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Everything posted by sgn

  1. Yes happened to me several times. In the beginning it was scary and I did everything trying to move. But now I just surrender to it instead and eventually fall asleep again and wake up normally. Sometimes when I fall asleep again I dream that I wake up and crawling away from bed and thinking I finally was going to make it. Then I open my eyes realized I'm still laying there unable to move. lol I don't know anything about lucid dreaming, astral projection etc. I do quite often realize I am dreaming thou and just starting doing whatever I feel like. Who cares about moral. If I am in a nightmare and realize I'm dreaming I use some techniques to wake up: slap myself in the face, bending my eyes open with my fingers, shake my head. It's all in the dream, this doesn't happened in reality. A couple of night ago I jumped of a cliff thinking that I'll probably just wake up when I land anyway. Which I did. How fucked up am I?
  2. 3.5h straight strong determination sitting as a beginner. Never pushed myself so hard in anything in my life. Time felt so sloooow. Especially because of the extreme ass pain. lol. Body was shaking, cold sweating, heavy breathing, was interesting.
  3. @SOUL My mind made associations between the word dog and automatically triggered images of dogs because of habit. And also because of habit my attention was triggered to go and focus in on those thoughts. I don't see how someone made a choice there. The first dog I thought about I realized was a similar dog that my sister owned. I tried thinking of another dog and a image of a dog I saw in a video couple of days ago popped up. It's all just happening spontaneously man
  4. Hi! What a coincidence. Yesterday I bought a book about self-forgiveness that I started working with. Maybe that can be of value. There are several out there on the subject. Here's the one I got:
  5. Pretty ridiculous that the ego needs meaning. Like isn't the miracle of existence enough? Look around at everything that exists. Look at yourself and all other lifeforms, nature etc. I don't experience it as being a miracle either. But I can understand intellectually that it is. lol
  6. Ok, so I got some different perspectives. Thanks. Just some mental masturbation from my side that doesn't really matter in the end. But I've heard this several times and started to wonder what people mean.
  7. So I guess this is the answer to this thread?
  8. No, because you are Leo!! Busted Leo!!! On a more serious note: I agree.
  9. @LRyan Maybe there is no purpose at all, no deeper meaning, no point? Just spontaneous evolution? I think the suffering is like Leo says, there to help you stay alive. Just as physical pain is. It tries to warn you of something. But ego creates conceptual reality which we feel like is real, take to seriously and suffer unneccesary for it.
  10. Relax. He'll be back in 12 years. He's off to the mountains to attain enlightenment. #whateverittakes
  11. And what about people driving around in cars? It was the most ridiculous and comical thing I've ever seen. Like a machine driving a machine.
  12. Also, ask @Shinhow to cheat with postcount/reputation ratio
  13. @Leo Gura Omg it's so crazy! I'm literally this empty space It's like the body is thought too.
  14. Lol. I've been thinking about an experience I had a lot lately that I've never told anyone. So i'll guess it's a good time. I was on vacation one time as a child. Maybe 5-6 years old. I wanted to take a bath in the ocean, so my grandma went with me to keep an eye on me. This was a smaller part of the beach and in the afternoon, so it was no one else around. I had to go very far out the water until it became deep, even thou I was so little. I thought it was funny when the waves hit me so I walked further and further. My grandma yelled and told me to be careful. I yelled back I'm fine. I felt I had control. So I went even further out and suddenly the waves were to big for me. They just took a grip on my whole body and drag me out. I tried to reach the ground and take steps or swim back but every time a new wave hit me and drag me out. Again and again. I felt completely sure I wasn't gonna make it. It's like I'm there again having this insight when I think back on it. It's so clear. Anyway I struggled for a while with my whole body. Using all strength I had and finally somehow I manage to reach the ground and take a real step, and then several more and I realized I was gonna make it. WHAT A RELIEF!!!!! Still a mystery how I made it. Very marginal. My grandma didn't see me at this point either, I was so far out. I didn't say anything, because I didn't want anyone to get worried or angry at me.
  15. What if he don't? Maybe he lay in bed crying and eating ice cream after reading youtube comments. Kidding Leo, love you (my concept of you) Maybe this one helps: (or maybe I misunderstood what you meant with negativity)
  16. When is Leo's Practical Guide To Entitlement coming out?