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Everything posted by ChrisZoZo

  1. Also I must say there they are layers of how true the relative is. top: absolute second: what works best for the high love in this universe third: The ego's ideas. Don't think I am only going for ego's Ideas. I know I can be wrong other wise I would not ask questions on this form. I want to be right in the second layer but I am not fully god.
  2. I am saying both the absolute and the relative exist. In the absolute there is not distinction of flying but in the relative there is.
  3. In thought of how the universe started it's god's creation but how come god himself can exist. The answer I thought originally is that nothing is something therefore when there is nothing, something still exists. From the fact that no limitation would be imposed on this something this means there is god who would out of love create the universe. Although this relies on nothing being something which is true but maybe not at the timeless beginning (when god created him self). But how can nothing be something what gives that is existence. I feel like I am missing more in the origin of god can someone explain how something is nothing and how god exists originally.
  4. Yes there is no distinction but in the dream there is. Absolutely no relatively yes. The highest love does accepts and allow everything. That's why you are doing that. Also you are in the dream (as form) with a relative good and evil. IF you follow your logic then a child getting raped in front of you with you totally being able to stop and you don't is the highest love, hence the importance of both relative and absolute? Exactly I agree 100%. But remember the human "mind" is a creation of god. He distinctly crated which is not even true at all. Really so all people can fly? If there was absolutely no limits then you would just be god and you already are so there would be no dream but there is a dream. There is no evil but relatively there is. I (with thought) love anyone or anything totally regardless of what they are doing or have done. There is absolutely no should either but relatively there is the should be what is creating the highest love in the universe. Yes you are correct as god. But god also created this dream for himself to race as a limited forms.
  5. Then I ask, (and it might sound stupid) how come consciousness is.
  6. @Leo Gura WOW! I have to ask why is there not nothing as supposed to reality where there is no distinctions between nothing and something. Is this confusion here because I am creating the idea of distinctions and there is truly absolutely foundationally no distinctions at all? Then can I ask how can a totally distinctionless states have consciousness.
  7. you state god is infinite that's fine but how can it be so that his infiniteness in something being nothing be itself true.
  8. @Terell Kirby How do I speak that god is separate from existence? Also not sure how you answered the answer to why something being nothing came about. If
  9. I guess all mediations have relative advantages and disadvantages. One particularly polarizing example is strong determination sitting very hard (some just can't do it for any length) to do but it can give you a very peaceful state's even if you have bad adhd.
  10. You can still get deluded just as Leo said delusion happens as all level, yes ALL levels even the most enlightened people can be deluded. Delusion's can ruin your life btw.
  11. @OmniYoga science dose not find the truth they make good models - Andy welch (head of Aberdeen uni medical physics department)
  12. I keep projecting myself in the future then prepare for this scenario which would 99/100 time be me talking to other people. What can i do to try to reduce this projecting. With the goal in mind of trying to be present all the time.
  13. Life is not hard the mind say's its hard and you believe it. If one thing was hard like reading then reading must be hard for everyone but its not, so it made up in your head that's its hard. When you get a thought of something you are about to do as this ____ is hard recognise this and without fighting the thought with other thoughts let it pass and it will be come effortless. "without fighting the thought with other thoughts" this very important get this and your life will become near effortless.
  14. 2 years trying to be on no fap but too addicted to porn. Any help?
  15. @Nahm @Rilles thank you guys. so let me get this right you want me to feel in to my cravings and emotions when craving arise not to ignore them? Wright them down, try to understand them. I do live life because I can walk everyday to amazing parks and turn my mind off and just be in aw at the beautiful planet we live on. I love every part off me 100% I forgive myself for going on it and accept it happeneds. Ok i will try this but i think is far from the point. I would say it more like this a voice rationalises why i should go to porn when craving arises then something clicks and what ever i do i am just acing out what i would do to not go on the porn but its all pointless because i will go to it. I have tried to really understand the emotions, I really have but it dose not seem to work. Also i have done leo's awareness alone is curative like 60 times and it dose not work. So any things else to add? I think there is something i am doing wrong, something i am being willfully ignorant off but i not sure what it is although i will try what you guys have said.
  16. Fission I disagreed with Leo's choice on nuclear power, as although i have not looked in to the Fukuyama disaster as leo suggested too. I think that with very secure protocols like having the whole nuclear rectors submerged under 100 tones of water, not being allowed to build near a earthquake zone would make nuclear power very viable. Also nuclear power is a best hope (i think) at providing a solution to climate change. Fusion I don't think Fusion would be a good idea on the other hand. We would have to much energy and that with how egoistical are planet is we would just create much much greater problems than we have now. For those that don't know nuclear fusion is just nuclear fission with out the radioactive waste so it would be so cheap that we would basically have unlimited energy. What are you thoughts also add too the poll of what your option is right now.
  17. @Frazza4 I feel like you are really wound up in concepts and took a huge amount of acid. You need to do mediation, yoga and other spiritual activities. Then i feel like the cogs with fit in to place but a heads up this might take a few months of mediation with NO days off. Also "reality will cease to exist because I'm the only person who's really here" is extremely low consciousness p.o.v of what the universe is.
  18. @tatsumaru only the person can find depression in pure love try doing moojiji's invitation.
  19. Go to a sage now. Either moojiji or sadguru there are many people that can help you out but they must be enlitend and you must meet them in person, Also can i add that anxious, pain and confusion are all obversed and are part of the dream that you awakened from so how can this things even bother you really, just saying. Also if you can't get to some one in irl then try watching moojiji videos and find a case that is answered by him similar to yours and TRUST me this is easier that it seems.
  20. You are unhappy? Maybe its because you want to be Are you suffering? because as ramya krishna say's "you are not experiencing suffering you are suffering your experiencing" Are your thoughts making you depressed? Because you give them power when they have none. Do you feel like it absolutely impossible to get rid of your depression then this is my trump card to you.
  21. RSD tyler is very knowledgeable on this. Although i would say going in with a list is a setting up projection and conditions if you can approach with a deep presents, joy, self entertain attitude and many more things help.
  22. Watch this beautiful example of moojiji turning a green person in to a turquoise person.