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Everything posted by mariustuhut

  1. So I've been chelating from 1.5 years now and had some pretty good gains but also some difficult periods. Done 2 urine provoked with DMSA, one before starting the treatment and one recently about 1 month ago. What is pretty crazy is that lead levels are the same in both tests (in the red zone, before chelation 9.9 ug/g Creat and after chelation 10 ug/g Creat). I'm really worried after this amount of time doing this protocol that the lead levels are the same. Anyone has any opinions on this? Are these tests accurate knowing that DMSA is more effective with lead and this could somehow influence the tests? Mercury for example seem accurate because is lower in the second result. Can anyone share some opinion please? Maybe @Leo Gura? Thank you! Before: After:
  2. Spiral Dynamics: Important Insights & Nuances Sloppy application of spiral dynamics: - Is a very complicated, nuanced and rich model, and that makes it so powerful - Maybe after 30-40 hours of trying and applying it your own life and see where you're making mistakes and getting corrections to all that only then this model reveals it's whole potential - It's easy to use this model to judge, classify, pigeon hole people and not get the whole fruit of it - It takes dozens of hours of studying and application to understand the nuances of this model and how it gets misapplied 3 lines: additional ways to slice and dice the same thing and talk about human development and evolution of consciousness( additional vocabulary to understand evolution of mankind) Lines of development: additional vocabulary to understand the evolution of mankind Moral development & Cognitive development - These can be developed individually Moral: Egocentric - about myself Ethnocentric - all about my community World-centric - concerned about the world Cosmo-centric - concerned about all cosmos Circle of concern is expanding wider and wider with each of these stage Cognitive: Sensorimotor - basic cognitive development that toddler child goes through Emotional - also toddlers and babies go through Con op( conventional operational) Form op( formal operation) - most adults stop their cognitive development here( sort of rationalist cognitive function) Post-formal( post-modern) Vision-logic - advance form of thinking and reasoning which really goes beyond reasoning into vision an into higher states of intuitive understanding Psychic Nondual - To apply the model properly you have to understand the notion of the center of gravity of a stage. E.g. When I say a country\ person is at stage orange it doesn't mean that is 100% orange and have no other qualities and characteristics from other stages rather they're 50% orange( their center of gravity) 25% spills into green and 25% spills into blue. Very few people are 100% one particular colour. This is what makes this model a little bit messy and when you're trying to apply/ diagnose you think that it doesn't fit. - Movement up the spiral it's incremental( but not by 100% from stage to stage), jumping up but you're sort of slowly inching your way up and this applies to societies as well( has more diverse elements in it than an individual, there are different regions, cultures, sub-cultures, cities, rural areas, some parts are more advanced than others) - Individual psyche does quite have a bit of diversity and people are complex we can't boil them down to one single dimension/ color - These stages stack on top of each other: every stage is necessary. In the same way that 5th grade stay on top of 4th grade. It's now like you get to 5th grade and throw away all information, knowledge from previous grades and demonize, ridicule them, because it's a progressive ladder that we're climbing it together. It's only by understanding the necessity of each stages, only then you can stop demonizing and judge them. E.g. what it means to be at stage green is that it incorporates the lessons from previous stages. - When you evolve to a stage you transcend and include( not demonize) it and bring the healthy elements with you and leave behind the pathological, dysfunctional, limiting elements of orange - Doesn't mean if you're on a higher stage of the spiral that everyone in the world can be: you need to be very cognizant of your own privilege and good luck received as a child growing up: decent family, decent economic situation, able to get education. By the virtue the advancement of society that you're in you're standing on the shoulders of giants, be careful not to expect the rest of the world to already be there - Society and culture are always evolving their way up the spiral. We've had several thousands of years of evolution culturally. The only reasons you're on higher stages on the spiral is of the reason on how much society and culture has helped you. Society has a pulling up and down effect, this depends on the center of gravity of your society. Society, friends and family will pull you down to their level and think you're nuts for trying to go beyond, and in history that's how it always was. - In order to develop individuals we need to evolve the culture and society but we can't do that because all the people who are voting and making decisions are at lower levels who create low consciousness society. It takes time and we have to bootstrap ourselves. Most