Art Vandelay

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Everything posted by Art Vandelay

  1. @smd I'm glad I found your post. I began following Corey Wayne when I lost my girlfriend and was looking for answers. I searched the internet, found various "love gurus", but Corey was the one that made sense. I began applying the "7 principles to get an ex back". I got hooked on his videos, watched hundreds of them, bought his book and read it "10 to 15 times", like he says, and I began to realize all mistakes I was making when in a relationship. BUT... I began to question some of his teachings. One day I read a terrible response he gave to some guy who made a comment in one of his youtube videos, and I thought "this guy s teaching self control, but he doesn't have any!". And some things he said in his book put you in a position of being to much available to people who mistreat you, and in my experience that doesn't work in "the street". That was when I found Doc Love's The System. Corey mentions Doc's work on his book, and I bought it. And it was a surprise to me that many of the concepts used in Corey's book were ripped off from Doc's book! Even the title of Corey's book "3% Man" is a concept from Doc Love. There is a video where a person questions Corey how he found that only 3% of the man get women, and he made a terrible work trying to explain it. So I began to study Doc's work, The Dating Dictionary, and his Aks Men articles. And he nails it! What I missed in Corey's work, I found in Doc's work: the concept of challenge. But there is another difference in Doc's work: he says once a woman dumps you, you're out forever. She may contact you again, you may even start dating again and get married, but once the woman's interest level reaches 49%, she will never trully love you again. And that's why he says you can't go back. But when you listen to Corey's work, 90% of his clients go to him trying to get and ex back! And that is what his business is all about: selling his coaching to guys who lost their girlfriends. An email response from him costs $500, an Skype session costs $1000. So as a business for him is a really bad idea to agree with Doc's philosophy that once your girl breaks up with you, you can't go back. If he admits to it, he will have no business. Now back to Corey's videos: yesterday he finally posted a relationship video, about the "No contact rule". Once again, a client sent a letter trying to figure out how to get an ex back. I decided to write a comment, saying that Corey's videos and book changed the way I viewed relationships, but that I agreed with Doc's principle that once a girl's interest level reaches 49%, you are out forever. Guess what happened to my video comment? Yep, it was erased. That was when I searched the internet for any hint about Corey vs Doc Love, and I found your post. Corey's work is great, but today it's clear to me that he ripped Doc's The System, and changed it, maybe to suit his business, or maybe because he never understood Doc's work 100%. But I still recommend his book, it's easier to read and understand, but if you want the real deal, download the system, listen to Docs audio, and read his old Ask Man articles. As for me, I'm still on and off with my ex, she called me two weeks ago to say our relationship was the best thing ever, we made a date, and then she broke it. Going no contact again. I don't think I'll ever get her back, but it's been a great learning process