I could write a book on him. I was really devastated that things didn't work out. I'll PM if you want. I respect him too much to write what happened here. I wanted to make things work with him, but he kept messing up really really bad. I gave him three chances to prove himself and I communicated clearly with him, but he just was not ready to be in a committed relationship of any kind. He had access baggage from another relationship that he had not dealt with that he was bringing into ours. The sex made it a lot worse, because it made me very attached to him. That's why Leo says to have so much caution when having sex with women that you are interested in dating and pursuing a relationship with..... it's one thing to just go out and do it fun.....but it's another thing if your intentions are to build something special. After I broke up with this guy I was dating, he kept texting me every few weeks to check in with me, but he finally stopped in October/November. I just refused to respond. I deserve more respect than how he was treating me. I get what you are saying though. Men are indeed very physical, and they need that to feel love. Women need more of the emotional aspect so they can be physical with a man. The likelihood of following Leo's advice again about sex early on will be very unlikely......My guard is up and I'm not taking it down for anyone........unless he can miraculously meet my emotional needs, (which a lot of men are not familiar with unless reading alot of the books on Leo's list or heavily involved in the good aspects of PUA.) But to be honest with you that guy I met...the stuff that happened to's hard to explain without writing was really a freak accident. My hypnosis reiki gifts saved my ass from another messed up relationship! lol
  4. Hi Family! What is your New Years Resolution? And what are you doing right NOW to make that happen? How are you going to create SUCCESS? Sometimes the best resolutions are based off your childhood vows....
  5. @STC I'm not talking as red flags from a point of being paranoid because everyone has their faults. We have to take the good and bad with everyone. I'm talking more on the line of what Leo states in his videos. But if you see signs of potential abuse or something seriouously have to take action. The reasons I let the guys go, were for very very good reasons. The guy I met at the birthday party....he got very very drunk....and told me why he really wanted to get married because his dad was going to pay off his school loans and entire debt if he had kids!! Daddy wanted grandkids. The guy wasn't looking for love...he was looking to pay off his bills and the guy was previously divorced and zero kids form the first marriage.
  6. Even if you don't agree with what I'm doing or understand that's perfectly fine. I'm not interested in nor trying to convert anyone to what I've seen, experienced or believed. My intentions are to help you progress on your life journey...even if it's completely the opposite of what I believe. That is my life give growth to others. I wouldn't want to take or steer anyone off course of what they are doing now, even if you are atheist. You have to find your own answers....your own sacred TRUTH. ...... If it is 5MEO use 5MEO.....if it's is Reiki use Reiki....if it is meditation use meditation...if it yoga use yoga etc.....stick to your intuition and your gut and you will never be steered wrong. We all seek the same TRUTH but find answers in many different ways.
  7. @quantum I will add you to my prayer journal. Reiki is spiritually guided energy so I'm not exactly sure how it's going to effect you. You may find that your acne will clear up for no reason...or you may find new ways or answers to fixing the acne problem that you didn't know before. And the same with making bold life changes. I'm not actually doing the healing, I'm just a conduit. And remember that same healing energy is in your body too, giving you consciousness. We all have the ability to use it...we just need to activate it. When I had reiki energy work done on me for the very first time I didn't feel anything physically and everything happened to me on a subconscious level. And that is completely normal. As I mentioned to @Acharya above I had a crying jag and started purging these negative emotions out of my body...that is normal. Your stomach, your solar plexus is where you hold your emotions...just like how you get butterflies in your stomach when you're nervous or you have a crush on someone. Even if we don't tell the reiki where to go on us, it will find what is most important and work on it. I had this really strange miraculous thing happen to me with reiki. I was sexually abused from my last long term relationship from 9 years ago, and I had some phobias that I had NEVER told any hypnotherapist or counselor about. I was too embarrassed and uncomfortable to tell them what happened. I don't know how or why...but it's