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Everything posted by 123456789

  1. I recommend you first get really serious about Truth in real life and then start working on lucid dreaming. From what I've heard, yes. Here's Shinzen Young talking about Lucid dreaming and "Five Ways" mindfulness meditation.
  2. There's no reason really but you will fall back into ignorance and start identifying with the suffering, again.
  3. You're assuming that happiness is inherent in objects, question that assumption.
  4. 108 meditation techniques: http://www.meditationsociety.com/108meds.html
  5. How can I raise my base level of open mindedness to such a degree so that I don't have to do any exercises before the inquiry? Is there any limit to how much open mindedness I can have?
  6. @Leo Gura So what matters is to open my mind before the inquiry but it doesn't matter how?
  7. Leo, am I supposed to do the "thought experiment to open your mind" before I start the self-inquiry?
  8. Leo, my inquiry feels very weak. How can I make it more powerful?
  9. @Leo Gura I do! The thing which is in control is the thing which is conscious of direct experience (whatever that is). No! There is also consciousness/knowing of direct experience. Which itself is NOT direct experience!
  10. Leo, I am stuck. The problem is that I can see that I am not the body-mind but I still believe that I am the body-mind. I've tracked it down to 2 basic beliefs: 1) I am the body because I have control over it. 2) I am the mind because I have control over it. Now, I don't know how to deal with these two. It feels and looks like I in addition to being that which is conscious of the body-mind also have control of the body-mind (whenever it exists). Could you help me?
  11. @Leo Gura I can still feel it. And control it!
  12. @Leo Gura In direct experience the brain is an idea but the visible "physical" body isn't. I can see it whenever I want!
  13. Doing these exercises over and over again makes my mind go nuts and the resistance to doing them bigger...
  14. @Leo Gura No, I don't see a forehead but I am aware of a physical body sensation. Does it count? or are we working with the visual field only?
  15. @Leo Gura Thanks for explaining, but I still have more questions about the exercises. 1) In exercise #1 it says the following: In my experience it doesn't, it terminates at my forehead . 2) In exercise #3 it says the following: In my mind it makes sense for one sensation to perceive another even if they are on exactly the same level. 3) In exercise #4 it says the following: Even if the sense of "I" (body-mind self) is false why would that mean that I (whatever that is) am omnipresent? 4) In exercise #10 it says the following: Yes, in direct experience "brain" and "mind" are illusions but the source of thought is silence, not nothing. Even if the source of thought is nothing and nowhere wouldn't it mean that there is no source? 5) In exercise #12 it says the following: What do you mean by "absolute reality"?
  16. In exercise #12 it says I am confused. What do you mean by "nothing"? Consciousness?
  17. My inquiry seems to be repetitive, is it supposed to be like this?
  18. @mostly harmless Ever heard of Microsoft Word? (if you use windows)
  19. Alan Watts, he wrote lots of amazing books and gave many great lectures. I don't know who I relate to the most in life, tough choice.
  20. What if I combine this method of self-inquiry with SDS? Will it be more effective?