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Everything posted by 123456789

  1. Lately I've been struggling with meditation, I feel bored out of my mind, disgusted, frustrated, angry, sad and impatient. I always feel the need to check my timer and when I do it makes me even more frustrated. ( I use the "Do Nothing" technique ) Any advice?
  2. From what I know there's no one in control, there's no "you" to be in control. There's only pure awareness observing what is.
  3. I've heard many good things about the "Do Nothing" meditation technique. If anyone has been practicing it for a long time I'd like to hear your results, thanks in advance.
  4. @Dragallur No, no, no. I've been meditating but I heard that self-inquiry is harder and so I wonder when will I be ready to start, I heard that 9 months into your meditation practice is a good place to start.
  5. @Jani What I meant by "When" is when will I be ready to? I've heard that meditation is easier for beginners.
  6. @iago iriarte arhatha Thank you, truly. But I am not interested.
  7. @iago iriarte arhatha Well, that's another issue. I don't have a meditation group in my city.
  8. Yes. You are able to get into and develop higher levels of concentration, sensory clarity and equanimity. I meditate for at least 30 minutes a day. I recommend you add 5 minutes to your meditation practice every month.
  9. Is the inside world affected by outside world? No, it's not. You're deluding yourself again. "You" are bringing the ego out of yourself.
  10. If anyone knows any good books about philosophy then please, post them in the comments. Thanks in advance!
  11. @Lha Bho Thanks!
  12. @GODMODE By philosophy I mean ancient philosophy ( psychology ).
  13. A few quotes from Shinzen Young's "FiveWays" hope it helps.
  14. Hey, lately I have been having problems with keeping faith in myself and my meditation practice. The thought "Enlightenment? Freedom from suffering? What is this bullcrap? I am wasting my time." keeps coming back and I notice that slowly I am starting to doubt myself and my practice. I am starting to lose faith. And I worry that eventually this will stop my meditation practice and self actualizing altogether. I was wandering if any of you have had doubts like this and how you have dealt with them. Advice will be greatly appreciated
  15. Link to original post: http://shinzenyoung.blogspot.co.il/2015/06/want-good-laugh.html
  16. Hey, I am having a problem with patience. Whenever I meditate I feel the urge to check how much time is left 'till the meditation session is over (in the end I actually do check it, I can't resist it for long enough!). I was wondering if any of you have faced a problem like this or a similar one, and how you dealt with it.
  17. @LightOfTheEarth No, but it can certainly help. Yes, he is being dogmatic. "Different things work for different people at different times at different places" -Shinzen Young
  18. I realized that outside forces can give me no value. So I stopped giving a flying fuck what anyone thinks about me.
  19. @cetus56 Thanks for the reply, It was really helpful! Oh, and that part where you said: was really interesting, I am currently practicing Working with Vanishing: Just Note Gone and the purpose there is breaking/transcending time and space. Anyways, thanks for your time!
  20. @JRF2k Thanks for the reply!