gone after a few reiki sessions! It isn't there anymore, that's all I can say. When we die.....our bodies and ego are gone...but that consciousness energy lives on..... energy can not be created or is infinite. We are infinite beings. God is infinite. When my dad passed away in October of 2016 I had the opportunity to be by his bedside the last moments he was alive. I literally felt his energy leaving his body. I gave him reiki when he was dyeing. It is an experience I will never forget. My dad was on an oxygen mask and that was the only thing that was keeping him alive. Like many people that are near the end of their life, they sometimes choose to die and take off that oxygen mask. It is very common from what I've been told in the medical field. When I was doing reiki on my dad the last ten minutes he was alive, I could feel half way through that the physical pain from the cancer was completely gone, yet he was still breathing and dying. If you believe in astro-planning, he was probably hovering over his body at his point, which some people say does happen. I couldn't tell you for sure because I've never had a really good asto-planning experience, but I can tell for sure without a doubt my dad was definitely NOT in pain. I can literally feel the difference in my body when I send a person energy that is alive and someone that is dead. When the person is dead, it actually hurts my's like the consciousness wants me to stop sending it. I feel physical heat when I use reiki. The heat tells me where the pain is in their body. I can feel the energy leaving my hands and when the Reiki is flowing through my body. It has a very similar feeling to your hands being asleep but it's not inside your's like it's on the outer skin of my finger tips and palms. It has like an electrical feeling to it. I started experiencing these sensations once I was attuned to the reiki energy. Like I stated're talking to someone that used to be an atheist.....I was completely floored with everything that I was experiencing spiritually with the changed my life forever, that's all I can say.
  8. @Acharya I'm going to copy and paste my comment I left to Leo on his video "using 5-MeO-DMT". It gives a great explanation of what Reiki is. I brought it up because Martin was talking about energy and consciousness work while using 5-MEO. It just seemed synonymous to what I was doing with my Reiki stuff. The information I'm providing below mostly comes straight out of my Reiki Text books. Reiki is first off non-demonational or religious. Rei means spiritually guided and ki means energy, the vital life force or the universal life energy. Reiki is guided by spiritual consciousness. This is a non physical energy that animates all living things. And to some it would be interpreted as the Holy Spirit or God living within us. Reiki is a form of energy healing. Reiki guides itself with its own wisdom, rather than requiring the direction of the practitioner. Purging energy from your stomach as what Martin describes about 5-meo-HDTV reminds me of clearing the energy from your solar plexus chakra, which is where you hold all of your emotions. Ki, also known as prana, chi, ti, biofield energy, etc. is thought to be the underlying energy of everything that exists. Ki is influenced by the mind. If you have positive healthy thoughts, your Ki becomes stronger. If you have unhealthy, negative thoughts, your Ki is weakened or becomes unhealthy. It’s so interesting because I’m sure you’ve noticed that our physical health does have a connection to our emotions. Like when we are depressed or aka have negative energy we are sluggish and it can weaken our immune systems while being positive we have a tendency to have more physical energy and get things done. Life becomes so wonderful when we no longer allow ourselves to be governed by our emotions. It’s so nice to have that emotional control and awareness like you are mentioning in your video interview.
  9. @STC That is most certainly true. And I completely agree. Over last summer (2016) the guy on facebook invited me to his birthday bash he was having at a bar with his friends. That's how we went on our first date. He tried to entice me to go by bringing vegan tiramisu for his birthday Which was both of our favorites. When I came to his party, he was the pursuer.....he met me out in the parking lot, introduced me to all his friends, bought me a drink. He was definitely very dominant, very take charge. I got along very well with his friends, which were a healthy mix of both men and women, and we chatted up a storm. I knew he had a serious crush on me because of the way his friends knew so much about me before hand. He didn't have to say words, it was by his actions, his body language, and I really liked that. I had a really great time. All the guys I met on in person were the ones that initiated the date. They asked me to meet them somewhere. And they picked the place! I