people who are born in a 1st world country they are already in a an orange or green society and take it for granted and have the tendency to criticize blue people for being to religious or fundamentalist What these stages represents: Each color stage represents density of EGO: - RED: more dense EGO than BLUE, ORANGE etc. Expanding on what you're identifying yourself with. The sense of void/ formlessness within you is identifying with more and more form. Starts with physical body, expands to your tribe and nation, beyond to entire race and part of the world, entire human species and in the end you identify literally with everything. Because generally that's what consciousness is doing: SD is not just a human thing is just 1 particular case or example of evolution as a whole by developing more complexity expanding. Each color stage represents levels of cognitive development: - Is how you think/ mind work. Every color of stage represents a more sophisticated nuanced and complex way of thinking about reality and understand it. A way of thinking that builds on top of older ways of thinking. E.g. Reptilian brain -> Mammalian brain( sits on top of reptilian) -> Human brain( sits on top of both); Like updating your software from 1.0 to 2.0 and so on - Your cognitive development really determines your value system and also the needs that you have Each stage represents the ability to take on more perspective: - This is one of the keys to understanding how to climb the spiral quickly, it's about taking on more points of view beyond your limited egoic perspective - The thing that keep people stuck at their level and not evolving is that they get stuck in one perspective or another - A mistake that many people who are good at dealing with different perspectives and looking at the world through different lenses they assume that everybody can do this. Majority of mankind( 21 century) is incapable doing that. - Looking at the world from multiple perspectives and being able to be mentally and cognitively flexible enough to jump and abandon your own perspective and look at different points of view that's like a skill - Most of stages are not good at this: especially stage blue and bellow, they don't even acknowledge the existence or importance of perspective, for them it's just reality and the truth. That's why those people are so close minded: especially at stages like blue, orange or even green. E.g. don't be surprised if stage blue are not being able to see all the interconnectedness of all religions and culture in the world. It's ethnocentric and can be quite racist. This is just how that mind work at that level of development - E.g. Stage blue: is the ability to see for the perspective of your civilization and culture. Blue stage is unable to step outside of the perspective of his culture, race, ethnicity, religion, his mind needs a software upgrade towards orange and by that becoming less ethnocentric and more world-centric but also get stuck in science and rationality. - If you want to evolve very rapidly through the spiral you have to become very good at dropping old perspectives and taking on new perspective - Looking at the world from a new perspective is challenging, difficult, taxing for the mind to see a problem in a new creative way but you can train yourself to get good at this As society evolves, survival needs change: - Spiral Dynamics stages: responses to various kinds of survival needs. Each set of survival need corresponds with a particular environment that it needs to survive in - Mankind creates and shapes its own environment which adds a very interesting extra layer of depth to this whole survival needs issue. Mankind don't survive in a dessert, tundra, we survive within the society and culture that we create most to suit ourselves, but as we do this we're becoming our greatest enemies because it's our changing social climate, changing technological advances that are happening that now creates new sets of survival needs, is no longer about physical dominance but how capable you are at socializing, playing politics that's what you need to survive in modern society. - Having big muscles is not so important these days but knowing how to use your mind though that's very important: can earn you millions of dollars. Right skillset: program, socialize, network with people( soft skills) are more important than hard skills( lumber jack, cutting down trees, drive bulldozer) - At big picture level consciousness is bootstrapping itself and building the infrastructure that it needs to facilitate more consciousness. Distinction between stages, states, types and lines of development( Ken Wilber: visionary thinker) - additional dimension: - SD: color stages - but don't explain everything - States( additional layer of complexity): waking, dreaming, deep sleep, various mystical, non-dual, psychedelic, emotional states. Mystical states are possible at any stage, Any mystical experience will be interpreted through the lens of the stage you're at. - Distinction between awakening and development: these are independent things but there is some correlation, the more developed you are the more likely you are to be awaken or be interested in it. You really want both. Awakening: waking up from the dream; Development: develop yourself - withing the dream - Types: masculine vs feminine( various Myers Briggs