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Everything posted by ChrisZoZo

  1. @cjoseph90 1. Go to a financial advisor and speak to them first before anything. 2. If you can go to the bank also, and get the exact calculations. then do comparison excel. 3. there’s a lot of hidden costs when it comes to owning your own place when before you rented. who replaces your washing machine who fixed the leak in the ceiling. These are okay if you have a couple grand spare, but that’s a couple grand spare after your deposit of the mortgage. 4. After speaking to a financial advisor, really consider the fact that you will be locked down and will have to pay off a big mortgage. 5. Also see if you can speak to the bank about the costs of cancelling the mortgage early, because it is not 100% chance that u will stay in that place for the length of paying off the mortgage.
  2. @Spiritual Warrior maybe try to look at the fact that criticism itself is meaningless. It only has meaning because you attach meaning to it.
  3. 27 been watching Leo from 19.
  4. Also, could be some kind of medical condition if it doesn’t cost you much, maybe you could go to the doctor.
  5. @FourCrossedWands I’ve had this and it was the start of pretty crazy introduction into the paranormal. So it seems like you’re mature enough in your life to be introduced to this stuff now.
  6. @StarStruck it reminds me what Leo said, asking “God to communicate, is asking God to become the devil” (paraphrased). If God communicates with you, it must be in some kind of form. If it’s in a form, then it is finite and not absolute and therefore it is more like the devil than he is in his absolute form. so a short answer is in his absolute form no. In an non absolute form you can’t avoid conversations with him.
  7. @Chosen144since you’ve already to this posted this. Then u have come to the decision that it is bad to rape a woman. Then you need to hold onto the will to set you free. Make a commitment to yourself that you will work on yourself until you’re totally free of the desire. look at the filth, the rot, the evilness, the darkness that is coursing through your whole body from these desires. (If it’s there) darkness, is the direction to the light. By the way, whatever you do to anyone will always have the consequences come back to you. If you would ask me this specific way to transcend, this desire it is to totally change the way in which your brain functions. The only way I know of doing this is by being 100% present all the time. Now, obviously you can’t do that right now and even if you try for a couple weeks you won’t be able to do that no matter what. But if you hold to your commitment, then you will get this, and then this desire will simply just fade into nothing. in fact, if you’re able to be totally present for long enough, then the only thing that you act through is love.
  8. @Lila9 be open-minded as Israelis are i’m and watch a debunking of this video. From someone who has have PhD’s in this subject.
  9. Forms, bring out the worst of people and are full of egotistical people. Don’t judge the followers of Leo videos by the form.
  10. Like what Jesus says. Be the embodiment that only loves exit.
  11. Separation and non-separation is also a distinction, which ultimately breaks down in God. Separation and non-separation absolutely unifies into one.
  12. Well it depends on your definition, as I put above mine. I would say you can say they have and haven’t while being enlightened. unless you literally wanted to define someone who is enlighten, you can’t even speak.
  13. What is the rough number of people who are enlightened on earth? I remember Leo saying in an enlightened video that they’re is roughly 10000 people who know the truth. Probably defining enlightenment in the video as “people who know the truth”. Any other guesses?
  14. The brain does not filter reality in the perception that it’s operating as a person.
  15. You’re not serious about happiness you’re serious about keeping yourself in the state of self suffering delusion. (Personal identity state) become enlightened and even suffering will not be suffered. If you want to get serious, pray to become serious and your prayer will be answered.
  16. Infinite imagination can just imagination being satisfied, done.
  17. @SQAAD why take drugs to sleep more when you don’t need them for energy. Moojiji says often he needs like 2-4 hours sleep. And when he was younger would just after enlightenment he would sleep and wake up and not feel tired at all. Moojiji talks about having lots of energy also. My guess is we sleep 8 hour because are mind is so active. When you are enlightened your mind is far more carm the brain has no need to sleep as much.
  18. That didn’t happen in my case at all but I guess it can be the case for others.