like when they make the choice on where to go. I like being the submissive and the follower. I don't like being dominant, it doesn't feel natural to me, like it does to a man. In fact too much of it doesn't make me feel good. That's what so interesting about masculinity and femininity....yin and yang...they are both opposites but they compliment each other. They also balance each other out. The guy I ended up dating for a month, he actually lived two hours away from me but we had so much in common and such a strong connection we knew we had to meet up and give it a shot. He found a mutual middle point on where we could both meet. We ate at this nice restaurant and went bowling and played some old vintage Nintendo games. He never tried to touch me inappropriately or anything, but omg.....the chemistry was off the charts! lol I'm a little different than most girls are....I actually refuse to go on movie dates when I first meet a man because I know their intention is to get physical. I'm very analytical on my first dates because I want to see if this is anyone I really want to pursue a relationship with. Sometimes I won't even kiss the guy at all on the first date. I take things slow. I want to see how much self control a man has. I want to see if he is going to respect me. I look for red flags. I have an edge most girls don't have because I have that hypnosis/life coaching background so I catch on things rather quickly, but I know how to talk to man to make him feel comfortable enough to open up to me and tell me just about anything. I have that non judgemental easy going attitude. But this guy.....I couldn't hold myself back. In fact we had so much chemistry we had sex on the third date. It would have been on the second date if it weren't for the fact we had a place to go. lol I was very skeptical about having sex so early in a relationship but because I had seen some of the stuff Leo was showing on I went along with it. It felt right. I find that the sex can be distracting when getting to know someone. You overlook the red flags because everything feels so good and blissful. With a woman oxytocin comes into's a bonding's what keeps men and women together for long periods of time, especially when having kids. It makes women very emotionally tied to the man. When I broke it off with this guy...I cried for two days straight. So this is not something I would want to do with just anyone. I can tell you though that when my parents met mom waited a she knew what she wanted, and my dad fit the bill and checklist of things she was looking for, so that was it! lol Humor is also a great ice breaker.....I refuse to date a guy that doesn't have a good sense of humor. I need a little weird in my life! lol Humor is great for PUA stuff too.
  10. @Acharya HI Archarya, I completely understand where you are coming from because before I got involved with Reiki, I thought it was total BOGUS. I actually fell into the Reiki stuff by accident, while I was taking my Master Hypnotist Course last year. I was Atheist at the time so I was very anti-religious and didn't believe in any of that stuff. I met a really nice student in my class who was giving free reiki healing sessions after class. I saw her work on one of my instructors. My instructor, an elderly woman, was walking with a cane and had been really struggling. She couldn't stand for long periods of time, and she was definitely limping. I watched my instructor receive a reiki treatment from this student. She just simply placed her hand like 6 inches over her leg and held it there for like 5 minutes while talking to her. Then she got up and started walking and she was very happy. She wasn't walking without the cane but it was definitely a noticeable difference. So I was like...hey I want to try this....what would it do to me? I don't have any physical problems. So she had me sit down and she started doing reiki in different spots from head to toe, and stopped at my stomach area. She was talking to me back and forth for like 10 minutes, and I started to notice her hands pulsating, how you would see a car speaker vibrate with a really loud "base" in a song. The next thing I know....I started getting emotional. I started feeling teary eyed. I couldn't even begin to tell you where it even came from. We were talking and I started telling her about things in my personal life particularly my experiences in adult entertainment that I hadn't even told my parents. She wasn't asking me....I just started telling her!!! And I had no reason to tell her any of that stuff! It just all came out! I started crying......and I started crying harder....and it got worse......I was bawling!!!! It was like I was purging something out of my body, that needed to come out. I knew it wasn't fake....and I knew I wanted to get involved with this after my experience. I knew I needed more of this healing whatever it this was. It really changed my views on life.