personality types - 16 of them; Enneagram - 9 of them and other types): E.g. you can be masculine or feminine at every color of the spiral: this adds an additional independent axis, additional dimension - As SD model as is becoming more complicated it gets better at explaining human behavior Lines: human psyche has different facets to it, when we talk about SD we're talking about one line: cognitive development and values, but there's more. E.g. You can have a high level of cognitive development but a low level of emotional or moral development. Types of development lines: - Cognitive and values - Emotional - Moral - Career and livelihood - Health, nutrition & diet - Interpersonal relationships - Metaphysical and spiritual - Education - Political - Psychosexual - Kinesthetic When evaluating: let's focus on the moral line( green? Orange? Blue?), how is their interpersonal development( these can be different) E.g. Line an RPG character: - Stage orange cognitive development but moral development stage red. How developed you are when you interact with other people? - Metaphysical and spiritual very high but cognitive level of development will only be at stage orange or blue - If you want to develop yourself you want to become a well-rounded human being, especially some of these lines are important to increase otherwise they're going to be sticking points for you and drag you down ruining your entire life. This doesn't need to mean that you'll be perfect in every line, in practice will be very difficult because raising even one of these lines will be very difficult to do - Most people is lob-sided: nobody is the same color across the board - What happens when we apply this model for collective groups like: corporations, nations, religions, sports teams and families: there are different lines there also. E.g. Country: lines there might be: economy, religion, culture, media, food, politics, science and technological development level, medicine system, education system, business and marketing, law enforcement, prison system, mental health, how family and marriage is viewed within that country, art. Each of these lines can have different levels of development. E.g. a country can be highly developed economically and at a low level spiritual level of development( America) or vice-versa( India) - If you really want to apply SD to a complex problem( business, policy etc.) you would really want to break it down into all these individual lines. E.g. reforming legal system: at what level is our legal system at? Let's say orange: what would a green/ yellow legal system look like E.g. Masculine/ feminine and moral lines at play in the real world: Difference between masculine and feminine: Masculine emphasis on value of: - Rights - Autonomy - Individuality - Agency - Thinking - Freedom Feminine emphasis on value of: - Care - Connection - Compassion - Feeling rather than thinking - Relationship - Community - This masculine feminine will play out at different colors of the spiral in different ways: What does autonomy plays out at stage red vs stage orange? Compassion for a women at: red, orange, yellow How moral development line evolved: 3 cruel phases( orientation towards the world): - Selfish - Caring - Universal care 3 finer phase: When you're born your only care is about you As you get socialized: it's about us( family, tribe, nation, city, corporation) - shift in moral development Must include all decent human being: my levels of care extends to every human being that isn't evil Care for all human beings without exception Care for all living beings on earth without exception Care for all sentient beings on all places on all planets and all realms Care for all reality( past, present and future) - Gods perspective E.g. Feminist: all war happened from men fault but that's not true because there's different flavors of masaculine - These different color stages cannot be seen through introspection, sitting on a meditation cushion, they require wide scientific research, go out and study lots of groups of individuals across the whole world: different cultures, societies, races and compile all data and only them you see this model unfold - Enlightenment itself has no stages, it's absolute. How you interpret it depends very much on what stage you're at Spiral dynamics don't account for everything, there are independent factors: - IQ - Spiritual attunement - Karma - Genetics and environment - Early trauma - Physical/ mental illness: psychopaths, sociopaths - Racial differences - Class differences - Economic status Psychological factors and things which are independent of your stage on the spiral( can happen at any stage): - Judgement - Hatred - Addiction - Fear - Demonization - Projection - Radicalization - Ideology and dogma - Paradigm lock - Duality - Justification - Distraction - Self-bias - Ignorance - Bad public policy - Emotional reactivity - Trigger - Close mindedness - Passion - Lying - Selfishness - Abuse of power - Fame - Spirituality - Crime - Manipulation - Hypocrisy - Injustice - Inequality - Love - Horniness - Mistakes - Business and wealth - Denial - Gender identity - Victim mentality - Laziness - Pathology - Group think - Misunderstanding - Miscommunication - Reasoning - Obesity - Mental disorders - Self-deception There's literally no such thing as reality, you replace this notion of 1 reality with SD, which