Shane Hanlon

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Everything posted by Shane Hanlon

  1. I just stumbled upon this tool and thought people here might find it interesting.
  2. I remember Leo sharing his favorite earplugs a while back. There is no way to search his blog. So I was wondering if any of you have suggestions or if someone remembers what he reccomended! Cheers, Shane
  3. Thank you guys
  4. Regardless of AGI and what even constitutes AGI, We are creating things that have shown emergent behavior (gpt wasn't trained on research-grade chemistry but one day it just could do it). We don't know what they are capable of at any given time. We don't know the timeline, We don't know what comes next, and we aren't acting considerately when it comes to new tech and its externalities.
  5. It takes a couple of months for your current watch history to entirely dissipate, but once it does you will no longer be given recommendations or shorts. This has saved me a lot of distraction. Hope it helps!
  6. So recently it's come out that in many dark chocolate brands (including the one that I've been eating daily for 5 years.) have alarmingly high levels of heavy metals. I am only 26 yeas old, but would this be a good reason to try chelation?
  7. I'd love to go down a rabbit hole of quality video essays. Does anyone have one that comes to mind?
  8. You're welcome! I'm glad you got something out of it
  9. I’ve watched this twice and took notes. It gives a deep structure for contemplation. This guy makes video essays about Movies/TV/Books but almost all of his advice applies to contemplating anything.
  10. Any good examples of brands? Actually sounds awesome! What is the science behind this? I'm a bit ignorant when it comes to different sources of water. Why is spring/well water so low? I thought that is where bottled water companies sourced their water? This was a great idea for a thread!
  11. I love the idea of this diet! It feels so harmonious. Just eating what plants give you. No killing of plant or animal life. The unfortunate reality is you are missing a lot of essential nutrients if all you eat is fruit. Not a good diet. You'd need like 100 supplements.
  12. LOL I love it! I'd expect nothing less from god himself
  13. What does contemplation look like for you? Journaling? Just thinking through different topics/ideas?
  14. Just to clear things up - DR. Gundry is a grifter. I worked at a supplement company a few years back. The Head of marketing used to work for Gundry. He would always try to get us to make these incredibly unethical VSLs (video sales letters). They were basically hour long scare tactics for old people. Tell them whatever you need to tell them to sell the product. Doesn't matter if it is true or false. "I'd rather get sued for making millions than not make anything." He always kept talking about how many lies were in the Gundry videos and how so much of it was made up. And it just so happens Gundry sells a lectin product...
  15. Also if you want some movies here they are!
  16. Not a movie but even better is Arcane The way each character has a unique and valid perspective and how they all clash is unmatched. It's animation and art style is one of the best to ever be created. It deals with ethics and progress and trauma and war. It is my favorite piece of media I've ever seen.
  17. Javascript is the obvious choice. Used for practically every single web app. I'd learn react too. Easy to reuse common components. Also if you are just prototyping tailwindcss and many others have premade elements to help you prototype faster.
  18. If it feels like there is insecurity, bring your awareness to it and let it come up to the surface. Learn to be mindful of it and understand it. If you give it time, love, and attention it will eventually heal.
  19. Show him Love. Show him that you are able to forgive him. Show him that he is redeemable through the way you love him.
  20. I strongly recommend not getting involved in a romantic relationship with someone who has a boyfriend. It is usually more than you bargained for. Often times the main dish becomes emotional trauma with a side of romantic relationship. I know from experience.
  21. This is true. Also, I don't think giving money to the homeless is solely about solving poverty. giving money to the homeless can help them feel seen, loved, and cared for in a world where they are seldom valued. Which is also a worthy thing to do.
  22. This is such a wonderful question! And something so few people care to ask. Thank you for asking it If these are the kind of things you care about, your life will be a gift to yourself and everyone who is lucky enough to come in contact with you. Firstly true selflessness is not about which actions you do or do not do. Rather focus on the place you are coming from when you take action. Practice acting out of love and checking in with yourself throughout the day. Practice complimenting people simply because you want to make their day better. Selflessness is simple. It can be expressed in every moment. It could just be a smile. When you grow into a healthy competent person yourself, Love and selflessness exude naturally. Meditate. Grow a greater understanding of reality, selflessness, and love. With deeper understanding selflessness also begins to exude naturally. Be deeply present with others. People want to feel seen and heard more than almost anything. They want to connect. People have told me before that it feels like they are the only person in the world when they are with me. Learn to be radically empathetic. Caring about others' perspectives as much as you care about your own is selfless. Understand that everybody is trying their best to live a happy life. No one likes being unhappy. But people get lost and confused. Life is hard! Notice that Love can help bring them back. People need to feel loved. Love melts all problems. Learn to love others for no reason at all. Notice that the same Love you feel for all is equally applicable to yourself. Love yourself.