  11. @STC @Scarecrow Actually.... 2 out of the 3 men I approached (as in sent out the first email, or winked) on I knew what I was looking for, so I was able to use the search engine tool to find them. I let them pursue me after that. I can't make someone like me if they're not interested. Even the guy on facebook that I ended up going on a date with, I sent him a friend request and I think I might have sent an email too. I didn't chase the guy, but I gave subtle hints that I might be ...i liked a few of his pictures. But the email was like....hey I saw that you like kayaking, and I LOVE kayaking and am new to the area, where is a good place to go? I wasn't like hey you're hot.....will you go out with me?? And I wouldn't want that from a guy either, it gives off a very creepy bad vibe. I don't want a guy that's hungry. I want a guy that's real. I'll use this as an example because this really happened. TRUE STORY... My dad recently passed away not too long ago and my mom was at the grocery store last week just doing her typical food shopping and she met some guy..... the guy, his name is Mark BTW. Mark simply doing his normal shopping, every day stuff, was also looking at the same salad dressings as my mom and he asked my mother what's a good low sodium salad dressing to get because his Doctor told him he has to go on a low sodium diet. They talked for a while on various stuff. He told her that he had an autistic son, and my mom told him that he had a drama queen daughter! lol ....and eventually he asked for her number and now they're going on a date.....because they talked about SALAD DRESSING!!! The KEY is in the approach. But the pursuing thing is actually really SEXY. lol. It's apart of what makes a man a MAN. But yeah women can approach you and it can happen online. But you really have to put yourself out there. Why not go after what you want? Life is too short to live in fear. Your Shyness could be caused possibly by a "childhood vow". Have you seen Leo's video about that? Why not change it? You deserve to have abundance and success in your life even relationships. To be very honest with you, I used to be very skeptical and Anti- PUA.... but now that I understand the purpose of what PUA is and how it builds a man up and makes him more confident... I'm totally all for it. Master Mark's "Salad dressing technique"! Learn about reading body language, learn how to give good body language, eye contact, tone of voice, how to dress attractively that accentuates your physique,etc. PUA is great for building up your self confidence if done correctly. And most importantly it's fun! PUA gets it's bad rap from the media. The media has no place in my life. I turned off the TV a long time ago!
  12. @ajasatya I love this idea! You actually read my mind! lol. This morning I wrote in my prayer/reiki journal about healing the planet and the universe...plants, animals, all living creatures, people...etc. I'll email you.
  13. @ajasatya - Ok awesome! I'll add you to my prayer journal. I don't even have to know your name, I can just put in your actualized screen name and it will work. Reiki is spiritually guided energy so it will know what I'm talking about. If you want to focus on anything specific, like enlightenment, relationships or spiritual work, please let me know. I was trying an experiment at my day job the last few weeks. I work with this guy at an arts and crafts store that has terrible acne, so I put in my journal that I wanted to see him clear up his acne and I noticed a HUGE difference! It's like literally almost gone!!! lol. I've also used it on people that I work with that have anger issues, that usually have a tendency to yell me as well....they don't yell at me anymore so it's been great. Works on customers too...not many rowdy or complaining customers anymore. I've also used reiki with people during hypnosis and I see changes happen a lot quicker. If you invoke angels as well into the meditation it's even better, but I usually don't tell people about it because they would think it's wierd, or it would freak them out. I was working with a client that had a eating disorder that refused to eat any vegetables at all. Like the taste of raw vegetables or any vegetable period.....literally made him vomit....I did one hypnosis session and included the reiki and the angel healing and a week later he sent me a youtube video of him eating a raw piece of Broccoli!!! lol
  14. I've tried the online dating scene before so I am somewhat familiar with it. I've never used but I've been told by other people that it's more of getting a "piece of ass" rather than looking for a potential partner. I had a free trial for for 7 days, that I used over the summer of 2016, so I went on like 3 dates with three different men during that week and weeded out the rest. All in all I had a very good experience. I may have lucked out because a lot of men find me to be fairly attractive so I got a lot of responses rather quickly. I don't think I'm anything special, but apparently they do! lol I also looked for specific personality traits and interests so I used the search tools to refine my matches. I found one guy on that was into enlightenment work and spirituality, and even knew about Leo and had watched some of his videos! If things had worked out between us I would have definitely said "yes!" to the guy....if you know what I mean. Unfortunately the relationship didn't make it past the 1 month mark but that's ok, I'm glad I met him. If I had to I would do it all over again. The key is quality over quantity. I had 50 emails of guys and I only went out with 3 of them. And one of the 3 was the only one I was really interested in and went on a second date with and progressed the relationship. I've heard you can get better responses from because you take all of these personality tests, to help you match up with the right people. Eharmony