Feeble Dave

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Everything posted by Feeble Dave

  1. @Azrael Could you please link us to the music mixes you use? I'm very interested. I love what you are doing, best wishes.
  2. I've slowly come to the conclusion that I am addicted to TV and Youtube. Every day I average around two to three 45m episodes and a lot of youtube videos. I do this when I feel too tired to do useful things like studying, exercising, self inquiry or meditating. Leo has suggestions in his videos like reading, meditating or doing nothing. I'd be interested to hear how you manage your rest and free time, and if you have had this issue before. Thanks.
  3. @Taavi I am taking small steps to reduce the amount of time I spend watching trashy videos and TV. I have started to meditate or nap when I get the urge to 'switch off' and watch TV. I found that history documentaries can be really interesting and seem to be a something a bit more useful than just netflix. I also found that when I have the urge to be lazy and watch crap on TV, there is not really any cure. TV or naps don't remove the feeling and it just passes when it passes no matter what I do. Watch out for this! I aim to spend these periods eating healthy food, getting hydrated, then meditating, until it passes. Thank you all for your input.
  4. http://verbinding.110110.nl/Table.html Check out which tests work for 5-meo-dmt. "In fact, we are not aware of any drug tests that would show 5-MeO-DMT usage." - This refers to testing to see if SOMEBODY has used the drug specifically. This is not referring to testing the substance itself.
  5. Thanks @Taavi, that is an amazing insight. I will act on this.
  6. I would include self inquiry into the first stage of the plan. Just introduce any amount, it doesn't have to be 180 minutes daily like the second half. I don't have any experience with 5-meo-dmt, but I think it's a good plan and it would set you up real nice.
  7. Hey everyone. During SDS is there any method or thought path that can make me accept the pain, or is the idea that I go so far that my mind can't take it anymore and just gives up? Thanks.
  8. @aurum@mr lenny Thanks, I will keep this in mind and do this.
  9. Yes, what are we if we are not aware when in deep sleep? Could we still be aware but with no memory formation as a souvenir?