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Everything posted by ChrisZoZo

  1. You think you’re the only one who has it and incurable? Watch this.
  2. I got out of it before In my life.
  3. @Spiritual Warfare 90% on this people planet can help you get out this mess you if you actually listen. Find a therapist and get out u can do it.
  4. Forgot me you don’t listen to anyone. All you care about is depressing yourself. Do it depress yourself no one‘s gonna change you no one‘s gonna stop you.
  5. Give up hardcore trying to depress yourself.
  6. @Spiritual Warfare you should probably get off this site if you can’t handle peoples opinions.
  7. Who the hell said you can’t. The fact is, you don’t want to and the people who were/are upset about others passing came in to this life with the desire to experience that suffering (as a soul) so by coming back you are doing the opposite of keeping them happy but ruining their destiny. If you come back also the pass will be different may look the same but the souls are different unless it was agreed to be the same souls in the entire interaction. Jesus Christ came back from the dead for real. That was not a misdiagnosis of death. He really left the body and came back.
  8. @Spiritual Warfare because you are the eternal with infinite imagination power wanting to experience change. You simply limit your perception to be along the timeline of this body from absolute infinity. Then further limit each frame and perceived, frame perception of time.
  9. @PurpleTree I thought u knew nothing? Seem strange to be stating that people have “lost the plot” on things when u don’t know if they are right or wrong. If angles are real then it could be disappointing to find out they exist and that you can leverage this u understanding to better your self and the world.
  10. @Kairos there’s nothing that can’t be converted into a trap by the mind. You think of it because you think it’s important book that’s a trap.
  11. I wonder if this guy is more intelligent than Leo and Leo has hyper mind. Not sure if it’s hyper name as that name but the one where he becomes super intelligent on 5meodmt
  12. @Will1125 people are trying to one up each other but overall it’s fairly good.
  13. @MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI how did you get to learn these techniques?
  14. Also watch for scams their are so many scams in digital marketing focusing on people wanting to make money from it.
  15. @Cocolove My friend succeeded in what I think is similar to drop shipping. He had to work a whole year testing and failing various products. And each test cost 2 grand because that’s the only way to see if the advertisement really works and if the product really sells. Out of the mini, he tried most didn’t make any money. But one made £500,000 in sales but the costs were about £300,000. so if you’re gonna do it, don’t half ass it you have to go all in terms of work ethic and only invest large to test and when a product really works go hard. He said one of the biggest lessons was that you can’t sell something new. You have to sell something that public actually has a pass record of buying.
  16. @Eskilon Bashar say 4th density only relating to a human experience is the halfway point between third density and fifth density. 3rd is pure matter and 5th is pure spirit. So you gain the ability’s that are closer the being a pure spirit like seeing the future. Being able to communicate with anyone anywhere and at point in time if they want and can talk back.
  17. @Gerhard nice video two things I would say is that lsd is problematic that it lasts 16+ hours so if it’s a bad trip, it’s a very long and awful trip plus good luck sleeping. My opinion out probably move it down a tier because of this. Ketamine is bad for you I don’t think it’s really that addictive sort of the same way weed is. Also it’s very very powerful at inducing realisations that you are God. Would probably not move it up a tear but it’s exceptional in the right circumstances if you do it only a couple times a year.
  18. @Will1125 you triggered people to try to one up you. lol
  19. The only way to stop the war in the Middle is to change the hearts of the people in both Israel and neighbouring countries. And it’s matters because the longer we delay the more people get killed. And if we delay long enough, there will be World War III and we will all die. So take action and do this. Go to comment sections where there’s people arguing/discussing the war if you see an Israeli or a person who is an opposition to Israel direct a common relevant to them. Asking them to change their hearts to positive direction and love their neighbour. Stating that we are with them and we will never turn our backs on them but also won’t allow them to commit unnecessary acts of violence.
  20. @Twega to have gain great integrity requires you to look at the minds very subtle way of blocking thoughts. You have to be extremely open-minded to how you are wrong and often have to get rid of beliefs that you hold onto strongly that prevent the integrity.
  21. @Sugarcoat reminds me when I was watching an rsd video. The guy leading the lecture asked if anyone had non serious suicidal thoughts today and most people put their hands up.
  22. @MrTruf certainly not my creation but if they want to, they can email me at
  23. How silent is the distinctionless state.