also allows you to ask specific questions to help you find out if your matches are what you are looking for. Which is cool. If things don't always work out for you, you can also try a match making website like Right now I'm focused on building my business and pursuing self love, which is essential for any romantic relationship. But if things don't work out with the dating scene in the next few years after I've found myself, I'm seriously highly considering the matchmaking website. Basically if you've watched the show Millionaire Matchmaker you'll know what I'm talking about. Basically you go to a professional match maker and they find you potential matches based off your needs and personality. They basically do the weeding out and interviewing for you, so you don't have to worry about going out with the wrong people. It's a bit pricey though and you usually have to commit to like 3-6 months, but they usually give a high probability rate that you will meet someone. They have a huge database of people that pay a fee per year to be apart of the potential matches. I'm such a reclusive person because of all my studying and personal development work that I do. lol. It is my main priority and what I value right now. I probably will end up doing this if I decide not to advance myself socially. Now back to and dating websites ...... You can even use facebook too if you wanted! And I've done it! lol You definitely want pictures up there that look like you right now. Like a good face shot of you smiling. I've seen a lot of men on these dating sites not really think things through when they post their pictures. Obviously don't post a picture of yourself or your ex or someone that be can perceived as your significant other. I would steer clear of any pictures of you holding a drink in a bar. I've seen a lot of guys do this, and I find it personally a turn off. It could easily be perceived as a drinking problem. I would suggest a good face shot photo of you smiling as your main picture. And a few other photos of you doing something fun that you LOVE doing. If you like to fish, post a picture of you fishing. If you like to paint, take a picture of you painting. If you like to travel post a picture of yourself on a trip. These pictures show your interests and tell a lot about yourself to other people. If you have a picture of you holding your dog or cat, they will love it. If you have kids, and you want to find someone else that has kids, I would post pictures of you and your kids together. A lot of women are into that. People need to know the real you. Be your BEST SELF. But be honest. Don't be fake and generic. When I wrote my profile I showed my best self and what I was looking for and what I like to do. I didn't write a zillion pages but I wrote like 3 big paragraphs of stuff. You may want to reflect on what is is you really want, and what's not ok for you. For me an absolute NO is someone that smokes, since I'm allergic to it. I could tolerate someone that drinks on occasion but not someone that drinks socially on a regular basis. I don't drink at all, but you have to be able to compromise. It is very possible that I might be able to meet someone that I totally click with that drinks. Steer clear of writing anything NEGATIVE. Don't be like....don't talk to me if you're over weight...or you're looking for a guy with money to take care of you I'm not it....instead say...I'm looking for a girl that is into staying in shape and into health like myself and is independent and knows what she wants. I want someone that is interested in personal development and spiritual growth. Someone that wants to progress on this beautiful life journey and adventure together. The positive the better. I usually ignore the guys that I have zero interest for or block them. Especially the creeps. Search for the quality people, and stay away from the negative. If you are shy though don't be afraid to break the barrier and be strong and brave and get out there and meet people. STRONG and BRAVE is VERY SEXY!!!!!!! I love a man that knows what he wants and takes charge. Trust me....Leo knows what he's doing!!! Don't use this as your only method on meeting women. Expand your opportunities, and go out often to many different places, and try many different hobbies. etc. to get the most exposure to as many different people as you can!! If you do the same thing every day with the same people, you are keeping yourself very limited. My parents met at a BUS STOP! lol For real!!!! Of all places. Happily married 40 years. When you talk to people by email it does not give any accurate representation of what the person will be like face to face. One of the three guys that I actually met on could talk for literally 8 hours straight online.. he even was a game designer and had his own gaming business (I studied game design so we clicked almost immediately) .but when I met him in person I saw a lot of red flags. The dating site is only a tool to meet them in person. If you haven't watched Leo's video about dating and the red flags you should look out for, I would do that for sure. You can also weed out a lot of potential matches by skyping these women. I actually weeded out a fourth one because he refused to send me pictures that gave me clear screen shots of himself, and refused to skype with me. He was so eager to meet me in person, and he kept inviting me over to his house...on the first date??? He ended up getting really creepy on me last week, and literally proposed to me online! So you definitely want to be skeptical of who you give your personal information to. If the girl looks like a porn star or a super model, it's probably a scam, or a fake profile, or an escort trying to promote her business....just FYI. There are some super hot girls on there, but the likelihood of them being real, is pretty slim. I hope that helps! Good Luck and have fun!