means every stage is a new reality where you live in your own bubble Different at each stage: - Love - Spirituality - Religion( E.g. there are green version of Christianity) - Business - Notion of family - Health & nutrition - Relationships and marriage - Art - Media - Video games - Movies - Entertainment - Politics - Motivation: what motivates you/ nation/ team/ group of people? - Fears & worries - Criticism & analysis - Reason and justification What you consider good, bad, destructive, healthy, unhealthy, dangerous or crazy is relative to your stage. Every stage looks dangerous, crazy, criminal, insane, evil or deluded to some other stage on the spiral because of the lens you're looking through. - E.g. How blue sees red: savages; how blue see blue: as a lesser civilization; how blue view orange: to materialistic, secular and to liberal; how blue sees green: relativists, nihilists, libertines, bohemians, communists and hippies; how blue views yellow: space cadets, elites, intellectuals, lost in the cloud intellectuals; how blue views turquoise: arrogant, heretics, nut cases - How orange sees different stages red: dangerous, criminals; blue: religious fanatics who won't listen to reason; orange: competition; green: naïve idealists, hippies, snowflakes, social justice warriors, soy boys, to feminine; yellow: impractical philosophers, theoreticians, source of ideas to exploit; turquoise: new agers, fraud and religious nut cases - How green sees other stages: red: victim of social abuse; blue: heartless medieval fundamentalist who lack compassion; orange: used-car salesmen and greedy capitalist or exploiting people; green: fellow comrades to build a social justice with; yellow: aloof elitists and intellectuals( way to much stuck in their head, not enough compassion, not enough community and relationship); turquoise: as already what green is doing - How yellow sees other stages: red: dangerous narcissists; blue: closed-minded bigots and moralists; orange: myopic rationalists and sleazy business men and trap in the rat race; green: naïve emotional do-gooders; yellow: competent experts, values the expertise and intelligence of yellow; turquoise: wise masters, the example of mankind can aspire to Whatever stage you're at you will pick up the facts that support and validate the correctness of your stage while ignoring other set of facts( confirmation bias - not limited to any stage). E.g. - if you're at stage blue in America you will think that Muslims are taking over the world and are the greatest threat and using confirmation bias your mind will cherry pick all the facts in order to support that narrative: look at the news that you need to look at, talk to the people you need to talk to in order to only see the facts of how Muslims are going to take over the world - If you're at green you think that global warming and capitalism is killing us all, you're going to ignore green technology( electric cars, solar panels etc.) just to confirm your bias - If you're yellow you think: tier 1 of spiral is going to kill us - If you're turquoise you think: it's perfect and find the facts to confirm that perspective All tier 1 stage hates each other because at low levels of development the more hate, fear, bigotry, arrogance, selfishness, closemindedness, demonization, projection, emotional reactivity is in you. These forces are the source of much suffering and violence around the world that could lead to massive destruction. The benefits of having a high level of development is that you transcend fear and hatred, bigotry and closemindedness, that produces an objectively better society. It's not going to be an straight linear path because there are going to be all sorts of interests( every stage believes is the best). - If you still judge any stage bellow you it means you didn't integrated fully that stage, you're still missing something and need to go back and relearn Insights about humanity and people: Stages bellow green don't care about the environment Stage blue and orange will NOT understand and appreciate psychedelics Stages bellow green will NOT appreciate non-dual or mystical teachings Is it possible to move backwards: - Generally speaking not: if you're solid at a stage or there's a temporary regression from some threat from environment or powerful negative emotions - If you're at stage green and you have to survive at a stage red environment you'll have to go back to RED just in order to survive You cannot see more than 1-2 stages ahead: - If you're at stage orange you can see stage green, a little bit of yellow but stage turquoise you won't be able to understand - The best teacher helping you to evolve is roughly 1-2 stages higher than you. If teacher is 3 stages is above, you won't be able to resonate with him You cannot get to higher stages through logic: - It's like a discovery/ insight which is tricky - If you want to get from Orange to Green that's going to happen by opening your heart - If you want to get from Green to Yellow that's going to happen through other new unforeseen paradigm shift Every stage has 4 phases: E.g. Solid stage orange: - 1st phase - Pre-entry phase: you don't take green seriously or has any worth of value by judge, demonize, ridicule green - 2nd phase - Entry phase: it feels like you discover a new world, you feel refreshed and enthusiastic of possibilities by telling everybody