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About ChrisZoZo

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  1. @rd5555 when the beliefs can’t change being acceptance of them being there. Too much resistance can make them grow in power and just create a lot of neuroticism. Do this also imagine how inspiring it is to transcend limiting beliefs. Then try to work through them. Also do mediation and inner smile meditation before going through your beliefs this put you in a positive state and reframe everything
  2. @M A J I ok thanks for the comment. @Dazgwny had a Quick Look into it half tempted now. @Hojo crazy story
  3. @Salvijus I was just thinking about what you said you experience when meditating in the morning. Was wondering if you go to the astral realms when you go deep into meditation. Do you also have a video link for that method?
  4. I heard that that is when you visit the astral realms. @Jowblob applies to your comments also.
  5. Anyone successfully astral projected? How long did it take you. Can you share videos on how to do it. Third eye method is my preferred method but I am very new so I can try other methods.
  6. @Flowerfaeiry seeing the vale of the ego is something else of probably more importance than working out what the ego is.
  7. Could be, but enlighten people will also admit they don’t know anything so they may be wrong about ego also. unless of course you find it as the false self then they know that is.
  8. The thing is we can define it as the false self and then you’ll be correct, but that’s just because define it that way. But naturally enlightening people say that they have their true personality come out. The thing is we can have many layers. We are source a soul and we have influence from an oversoul. So then things get tricky because if we’re gonna go off a definition, which is the most accurate that it may not be something that goes away after enlightenment. The most accurate or useful definition can include the soul and oversoul in it. so now taking this in do you think you know? That is the point I am trying to make.
  9. I don’t know how much spiritual work you have done, but time definitely doesn’t exist so that’s not really an issue.
  10. Yes doing it in conjunction of a practice is important. Other wise it may transform your life but not accelerate your spiritual growth.
  11. Monkey minders the wrong thing I should’ve said a habitual contraction of the mind.
  12. @Biscuit I have being doing an experiment. I have being doing 1 on 1 sessions with people who claim they can channel. The being I spoke to is ryokah. I have seen no strong evidence that this is probably a lie but he are some of the arguments for them being real. 1. bashars formula works seem to work. I’ve had very strong evidence of this, but I’m a little concerned I might be having confirmation bias. 2. Ryohak gave me 5 mediations. After doing these my joy level drastically went up for a short while. This was quite crazy because it seems like this guy could just read my body and was able to determine the exact meditations from me. He used mediations from the religion daoism, alchemy, and Moojiji’s meditation. 3. Bashars has incredible answers. To questions like for here. 4. Bahsar know a highly technical specific questions about a very wide range of topics. 5. Also the way of mastery is completely channel material and it’s very good. Almost too good to be made by an average person. This is all I can I can think about now I’m hoping to do a very detailed post in the future on it. The thing is, if you want to find the truth, then don’t expect to come on a gold plated platter. Sometimes it takes a very long time of experimenting with something for it to finally reveal itself to be the true thing.
  13. @Flowerfaeiry not to burst your bubble, but I thought the same and now I don’t think I know actually. I have heard of there being positive and negative ego and I dont think the positive ego goes after enlightenment so yea. Just be open to being wrong that’s all I’ll say.
  14. The substance won’t cause the transformation, but the realisation can cause the transformation. I potentially skipped a decade of spiritual work due by taking ketamine. I wouldn’t recommend ketamine, but you can have the same effect that I did on psychedelics. I’m not enlightened, but I don’t need to any self inquiry work. As I can turn awareness on awareness at any moment, but because I’m not fully surrendered and I have Monkeymind habits I loose it. By the way, having awareness on awareness all the time is enlightenment.