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Everything posted by ChrisZoZo

  1. I have been trying to look for a while and believe that the brain is not on record mode for anything of transition. Sleeping is the opposite of your brain being aware (somewhat). So this leads to a bootstrap problem. The brain can't be asleep and record other wise it would be awake and not asleep. The brain can’t see the transition when awake because that requires you to sleep.
  2. Is there a center of you? Where are the ends of you? Where are you when your body moves? Contemplate. Listen to over and over until you know the answer.
  3. I guess for it to all be right that is extremely unlikely (from miss communication and speculation). Parts of it are correct from what I can tell.
  4. @RMQualtrough I am a bit confused on it. Are you stating a quote that you would say after rebirth from death? (in the second image) If not then both the second and third are just the third.
  5. You're missing the point. Clearly you do exist. It would be better worded as "a you is not necessary for existence". You can remove yourself (the subjective experience of being an observer) from the equation but existence carries on anyway. This is because you (the observer) and reality (the observed) are one thing and not two separate things. I have talked to people who follow Buddhism and state you don't exist. May be more to their point but I felt they believed in the fact that they didn't exist.
  6. Also assumption. Well said the assuming of distinctions is a common trap. 'Not existence' and 'existence' are the same. The distinction less state is king! I guess that one way to elaborate on your point if you agree? @Nahm
  7. Sounds interesting care to elaborate more?
  8. @Matthew85 Would you say following someone online is what you need or being with them in persons.
  9. There are many method's psychedelics with a good spiritual exercise is a fast approach. Yea why not? Do you want to directly experience you self creating reality? Yes, you will feel both, Ramana Maharshi said something along the lines of "I am a swinging door, I swing from the person and the world, back to the absolute" this swing won't last any time in this world so. It not like you randomly fall asleep for a few hours.
  10. @CuriousityIsKeyYou can know something absolutely if it's on saliva, 5-MEo-dmt or on oxygen. After absolute truth is met there is just a broadening of understanding you can't get more true than it.
  11. @CuriousityIsKey Experience is king so get to work experiencing.
  12. Nirvana is state of consciousness where you don't identify with you person (person being your idea of your self). A great answer would probably be 1000 pages long. I could say life is god loving himself so much that he allows all aspects of him self to live and he love so much that he will feel the pain and torment in all of it. All aspects are explored we happen to be homo sapien point of perception.
  13. You are missing direct experience, that's what you need, things become much more clear after that. Sorry not sure I can guide your mind out of the maze you are in. Short cut to direct experience psychedelic's obviously but sometimes even the shortcut can't get you there so it helps to do mediation, yoga, self enquiry all that good stuff. Also Mooji is great in my opinion.
  14. @PurpleTree sorry I didn't understand the context my bad
  15. @Thestarguitarist14 You won't benefit from hating here. Please if it's a genuinely raciest form make YouTube video's on it with clear proof because you just seem like your acting mad right now.
  16. Link examples please I have no commitments to this form.
  17. Let me what did you learn? Classic cult thinking.
  18. @Dean Walker Leo quoted Shinzen Young on his strong determination sitting as "the fastest way to enlightenment" is the mediation on steroids video.