  15. @renegade_bee - I'm so proud of you and so glad you reached out to me. Like I was saying the wheat gluten causes depression for me. I could literally eat a croissant or a donut and 24 hours later I would not be the same person. I had suicidal thoughts and would cry uncontrollably. And what was wild about the situation is I didn't even realize the transition or the change. It was ingrained in my thoughts that this was normal when it wasn't. My parents thought I was bi-polar for many years. I lost many friendships because of the way I ate. As well as probably destroyed a few romantic relationships as well. Even as a vegan I have my days that I miss eating normal food and I slip up and I'll wake up the next morning feeling really crappy and depressed, and that the world is going to end. Then I had to remind myself that I ate the food that had the wheat gluten in it and that's why I was feeling that way! lol And the wheat gluten allergies were going on at the same time as my soy allergies.....not to mention that I was also working in the adult entertainment industry at the same really sucked.....I thought there was something seriously wrong with me with all this pain. I changed my diet....and it was GONE! Here is that book I was telling you about It's crazy how food allergies can even be emotional and even the types of things that can cause an issue.
  16. My New Years Resolution for 2017..... 1.) To work on Self Love. If you can't love yourself how can someone else love you? (My childhood vow involves not being able to have healthy relationships) Plus it feels good to focus on yourself and it fills that void. No prince charming is going to give me that satisfaction! 2.) My other goal is also to get my Reiki and Hypnosis business up and full time. I know that if I work on my hypnosis business, it will boost my ego! lol But it is nice to be self sustainable, and completely independent. It ties in with my life purpose and helping other people. (My childhood vow involves me feeling stupid and incompetent. I've failed so many times because I allowed these negative thoughts and feeling to take over my life.) What am I doing right now to make it happen??? I started filming youtube videos for my website. I have a HUGE phobia of being on camera and I'm going to over come it!! lol. And I've started researching ways to better advertise and put my name out there. I've started reading and researching about self love. Reiki and daily meditation really helps me to feel better about myself. I'm also discovering new affirmations I can use to replace these ugly childhood vows.... I've even researched info on dual-relationships and what is considered healthy. I'm visualizing what I want and writing it down. Also Leo's videos really do help a lot! I try to make sure I watch them every week.
  17. This is great guys!! @Acharya @Marc Schinkel @Acharya @ajasatya @ajasatya @Key Elements @quantum Knowing the problem exists is half the battle. Now you have something perfect to work for your New Years Resolution!
  18. @ajasatya Now that you know the TRUTH, what are you going to replace that vow with? What new positive affirmation can be put there instead? What actions are you taking NOW to change this child hood vow so you can experience SUCCESS? Hmm....let me list a few ideas..... Every day and in every way, I am getting better and better. Here are a few from my favorite author Louise Hay. She has this really cool "I Can DO IT" daily affirmations calendar. I'm pulling a few from there... -Here I am, world-open and receptive to all the wonderful things that Life has to offer! -I focus on being positive because the thoughts I think and the words I speak create my experiences. -I no longer criticize anyone - not even myself. I give out only positive vibes
  19. @renegade_bee Hi I pray that you are alive and well. Sending you healing, love and violet light. If you ever need to talk to anyone I am here. You do not have to go though this alone. Please reach out for help if you need it. You deserve love and happiness, even if your subconscious mind is saying other wise right now. I just want you to know that you are not alone in your pain. I'm also suffering from reoccurring urinary tract infections. Mine are caused from all the stress I'm dealing with, because my dad just recently passed away from stage 4 colon cancer. My mom was also having urinary tract infections as well. Our bodies when they are healthy are alkaline, when we stress we create acidity in the body thus we need to expel it causing a urinary tract infection. You may also want to take a look at your diet. Sometimes urinary tract infections are an indication of food allergies. I have a very extreme case of food allergies where I am allergic to a whole bunch of things including: dairy, soy, gluten, eggs, bht, peanuts, brussel sprouts, etc. I found out every time I eat anything with soy in it, even if it's something as mediocre as an Italian salad dressing (with soy ingredients).... it caused me to have a urinary tract infection within hours of soy consumption. I also had the same problem with yeast infections. Which are common in causing sexual pain for women. I couldn't even eat a small portion of a candy bar without my body going out of wack. (Thank you dairy and white processed white sugar! lol) I didn't know this for many years. And I went to 3 different gynecologists that misdiagnosed me with endometriosis