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Everything posted by Prabhaker

  1. @Annetta It seems that Enki the wicked has sent you to harass @John Flores
  2. Thanks God ! Two thousand years ago , deprogrammer psychologists had not arrived; otherwise Jesus would have been saved from crucifixion. Just deprogramming would have been enough. He had just to be constantly hammered: ’’You are not the only son of God. Drop this nonsense. If you are the messiah whom the whole Judaic tradition is waiting, let them recognize you. Why do you go on shouting that you are the awaited messiah?” It would have been very easy to deprogram that poor carpenter, but the psychologists were not around there.
  3. He can walk on water, change water into wine, feed thousands of people from one or two loaves of bread, raise the dead back to life !
  4. @Memeito The mind is always hankering. The mind is nothing but hankering, desiring something to happen. Sometimes it is thinking about money, to have more money, to have bigger houses, to have more respectability, to have more political power. Then you turn towards spirituality; the mind remains the same. Now you want to have more psychic powers -- telepathy, clairvoyance, and all sorts of nonsense. But the mind remains the same -- you want more. And if you want more you will remain ill. You can change the objects; that's very simple. That's what we go on doing. Small children play with toys and we tell them that these are toys. They have small cars, toy cars and toy trains and toy airplanes, of course. But you watch: when your boy has a toy airplane he goes out to show everybody in the neighborhood. To the other boys he says: "Look what I have got! I have an airplane!" He feels tremendously great. What are you doing later on? Those toys disappear; bigger toys appear. Now if you have a big car, you would like everybody to become aware of it -- otherwise what is the point? Now if you have an airplane, you would like to advertise it so that everybody knows that you have such a big airplane. The same game continues.... Now telepathy, or clairvoyance, or psychic powers: "If you can do this, I can do more than this. I can read people's thoughts thousands of miles away." If you get into meditation you can have many psychic powers, you can read people's thoughts. But what is the point? Your own rubbish is so much, what is the point of reading somebody else's rubbish? He is tortured by his rubbish and you are reading his thoughts – and you think you are doing something great! The real thing is to get rid of thoughts, not to read them. Psychic abilities are considered as obstacles in the path of enlightenment, those who are caught by them, never move towards enlightenment.
  5. Leave this man but don't forget to thank him for all those beautiful moments you spent with him. I am not against relationships — I am all for them, but before you can relate, you have to be. And if you are miserable and you relate with someone, you are going to create more misery. The misery is bound to be multiplied; not only doubled but multiplied. He is miserable, you are also miserable. He cannot be alone, you cannot be alone, so you depend on each other. And whenever you depend on somebody, you can never forgive that man. He makes you dependent, he makes you feel helpless. He becomes powerful and dominates you. If you are unhappy, you will always make a relationship with an unhappy person… A miserable person tends to find a miserable partner. So deep down, every lover is against, hates, the person he loves — because nobody can love slavery. You can love only freedom. But freedom is possible only when you are free to be happy, and when you can be happy absolutely alone. If there is nobody, then too you can enjoy, dance, sing. That becomes your very quality of being. Then you can relate… then your happiness relates. Your music relates… your singing and dancing relates. Of course you multiply your happiness. Whatsoever you have will be multiplied in relationship. If you have misery, misery will be multiplied. If you have happiness, happiness will be multiplied.
  6. Do you mean they were Atlantians in their previous lives ?
  7. All what we understand as our life today, from the food – grains etc. and our systems of society and civilization, our religions, cultures were introduced by the Annunaki. What the Annunaki did not realise, was that the Law of Equality will always prevail and they were trapped in their own creation and lost their creative abilities to a great degree. The Annunaki was lost in greed and power and greed and power always lead to forgetfulness and always trap the participating creator. They are no longer an influence in creation. In animating and placing a life source in the human body which was a machine like system, the Atlanteans, the purest form of Man was invited to integrate and animate the Human. Unbeknown to the Atlanteans, the Annunaki deceived them into being trapped in the Human form and the Annunaki erased all the memory of the Atlanteans and where they really came from. Thus the Atlanteans was trapped in a MIND construct for a long time as the human race.
  8. @John Flores There are churches, in the West particularly, churches devoted to the Devil. Disciples of the Devil are growing, mushrooming all over the world. The First Church of Satan is there in America, where people gather and worship Satan.
  9. Don't introduce them to spiritual enlightenment/nonduality. Society / family wants ambitious people who are useful and who can feed their egos. Unless your way of life becomes a message , their is no point in introducing them verbally. Dropping your knowledge , ego is very arduous, needs patience.
  10. When two enlightened masters criticize each other, they are not enemies, their fight is not of the ego. Their fight has a totally different context. They fight because they know one thing: that the goal is one, but the paths are many. And each master has to defend his path, knowing perfectly well that other paths are as valid as his. But if he starts saying that all the paths are valid, he will not have the impact, the influence on his people. The journey is long and he needs absolute trust. When we criticize each other's view , it can be stupidity sometimes. Buddha transcended suffering, not by competition , but through understanding, acceptance.
  11. True nature is unchanging but process of removing obstacles in realizing true nature is spiritual growth. When Buddha became enlightened somebody asked him, "What have you gained?" He said, "I have not gained anything, but I have lost many things.
  12. For material progress it is good, for spiritual progress it is pointless. Yes, they are free, we can't predict how they will act. Jesus started whipping moneylenders, but their every act is out of consciousness. Whatever they do is correct, may be we can't understand them.
  13. @John Flores people don't want Messiah. They want money, power, fame, sex. Nobody wants to break his sleep.
  14. @John Flores Keep it a secret, people will become your enemy. Don't tell these things to anybody.
  15. They are not suicidal, if they are hungry they eat food, eating food is not egoic . Not eating food when you are hungry can be egoic.
  16. I am not saying that they can't do sex, but if they are living with their wife it doesn't necessarily mean they are doing sex. Whatever they do, they will watch the act like a third person.
  17. The body/mind is closest piece of this universe than person next to you is. Unless you love yourself you can't love others.You don't know what love is if you have not loved yourself. Then only we can serve the body/mind, competition with other people is pointless. For an enlightened being others are not others, his decision will be spontaneous , he can divide the beef pie or give more to someone who is needy.
  18. Personality is a learned thing. The word personality comes from a Latin root that means “mask”—persona. In classical drama the actors used to wear masks to hide their real faces and to show some other face. From persona comes the word personality. It is a face that you wear, not your original face.
  19. We destroy creativity. Nobody is born uncreative, but we make ninety-nine percent of people uncreative. To avoid struggle, drop creativity, become a businessman, more clever, more cunning , satisfy peoples demand and ego.
  20. When a Buddha loves, Jesus loves, but their love demands nothing in return. Their love is given for the sheer joy of giving it; it is not a bargain. Only at the highest peak, when love is not a relationship any more, when love becomes a state of your being – but only at the highest peak. That is possible only if love becomes more and more meditative. At the lowest, love is just a political relationship.
  21. India has produced many enlightened people , who are well educated, and understand limitation of scientific methods. They have already answered these questions.
  22. Science is close minded, methodology of science prevents from going in. It does not recognize subjective experiences.