about it - 3rd phase - solid in green and feels rather familiar, there's growth left but you kind of getting get to the plateau - 4rd phase - the point where you've been green for a long time and get frustrated with the limitations of it and start to look for something new and admit that this wasn't the holy grail You don't want to take shortcuts with working with these stages, but don't rush yourself because there's lot of material to learn within each stage. Keep going back to stages and ask: what have I failed to embody from this stage? What healthy function does this stage serve that I haven't integrated yet? There's a lot to learn about tier 1 stages. Try to exhaust the stage until you're sick of it. It's hard to do the higher level stuff when you don't have basic stuff( shelter, food etc.) How to fully integrate a stage: Find a healthy role model from that stage and study their work, how they think, system of values that guide their life, emulate them, model them, satisfy those needs and make sure you don't get stuck Best techniques to move up stages quickly( without the following techniques it will take the average human being 10-20 years to move just 1 stage): - Meditation: people who meditate move up 2 stages withing several years of meditation - Mindfulness practice - Psychedelics: the most powerful tool to move up stages - Meditative yoga - Contemplation - Journaling - Reading: reading material from stages above you - Having higher consciousness friends - Solo retreats - Workshops and seminars - Travel and exposure to new culture, cuisines: expands your perspective Stages are a concept, they are relative, the absolute/ consciousness/ being is just 1 thing. Pathology is possible at every stage, possible to screw up in the way that you're executing these stages
  3. Guerilla Business Advice( blog video) - The best way to become successful in life is through leveraging your ability to be creative - Most people don't realize how powerful creativity is. You can train yourself to become extremely creative and innovative as an individual. - If you're looking for a way to change your financial situation and more than for example: computer programming ask: what kind of innovation could I create or invent that would provide millions of dollars of value to the world? - People don't realize how much opportunities are out there, and the only things that's stopping you it's your own self, lack of discipline, lack of motivation, ingenuity, creativity, lateral thinking( solving a problem by an indirect and creative approach, typically through viewing the problem in a new an unusual light). - There are literally gadget you could invent that change how mankind communicates or has sex or learns or plays games or whatever Example. Inventing a new type of mouse - One of the biggest problems when starting a business is: you're stuck in a hole where you don't have capital to start any business you want it, most businesses are out of your league. Example. Manufacture new airplane, new car( too expensive, to competitive) - There are little niches, gadgets, works of art that are actually doable for a single individual or a couple of people. You're supposed to bootstrap your business somehow How do you do that? - Got to be very wise and strategic about the product you choose, find something that people need, improve people's life, something that's missing in the market place and maybe they don't know they're missing. Maybe something that's not a gigantic problems that takes decades, millions of dollars to start. Usually this comes by innovation. - The value you're adding to marketplace is by a gigantic project( which most people can't do) because they lack capital. - Examples: writing a book, creating a video game, piece of music, inventing some kind of gadget( help old people, children, for dog, cat, new way to design pen or pencil). - These days every idiot is starting YT, Twitch channel, but lean into creativity, let pure creativity that drives the value into your business - What's stopping you: lack of creativity. If you sit down and spend 1000h over the next couple of years to invent some new toys for children you might invent it - It's shocking how many creative opportunities exist and are completely uneased. The competition for true creativity is so slim. So few companies and people are actually doing genuinely creative things, that's so rare 1/100. The majority of companies and people are just aping others. - Guerilla Low Scale Hyper Creative Strategy: there are alternatives to this but this is a pretty good way to do it - What you're looking for: the key is, since the most of the labor is done by you, and don't have bunch of capital to hire bunch of people, you have to be extremely creative with your project, spend a lot time in your mind brainstorming ideas to find the one really good idea and something that doesn't require ton of money or work to actually create. - What's stopping you: lack of skill, lack of creativity, lack of discipline - You have to make yourself successful - This is not a highly exploitative tactic, it will make people happy, improve the world and be a legitimate win/ win scenario - Don’t think your powerless against big corporation because there are niches that are so small that can be occupied by an individual or small group of people. There are certain things that a large