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Everything posted by sgn

  1. A gratitude practice is also good against victim mindset
  2. Sounds like a good and easy strategy. I have been doing that on my Kindle PC. Hate reading on the computer thou. Thought about if I should buy a kindle or just go for physical books. Nothing beats the feeling of a real book. But you can't just copy/paste. I can't fucking decide what to do
  3. @Echoes That sounds like a good idea. I have thought a lot about if I should start doing mindmaps of what I read actually. I recently bought several hundreds of very detailed mindmaps of personal development. So I definetily see the value in that. If you have an example or can share more of how you do it that would be interesting. If not that's ok
  4. I'll just leave this here: 1. Existence to feel magical again 2. Things to be completely effortless 3. Authenticity 4. Dispassionate mind 5. Full soberness/lucidity 6. The desire to be nobody 7. Merging with the target object (Samadhi) 8. Truth 9. Benovelance 10. Simple and natural lifestyle
  5. Looks like he has built a spiritual ego haha. Yeah I prefer Leo's way too.
  6. So true! More people should know about this. I speak from experience. I tried to escape a lifetime of suffering getting involved with enlightenment work only to experience the worst suffering ever because of it. I still think Leo should mention this more in his enlightenment videos.
  7. @SOUL Seems so yes. Here's critique about it: She seems to have been influenced by Ken Keyes work and made it hers. Doesn't seem like she want's to admit it either. I don't trust her. Read chapter 23 in the second link. Also scroll all the way approaching the bottom their is snippets from Ken Keyes books. I'm thinking of looking into his books instead. Don't wan't a simplified, dumbed down version of his work. I've read that many people have experienced feelings of shame, guilt etc as a consequences of using her method that required further therapy. Just a perspective.
  8. @Dan Arnautu Great. I have been reading a lot on my kindle PC. It's easy to copy and paste into onenote. But I'm tired of reading on the computer. I have tought about buying a kindle and maybe underline stuff I find important and then plug it in to the PC and copy/paste into onenote if it's possible. But at the same time I like physical books more, but it's a bit more effort because now I have to write all notes instead of copy/paste it. Can't decide Maybe that was confusing
  9. Yeah he didn't make it sound so shocking. He should've ended with: THERE IS NO YOU AND THERE IS NO FREE WILL!!!
  10. @Monkey-man I recommend this
  11. @Natasha I don't know what my spiritual nickname would be. I'll just call myself "Human Being #5,148,556,956" or something considering I was born in 1988.