and covered it up with pointless medications. This went on for 4 years!! I finally ran into someone that told me to change my diet, and I never had the problem again. I understand your pain, because every time when I had sex it felt like someone was stabbing a knife in me. It would burn, and I just wanted to cry. So I totally get that. I had to take my health into my own hands, and I discovered my own personal natural cure for urinary tract infections. I used cold pressed organic coconut oil. It literally gets rid of my uti in a matter of minutes. I take it internally, and yes ....vaginally and rectally. Coconut oil is a natural anti bacterial and anti fungal. I even use it as lotion on my skin when I get out of the shower. It also makes a great lubricant. KY Jelly doesn't do it for me. Much Love and Light, Peace and Love
  20. OK I'll start first with some VERY destructive childhood vows that I've created and the extreme damage it has caused me. I don't regret anything that I've done since it has really helped me progress spiritually. I've learned so much on my life journey. When I was 6 years old my dad started becoming verbally and physically abusive to me. I was in kindergarten and they discovered that I had some type of learning disability. (I suspect that it was Asperger's Syndrome, high functioning autism) My parents never actively pursued it nor was I placed in special education but it led to my dad calling me "stupid" and a "dumb ass." So I really started to believe that I was worthless and I was not good enough. <=== my childhood vow. My mom gave me a contradicting belief completely the opposite of my dad telling me that "I was practically perfect in every way" <=== another childhood vow which caused me to become a perfectionist. Which lead me to perfect everything I was doing so I would be deserving enough of love. This escalated as I grew older and I started distancing myself from my dad. I pretty much rejected him as my father and started looking else where for masculine and fatherly companionship. This led to very abusive dating relationships. My last relationship was in college where I dated my bf for four years and broke up with him because of his verbally and sexually abusive tendencies. As you can see we create patterns and we learn things from our parents. We learn how we should be treated, whether that is right or wrong. I learned that I should be treated with low self worth, and abuse. I accepted that belief because I didn't know there was anything better, nor did I know how to differentiate or to tell between someone that would be abusive or not. My ex used to tell me I was a terrible girlfriend for no apparent reason, and he used to yell and go into rages of anger. I ended up filing a 6 month restraining order and moving away just so I could be safe. He stalked me and left me long phone messages and emails begging me to come back. I haven't dated anyone since in a long term relationship. It has now been 9 years. I created a new belief/ childhood vow when I was 24 that there was no good men out there to date, and they only wanted me for sex. It's amazing how far the rabbit hole goes. I started to dig deeper into the destructive vows I've made since I watched Leo's video last week. I made a new discovery and I broke down in tears on New Years Eve. The childhood vow that I made when I was six years old even effected my lifestyle and my career choices. When I was very young I got very heavily involved in video games. The video games became a literal addiction and I used them to cope with every day life. Because I had low self worth I was often picked on and bullied at school so I would bury my sorrows into video games to keep me sane and happy. It even kept me from thinking about suicide when I was 13 years old. Final Fantasy 7 was literally my life in junior high..... After I graduated high school I decided to go to college to study video game design. I thought it would be a fun career, plus I thought it would be cool to help other people escape like I did by creating them. But deep down I also used this video game career so I could attract love and relationships. It was a very male dominated career, where I was often the only girl in my class. I wanted to feel loved, I wanted someone to like me. But it didn't work because I didn't believe that about myself. I over looked the guys that were good matches and were interested and instead attracted the abusive bf. After I graduated from art school and studied video games, unfortunately it was around the time the economy crashed in 2008. Game Companies were completely shutting down and going out of business and many were not hiring. I couldn't get a job and I looked everywhere. I couldn't even get a normal job at a grocery store! The employment opportunities was just so slim and non existent. I should have gone home to live with my parents at that point, but I was afraid to go home, and I wanted to stay as far away from my dad as possible so, I got involved in adult entertainment. I thought it would be fun to have beauty and all this attention, but it left me feeling even more empty inside and attracting even more abusive relationships. I ended up living with two room mates that took complete advantage of me financially. They were also verbally abusive. I was so stuck financially that I couldn't leave. They had me paying all of the bills in replacement for their help in getting me into adult entertainment. It was horrible. In December of 2014 I finally had a huge mental breakdown in conjunction with being drugged at the bar I was dancing at. I ended up in the hospital for over a week and finally came home to be with my parents and started my life over. I went back to school to become a hypnotist, reiki practitioner, and a life coach. My dad also passed away in October, 2016. I got to reconcile to some extent with him, but I also felt a lot of emotional freedom because of his passing. I forgave him for what he did, and I Love and miss him so very much. A friend of mine that happens to be a spiritual medium told me that my dad was Bi-polar. I also went to see my guidance counselor and she confirmed that my dad definitely showed signs of being Bi-polar so it was very possible and very likely that he was. This gave me a lot of closure because I knew it wasn't all his fault. I also thought about the way he was raised, and how my grandfather treated my dad. My grandfather was also abusive and played favorites. My dad was never good enough for him, making him also a perfectionist. My dad not knowing any better just passed on the same pattern of destruction and what he knew to me. Knowing this made me feel a lot better, and really escalated my healing and personal growth. I've started creating some new affirmations to replace these old destructive childhood vows. I really like the one that Leo talks about in one of his videos..."Not giving a shit what other people think of you". His Affirmation: I am completely independent of the good and bad opinions of others. This is great for my perfectionist attitude that I created. A new healthy vow to replace the old one. I found one for creating new loving relationships and to deal with my self worth: Love is everywhere, and I am loving, and lovable. Everyone deserves a healthy and happy relationship, no matter what they have been through. We all deserve LOVE.
  21. I'm so glad Leo made this video. I've been wanting to talk about this on the forum for a long time, but I was afraid I would come off as dogmatic or criticized. Here is what I've learned on my journey so far. Omnism- The belief that no religion is the only truth, but that truths are found in them all. I've collected pictures over the years to express what I KNOW and FEEL to be the TRUTH. When you really do the research you will see the patterns. We all really want the same thing....LOVE. We just find the answers in different ways. The TRUTH is LOVE!
  22. Thanks! lol. It's a picture of me wearing the funny glasses with a fake nose. Laughter is healing. Life is too short not to be happy and having fun.
  23. This little poem reminded me of absolute infinity, and I wanted to share it with my Family. enjoy. In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete, and yet life is ever changing. There is no beginning and no end, only a constant cycling and recyling of substances and experiences. Life is never stuck or static or stale, for each moment is ever new and fresh. I am one with the very Power that created me, and this Power has given me the power to create my own circumstances. I rejoice in the knowledge that I have the power of my own mind to use in any way I choose. Every moment of life is a new beginning point as we move from the old. This moment is a new point of beginning for me right here and right now. All is well in my world. In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I believe in the power far greater than I am that flows through me every moment of every day. I open myself to the wisdom within, knowing that there is only One Intelligence in this Universe. Out of this One Intelligence comes all the answers, all the solutions, all the healings, all the new creations. I trust this Power and Intelligence, knowing that whatever I need to know is revealed to me, and that whatever I need comes to me in the right time, space and sequence. All is well in my world. Louise L. Hay - You Can Heal Your Life
  24. In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete, and yet life is ever changing. There is no beginning and no end, only a constant cycling and recyling of substances and experiences. Life is never stuck or static or stale, for each moment is ever new and fresh. I am one with the very Power that created me, and this Power has given me the power to create my own circumstances. I rejoice in the knowledge that I have the power of my own mind to use in any way I choose. Every moment of life is a new beginning point as we move from the old. This moment is a new point of beginning for me right here and right now. All is well in my world. In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I believe in the power far greater than I am that flows through me every moment of every day. I open myself to the wisdom within, knowing that there is only One Intelligence in this Universe. Out of this One Intelligence comes all the answers, all the solutions, all the healings, all the new creations. I trust this Power and Intelligence, knowing that whatever I need to know is revealed to me, and that whatever I need comes to me in the right time, space and sequence. All is well in my world. Louise L. Hay - You Can Heal Your Life
  25. Ok......Did anyone else think of Buzz Light Year from the movie Toy Story when Leo was talking about ABSOLUTE INFINITY? lol Toooooo Infinity and Beyond!! LOL - I'm such a dork...