company won't invent, create because it's too small for them. What's small for amazon, for you will make you a millionaire. By being small your project can be more risky, creative innovative and can be very flexible, agile. You got to invest time being creative - Here is where simple principles of motivation and discipline comes in. - Is lot more fun being creative and innovative. All factory jobs will be automated very soon. - You got to find some way to be creative in whatever area you're interested in. Turn this into a career and take it serious. - Is not the case that the first idea is the winner. You will have dozens of them and they will be silly - If you keep going you will find something that is: feasible, requires low capital investment, provide lots of value to the world: sweet spot that overlap all of these - Example. How can I design a simple game that's easy to make just by myself that would be so addictive, fun, highly replayable( so the player gets tons of value from it) and fit in the marketplace that millions of people would play it? - Most of you won't have the discipline to work 4 years on a game. You must have the vision, make the connections and see that this is a game that will fit in some kind of a niche that would appeal to lots of people and make millions of dollars. This guy didn't have all the skills when he started, what he did it was accidental - The mistake here is to learn lesson to narrowly. The proper lesson is: you want to find some kind of niche very similar to what this guy found: could be new good toy, sex-toy, type of mouse, for people who have disabilities. Be careful to not fall into total fantasy land. Don't create art that it's purely masturbatory: create art for your own self. - For this strategy to work it has to be founded upon a deep understanding of something that people are interested in or want. What is it that actually make a game fun and sell well( 10 million units), it is accident? What makes a book sell so many copies? What makes a rubik cube so popular? - Spend a lot of time brainstorming until you find the right niche, product, time, opportunity, something that's small enough to do then put all eggs in that basket do that for few years, try to build it, create it and if it doesn't work you'll fail but that's experience and lessons: business lessons, marketing lessons, skills and use that for next project and repeat that process again and again and again until one of them clicks. This requires a certain psychology, mindset of persistence, to be a creative person you have to spend lots of time on dead ends, you rarely succeed on first attempt on something creative - What are people interested in now?( it has to be time creative). You don't want to be on a tail end of a trend, you want to be at the beginning of a trend, look into the future( what would people be interested 10 years from now?). Example: Which popular have not been popular lately but popular in the past which I can do a sort of revival on? - The idea of inventing new categories: products, services -> this is a potentially huge money maker here( really fun and exciting). In the 70s the category of video games didn't exist: someone get the idea of combining existing components: TV( with pixels), computer, input device( remote control). Someone invented that but didn't see the full potential of it - If you want to add massive value to the world find a new medium. How to invent entire new medium? Baseball didn't exist, and somebody invented baseball; Novels didn't exist and somebody invented novels etc. - You have to be very choosy because ideas are cheap and easy but implementation is the hard part. But it's very important to have the idea because it can worth 100M $ - Trick: one of the way to be creative - you must have a need to be one, study lots of sources. What are the different fields there: go look at what makes baseball popular? Why do people go to baseball, enjoy it, buying the merch? What are the common factors that makes these videogames successful? Why is pokemon such a craze? - What makes things popular? For purposes of business - How good ideas come: take something from the world and extrapolate, abstract out form that and build on top of it and turn it into something rather new but is very reminiscence something that exist in the world already. You can get inspirations by trends - Untapped market: virtual worlds, virtual community of people in 3D space that live together, have politics, governments. VR and virtual worlds will come together - You can get venture capital for ideas. If you come to investors with a really good solid idea or maybe a prototype( practical, realistic, fit into existing trends and technology and show them how you're going to monetize that idea) you can get venture capital for that - You have to pick a lane in which you're going to be creative: it's hard to be creative with everything. You can begin that way - Dangerous mindset: trying to knock it out of the park on the first attempt. You want to pace yourself that this is a process you'll be doing for many years/ decades and be patient about it. You'll learn a lot from project that are failures. - The sooner you can find your lane the better - It's a really good get rich quick strategy - Brush up on creativity: read some books, find ways on becoming more creative - Creativity: fun, spiritual rewarding( aspect of spirit), infinite, your mind has the possibility of connecting to that source - Lots of obstacles are going to be emotional rather than financial
