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Everything posted by sgn

  1. @Toby So if you create life then you have the right to take it then? Let's say you make a child and then kill it when it's 5 years old and use the same argument. "Well if it weren't for me the child wouldn't have existed in the first place, I gave it 5 years". Or try using the argument with a dog or a a cat. There's absolutely no reason to think that plants feel pain and have an interest to live. Even if they did it would still be less suffering if everyone ate plants because then we don't have to feed as many animals with it first. @Soulbass This was not serious right?
  2. It's for Iphone and Ipad. The android version is scheduled early 2018.
  3. @Joel3102 Hehe. Yes looks good. Haven't tried it myself. @xist He's da real deal You can find some of his work for example here: and here: Some more:
  4. @JustinS Can't watch in sweden
  5. Lol. I remember when I had an ego death I saw a postman and some other people with work uniforms and thought: WTF??? What a silly game it is with all these people playing roles that is taken so seriously. A big custome party
  6. @Ascend How do you know? Btw I think you're very wrong at especially this part:
  7. @Leo Gura You still read physical books? I find it's easier to read kindle books because then I can copy/paste a lot.
  8. Funny how the ego is present even in dreams. The illusion is so strong!
  9. But enlightenment isn't a sure thing. "Lemme just get enlightened real quick and then I'll know what I want to do". Maybe it happens next week, next year, in 10 years, 20 years, maybe never.
  10. I think it should be eliminated for ethical reasons also.
  11. He constantly reference studies that say otherwise. Regarding the making money part: