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Everything posted by NowJacobNow

  1. Thank you for contributing your thoughts on the matter Lynnel. I appreciate that you took the time to listen to the content. I, as I presume everyone here would want, could greatly benefit in having the wool pulled from my eyes as I think you may find. I must both apologize to you and thank you for reasons somewhat unclear to this point. Maybe you can help me to understand what I'm missing so I know better than to simply feel uplifted or stimulated the next time I listen to any of the above tracks. When I am brought into this greater awareness, the ability to see begins to form as a potential. Perhaps not an insight. Maybe just a thought. But even a fleeting thought can become stronger, more resilient, and real with time. Be smarter than the tricks that lay in wait by thoughts would escape me. Or get crushed by the weight of it. Chasing these shiny dressed up to look like they are spiritual words while succumbing to the naive thinking that I have found the profound within them would almost certainly lead to disappointment and a maladjusted mis-shapen world view. I would ultimately find the words were just words and themselves had no more power than the power I've given to them. So what's left after the words are said but the intent provided by the artist that has written or spoken or sung them? Perhaps I am trapped by and trapped from seeing; the subtle nuances of this larger low vibrational truth to which you point. I may need much more time to study these new and extravagant concepts before I understand how and why I would have ever let this low vibrational thing I believed was lifting me up, tell me what and how to think and feel. How and where and when and why I entertained second glances upon such low level stuck and going nowhere vibrational manifestations is suddenly baffling to me! Way too much good time spent on stupidity! Even though, perhaps it can still be helpful for seeing into and through this spiritual haze if you can reliably continue to provide further demonstrations of low vibrational interactions. My first post (to practically anything, ever, on my first day here and what comes out to greet and haze the newbie but a sub-street-level under a bridge waiting to tear you down troll
  2. I express this with limited exposure to this "Eyedea" and his abilities to direct lyrical truthisms in a spiritual way But what is in a spiritual way? And in what truth is that way fastened? within the same forest of trees, hidden from the un intentioned wanderer is a small tribe of mystics. Journeyers that have traveled far How do we know they have traveled far? They must have, for how else do you expect they'd have reached you? a few artists: my hidden crème de la crème of self actualized hip hop. "planting a few seeds of thought into your eardrums" "finally get to wear your pants the way you want to. Baggy, barely covering your asshole" "It's like a rubix cube minus the cube in rubix, it's just you there" "I measure life like a ruler measures their space" "I'm always beginning right at the ending" "When it feels like you're going through hell, keep going" "In the immortal words of Oliver Wendell Holmes 'a mind one stretched to new idea never returns to its original dimensions'" If you haven't ever listened to any of this, i hope that you will take the time to try to hear -nowjacobNOW