  4. Why Valuable Things Require Development Over Time: The ultimate key to success in life: There is a category of class of things which can be achieved in your life only through a slow steady, consistent investment into that thing over a period of years on a daily basis which ultimately accretes( grow by accumulation) to some amazing result that you cannot get any other way - Cannot purchase it - Build it overnight - There's No magic pill The most valuable things in life are those things that are built in this fashion ( this is how you make yourself successful, deeply satisfied and happy in life) - Key mistake what most fools do is impatience: wants something very valuable very cheaply and quickly, doesn't work for it, can be convinced that something very valuable in life can be gotten without this process of patient steady investment( Fools want to get rich quickly, the wise want to get rich slowly) - Fools build their castle on foundation of sand, he is more interested in the castle than the foundation, they don't dig a deep foundation and the castle collapses. They constantly working because their foundation is constantly sinking. It would be more easy to bite the bullet and work hard slowly, patiently for a decade and build serious wealth - Resist the temptation to outsource this to somebody else, this is the heart of self-actualization and personal development Examples: Education: - If you care about education, knowledge, understanding, intelligence and being smart this is not something you can purchase, there's no amount of money that will make you well educated. Nor can you get educated in a weekend or a single year. - To become well educated that means you're going to invest in your education time and energy every single day for a period of decades - There's no single book, class, university program that will make you well educated - Solid education requires thousands of hours of investment - How: read every single day, listen to podcasts, videos, contemplate, take notes, read more, go to classes for decades and at some point you will become more educated - Nobody's going to push you to become well educated - You're tempted to look for a shortcut After certain number of decades you can coast off of that success for the rest of your life, pays dividends forever There are certain things in life that have a natural developmental process and takes a certain amount of time Business/ Building a high quality brand: - Is a decade long process or more of gradual investment into your brand, patiently building a reputation in the market place, honing your brand to make sure it's fitting in a certain narrow niche within your marketplace and serving that niche very well - Takes decades to understand what it is exactly your selling and whom you're selling to, what is part of your brand, what's not part of your brand - This leads to be very valuable in the end and bask in that for the rest of your life( it's so rewarding aspect of existence) - It takes a real commitment, vision and patient approach to what you're doing and consistency on a daily basis building inch by inch by inch chipping away at it - We have this attitude of wanting some big result quickly: what can I do to break wage slavery tomorrow? You want it quickly and what this reveals about your mind is that you don't really appreciate the value of the ultimate goal. If you would appreciate the value of it you would be happy to work for 10 years to do it to achieve it - Depending on how much you value it and how much it's worth to you, that determines how hard you're going to work towards it, how patient you're going to be with it You need to be good at spotting these non-linear payoffs that you can get with your investments Actualized: Every early released episode was not delivering on the highest vision Developed one of the most robust and interconnected maps of reality that any human has ever developed When I do something I can't really motivate myself to do it unless I think that is really awesome You don't look to external validation to tell you that what you're doing is right, you must look within, your intuition, higher self will tell you Tell yourself every single day that you're doing something important and not to quit and it's going to be worthwhile. You're going to have days you want to quit and follow your friends to do all their stupid stuff their doing. Somebody is going to criticize you or naysay you and then you're going to take that criticism and let it get to you and want to quit. You must push pass that and stick to your vision Patient investment in that what you intuit is going to be deeply valuable based upon your own values not somebody else Emotional mastery: - Requires deep introspection, mindfulness, dealing with shadow stuff, dealing and facing fear, anger, jealousy ( confronting them in an honest way), journal about them, reading about how emotions work, sedona method( letting go), label your emotions - Research different coping mechanism, strategies on how to jiujitsu with these different kind of emotions. - Learn some relaxations techniques - When you're sad or depressed learning some coping strategies for that. What do you do when you're stuck