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Everything posted by nightrider1435

  1. Yeah you'll know when you reach the point of no return, can be scary at first. You'll keep going though, because if you didn't want to know then you wouldn't reach this point.
  2. I mediate daily, it usually ranges from 40 minutes to an hour. Occasionally miss a day or two, mainly because of a big baggage of emotions combined with sexual energy, I just need to take a break sometimes. I do breathe concentration with ear plugs, usually in complete darkness because I mediate at night most times. Breathe concentration is so simple yet so powerful. I've seen big results in myself just by doing this one method. I'll mediate with binaural beats about two or three times a week to reach more extreme states of stillness, which is a good balance for me. It's easy to get carried away with binaural beats, it can be very powerful shit too. Self Inquiry? 24/7 basically. I usually try to get 2 hours of mediation in on free days, would like to make that a daily thing at some point. Mediation is essentially my life, I'm aware of my breathe 24/7. I pretty much watch life like a movie. I am very "still" now, which I guess can be good or bad for my ego since I feel everything... oh well lol.
  3. Hell of way to wrap up a retreat! I can see the significance of your experience just by the way you wrote this haha, good shit. And yeah there is no one behind those eyes........ no one!
  4. @Ruby White @Nahm @pluto Woah, I completely forgot I made this thread, I didn't get any notifications for the replies. Appreciate it guys.
  5. I completely agree with this, seems to be the only real way for the planet to change. The problem is we think there are problems out there in a physical world that need to be "fixed". We all need to dive deep and heal, transcend the sinking ship. However long that takes, the source doesn't care, it has all of eternity.
  6. @TJ Reeves Shit man, reading all this terrifies me because I'm so far away from the person I want to be, but very motivational.
  7. I feel you on this, I really do, but keep going forward. It's unconditional love, that's what it is.
  8. Yep this is the point of no return.
  9. Never seen a trip report thread get dragged out this much lol.
  10. @Ilya I don't know if it will pass, more like you learn how to live with it if your going down the nofap road, use it to your advantage.
  11. That's why lol, nofap energy man. The energy will cool down if you masturbate again. Start exercising, run, life weights, etc. Your body isn't use to this much sexual energy. The energy has to go to something else basically.
  12. Yeah this is the vibe I got after my last LSD trip, when I was tripping I'd say just a tad bit to much this past summer/spring. Some voice in my head saying bro... the fuck are you trying to do... just live this Good work man. And yeah... don't chase infinity haha.
  13. I've experienced this, ego actually thinking it will die, heart pounding. I really don't know what else to recommend other than keep going at your own pace. You start to realize how hardcore this work can be. Your giving yourself up for truth, the mind is gonna kick and scream.
  14. Yeah it can be unsettling how much backlash the mind will throw at you once you see through the illusion. More hellish than I thought it would be. This might help you out.^
  15. @Privet I was throwing the whole doctor thing out there because I'm just a internet stranger who knows nothing about you. Not sure if I follow you though, you're saying you suffer from a sense of urge to go do things after SDS? What exactly is the problem? Is it like a restless urge to constantly be working on yourself, your life, no time to waste type of deal that you don't allow yourself to relax?
  16. @Privet If you feel the need, then go to a doctor and get yourself checked out to make sure its nothing physical. This path is quite counter intuitive, your mind might feel less conscious but I can guarantee you that is not the case after 3 hours of SDS.
  17. @Petar If you feel the need, then by all means take a break. An hour of mediation a day starts to become a very powerful practice the longer you do it.
  18. An hour a day the past 5 months? Hell yeah, you're doing great. The pressure in your head could be due to the third eye wanting to open. As long as you can handle it than I would say to keep going with your practice but if it gets to intense than remember it's ok to take a day or two off mediation.
  19. You're the constant in experience that doesn't change. When the dream dies, that constant will still remain. It was never born, it will never die, its just ... being... right now.
  20. Yoga would probably be more beneficial for you. Try it out for awhile, see how it makes you feel. If not yoga then exercise. If 15 minute mediation sessions are causing you that much grief than I would suggest to maybe back off the mediation for a little bit, not forever though.
  21. @Alien Hey man if you have a bunch of suppressed anger and your mediating daily then watch out, it's all going to resurface and it might be more overwhelming to deal with than you might realize, you've only been meditating for a month. This is coming from someone who suppressed a bunch of anger throughout their life.
  22. Yes weed can be used for all of those, not so sure about improving your health though. I would say don't let it become a crutch for your spiritual practices, smoke maybe once or twice a month, sit down and do your meditation/ inquiry..etc. If you have a tolerance though then I wouldn't even bother, just do the practices sober.
  23. How long have you been mediating? If your mediating daily then mood swings can be normal, the mediation is resurfacing stuff from your subconscious.