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About Arnold666

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  1. @OBEler Oh, I remember you! It's me from the past, when I was angry and let it close off my mind, making me shortsighted and causing me to talk foolishly.
  2. Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal 100% he will want to talk to you and even be open minded to listen and contemplate everything you have to say
  3. I practiced the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram thaugh by him, for 6 months straight, every day and it gave me the biggest kensho that i ever had, lasted for a whole week. Walk the path cautiously, the occult is very powerful
  4. Hello. I'm preparing to develop a course dedicated to penis enlargement. I want to assure you that, undoubtedly, the influence of the internet or the opinions around you may have convinced you that penis enlargement is only possible through costly surgeries, expensive creams, or miraculous pills. Now, I firmly tell you that it is possible, but not through pills or creams. All of these are scams; otherwise, major pharmaceutical companies would have already made billions from them. I have a few questions that I would like to address to understand exactly the needs and concerns that men have regarding the size and health of their penis, with the aim of figuring out how to structure the course. If you have the time and inclination, I would be grateful if you could answer these questions. No rush, only if you feel you can provide some answers. I'm not asking for any money, just to share your thoughts. If you can and if not, I sincerely thank you. Have a great day! Here are the questions: What’s your biggest frustration with penis size ? What have you tried so far that hasn’t worked for you? What’s your biggest fear when it comes to your penis size ? What worries you - what are you afraid will happen if you don’t do something immediately? What would you be willing to do to solve/get a bigger penis size ? If you could have one question answered about your penis size, what would it be? If you don't feel comfortable answering publicly, you can send me a private message. I emphasize that this conversation is strictly confidential, and the information we share remains between the two of us. Thank you in advance for your time, and I assure you that I appreciate your honesty. Have a good day! P.S. With all due respect, hopefully, this post will not get shut down again with the claims that "There is something deep-rooted psychological problem to ask about other men's penis and being straight." I say this with utmost respect, as I believe many people suffer due to these concerns, as I once did. I'm here to share that there is hope, and with dedicated time, growth is achievable quite easily.
  5. What’s your biggest frustration with penis size ? What have you tried so far that hasn’t worked for you? What’s your biggest fear when it comes to your penis size ? What worries you - what are you afraid will happen if you don’t do something immediately? What would you be willing to do to solve/get a bigger penis size ? If you could have one question answered about your penis size, what would it be?
  6. What is your daily/weekly /monthly schedule?
  7. The tone is in your head. You are the one reading this with whatever the tone is in your heart. I'm in a very calm state of mind. It's all good. No need to get angry or combative if someone disagrees with you. It's all good.
  8. @Esoteric @Esoteric Dude. I i didn't say that. Fine. You do the first kriya for even an hour let's say you can get away with it, but doing the 2-3-4 kriya yeah! I I bet you will have bad experiences and you will need to put your ass in ice cold water unless you will fry. And I said, You need to calm the prana To ENTER Into a state of ABSORBTION. Which is the purpose of any technique, not doing the technique in it self. But fine. Have it your way, I don't wanna argue. You do what you want.
  9. @Esoteric disagree. I i don't know who you are talking about. You have to calm the prana. Doing the mental pranayama with time the breathless state comes in and your mind will dissolve. Of course if you are after samadhi. I don't know after what you are in this kriya business.
  10. After ANY kriya technique you HAVE to do the mental kriya or you will surely have some bad experiences. You have to calm the prana.
  11. The Wim Hoff which is a diferent form of bhastrika in pranayama for almost 3 years. But the others consistently for the last 6 months.
  12. Take this course and than say goodbye to your old life and to the autonomic nervous system cause now it's on manual and you controle it.
  13. Read The Science of Pranayama by Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Light on Pranayama: The Yogic Art of Breathing by B.K.S Iyengar and Power Pranayama by Dr. Renu Mahtani.
  14. Coffee: Wim Hoff, Kapalabhati, bhastrika = Water /ish : Anuloma Viloma, Nadi shuddhi, ujjayi breath. Beer: Bhramari, Ohm chanting etc. So use it for the right purpose, and also, please do at least 15 minutes so you can clearly see what is changing in your experience.
  15. Here is something helpful for ya from this guy Lucas Rockwood Think of your breathing as either water, whiskey or coffee. Water breath is balancing, always a good choice, day or night; and it can be used freely without a worry. Whiskey breath is down-regulating, relieves stress, and can help put you to sleep. Coffee breath is up-regulating, wakes you up, and prepares your body for activity and exercise. Your breathing pattern is defined primarily by your rate of breathing, meaning how fast or how slowly you breathe. As you're reading this now, you're probably breathing about 8-15 breathes per minute. This slightly-elevated breathing pattern is the "normal" in today's busy world. You can affect your breath and your nervous system response in a matter of minutes simply by changing your breathing rate. ? Water Breath / Balanced Breathing: 4-6 breathes per minute When you breathe 4-6 breathes per minute, it has an adaptogenic effect on your nervous system. If you're up, it will bring you down; if you're down, it will bring you up. You can practice Water Breath standing, seated, lying down, and even while driving. Like drinking a glass of water, it's always safe, always appropriate, and always healthful. ✔️️Practice any time, day or night ✔️️Use before high-stress meetings or presentations ✔️️Use if you're feeling sluggish midday ✔️️Use during all yoga practices and low-intensity exercise ?Whiskey Breath / Down-Regulating Breath: < 4 breathes per minute When you reduce your breath below 4 breathes per minutes, it triggers a strong parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system response, reduces your heart rate, reduces activity in skeletal muscles, and improves digestion. This type of breathing is great after meals, in the evening, and most-commonly, right before bed. This practice should be done seated or lying down, and never while driving or doing anything standing or active. It's extremely common for students to fall asleep while using Whiskey Breath, so it should be used with care, only when appropriate. ✔️️Use primarily before bed ✔️️Can be used (with care) to reduce intense stress or anxiety ✔️️After eating, this breathing pattern can aid in digestion ☕Coffee Breath / Up-Regulating: > 20 breathes per minute When you breathe at the rate of 20 breathes per minute or more, it stimulates your sympathetic nervous system which is ideal before exercise, before busy or task-related work, and also in the morning. Rapid breathing reduces CO2 in the bloodstream which leads to constriction of your breathing passageways and veins, so it should be practiced briefly, with care, and only at appropriate times. Never practice while driving. ✔️️Use first thing in the morning ✔️️Use just before yoga or exercise