in a depression or in a lazy unmotivated, apathetic, nihilistic state, want to kill yourself. What do you do? - Or with being happy. Research how to make yourself happy and how to maybe enjoy. How to be satisfied: building up that muscle - When you develop your emotional mastery you have the rest of your life to enjoy it: not being filled with anxiety, panic attacks, fear, anger, jealousy, bitterness, nihilism - How much is emotional mastery worth to you? How hard are you willing to work for it? Sense of humor: - Is not how good you are in the absolute sense is always relative of where you we're in the past - You can't become funny overnight, it requires retraining how your entire brain looks at reality - What is it worth to you to become more funny? - You can use a good sense of humor to charm people, get laid, land a job, develop great social circle, open doors that will otherwise be closed, it's just more fun - It's not about memorizing a bunch of jokes, it's about looking at the world in a playful manner Spiritual work: - These takes decades of patient consistent daily practice and self-investment rather than some sort of weekend course - Are you willing to sit and meditate for 1-2 hours to develop some of these fruits? - The valuable stuff is the stuff that people haven't invented a mechanical solution for it, there's no technology or gadget that will do this thing for you, it must be done manually You have to be wise enough to see that what you really want in your life is always going to be walled of from you by your own willingness to the labor to get it. You want to be smart about it, don't invest into a dead end pursuit thinking that it's going to pay off, you got to invest in the right things Imagine an eyedropper and you drop a little drop into a giant bathtub, doing it every single day: only one drop. Everybody is going to be discouraged by this process and quit but all I have to do is just keep doing drop by drop by drop every single day and in 10 years I'm going to be the single person with bathtub filled Human mind is a very stubborn beast, it takes years and decades to rewire your mind, how it works, belief structure etc. can't change these things overnight. A mistake more fools make is that they take the approach of spasmatic obsessive strategy that is going to backfire Gearing the business towards the wise is not very smart it's, if you want to make a lot of money gear your business towards the biggest fools 10 years in your life will pass so quickly Life is very much about investing in yourself as early as possible and doing it as much as humanly possible every single day On a piece of paper write down 5 things you want to investing over the next 5-10 years of your life and put it on your mirror to look at it every single day. This it's what's going to make or break your life. For the most part everything that's happening in your life is just distraction Skills: - Professionally - Interpersonal - Relationship - Financial To build skills you need train on a daily basis. When you start doing that then your life will become meaningful and interesting. Most people are living life like a shallow first person shooter where every day they just do a little bit of thing here and there, one off thing, doesn't add up and build towards something meaningful after a long period of time. Try to design your life in such a way that every activity you're doing is going to synergize and build towards some larger goal and in this way your life will become very rich and meaningful You want to align the skills you're building with your strengths not your weaknesses There are tradeoffs: you have finite time, resources, energy, money. It's all about how strategically you're going to allocate these things You want to customize what's happening in your life to what you are
  5. Anyone has some good resources on this topic? Books, videos etc. Post them here
  6. How do you use psychedelics for emotional growth and which is the best healing?
  7. When someone tells me i'm worthless( for example my boss) even if he's joking, that provokes me anger and sadness. I'm conscious of that in that specific moment but I can't control my reaction. Well I don't express my self in that moments but it makes me very anxious and sad after that. Is that a belief of my subconscious mind( I am worthless) or it's a normal reaction ? Or this depends on who makes that statement about you? For example if the statement comes from other people I don't care. P.S: This channel literally saved my life
  8. My boss ( maybe because I'm also paranoid sometimes). Maybe 1 or 2 friends still believe this about me. It's because I changed a lot in this last year after I found And some of them still don't want to see the change. But I think depends on who does this statement even if it's a joke. If you asked this question now I remember my dad also said this to me when I had bad grades. So this could be a factor too.
  9. I'm struggling with my lack of FOCUS. Is there a distinction between FOCUS and CONCENTRATION?
  10. I read a few book's since I entered this field of personal development about a year ago and this book I felt had the most powerful impact on my life. I'm only at chapter 2 so I strongly recommend it. This book will not only increase your self-esteem but also will increase your awareness (I also meditate daily for 6 months)