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Everything posted by ChrisZoZo

  1. Would disagree on this. Lying down is a form which the mind is use to so you will have to retrain the mind for good meditation. Don’t be uncomfortable. If you don’t with knowing you’re not comfortable I would say that is not even meditation. Seated on a chair is good and straight back is also good. This is not my advice this is countless mediation/ spiritual masters. I heard it from ekart tolle, Buddhist masters and even advadanta teachers.
  2. @Something Funny have to not interact with some people they are too allergic to truth. @salvjius is cool tho. It’s amazing to see a lack of people’s application of Leo’s teachings. ITS NOT EASY TO apply I want to make that clear. What people often forget is that when you have a bad reaction is may be because your wrong. So when meat eaters get mad it’s sometimes because they violently defend the lie because an aspect of them know’s that meat will have to be dropped is they agree with you.
  3. @Aphrodite I used open eyes with tremendous success. I think closed is deeper once’s you are able to actually concentrate but that takes years lol.
  4. It’s ok trying to trigger him so he can see the ego coming up
  5. When you interact with people this brings up habit of ego. Simply by staying at the witnessing place. You train the ego to not come up. Now if you say went to a cave and meditated for 6 years attain the state of permanent awareness of the self. Then you go up to someone just to be triggered and acted egotistically. When average joe could never be triggered by listening to an enlighten master every day and implying what he says. Learning to train the habit. If then average joe does sadana all other times he will be ahead of you even though you were in a cave for 6 years. So have great appreciation for tough people because they are great training tools to rapidly accelerate yourself and towards enlightenment.
  6. They have done studies on this if you can be bothered looking it up.
  7. Don’t look up what they are doing in Brazil for cattle.
  8. @mac99 definitely an interesting perspective on porn. Always just seen it in a negative light.
  9. Can you say again sounds like some good advice, but I don’t quite understand what you mean. With the honey.
  10. I plan to do it soon. I even learned of doing the middle pillar exercise and moving the light flow down your spine in order to bring up your subconscious. Then once I learned that my subconscious is okay then I can go for it.
  11. Basically all my organisation and resources are going to a retreat of sort long term not one week. I have very advanced spiritual guides that will tell me what is best for me then I will follow through. So if it’s off to a cave, then I will do it if I can afford it.
  12. I disagree from my experience. I have been in the witnessing place the someone triggers ego. Some force of habit wants to go into that mind form. If the force is too much you will go into it. Don’t get me wrong my examples is a bit exaggerated I would say that even in a cave with enough time you can unlearn habits just not always as fast. Moojiji talks about in the early days of his teachings he would be judgemental because the ego form is still coming up.
  13. Killing him self is better for him? Surely you know that is nonsense. Say on this that it’s a waste of the knowledge/wisdom he gained so far to die. Here is a clip of someone with incurable depression getting cured it’s always possible to cure because you were always the self. I get this as far out there but it’s the best and only advice I can give on this.
  14. To pre-emptively cure you need to be taking advice from people who have done this a lot.
  15. Remember transcendence can be including the things that work and throwing out things that don’t. Obviously this is different than transcendence to enlightened states. Just want to be clear on that just in case this confusion.
  16. Heard of an enlightened master in Australia that tried doing adavanta for years. But then he realised that he really needs to be doing trauma healing. Then people will rapidly obtain it.
  17. He says he wants to take all of the drugs at the same time. Sounds worse than the Connor Murphy situation. Granted, I didn’t see the time scale of these things I thought they were all within a day.
  18. lol bro you you really think you’ve reached the level in which you preach. Come on man stop getting wound up by peoples opinions.
  19. That’s right guys we should not care about President Trump. In fact, nobody vote, just have a dictatorship.
  20. Apparently this guy knows me better than myself. U seem to state things quite absolutely about the people on this form when there is a spectrum of people on here. Quite a few are above green. I know because I’ve met them in person Certainly more than 5% are above green.
  21. I agree with what u say. Thats what I am trying to sat on it.
  22. Leo suggests that you are essentially God, creating a universe to live in repeatedly. However, he questions or denies the existence of a soul, at least in the traditional sense. He acknowledges re-living as a concept but seems to have a different perspective on how it actually works or its underlying mechanics