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Everything posted by Spiral

  1. I have the belief that achieving things gives an appreciation of one self that none else can give you.These things do not need to be anything huge, a few small things will have the same result as a big one. Why? well because if you feel like you can achieve what you want to achieve, you feel better about yourself and your newly attained confidence will become evidence for it. Start as small as you want or feel capable of, go from there. Could be a new habit or trying something new or just getting something done that you have punched up for to long.
  2. Well academia is for understanding the outside world, spiritually the internal one.
  3. Artistic and/or intellectual work.
  4. It's irritating when the attention is not wanted and a (usually) pointless goal.
  5. I would not consider it a waste of time, you are supposed to procreate and care for your children. Children tend to sleep more then you, so if you have the time and energy perhaps some of the time could be spent of spiritual pursuits. If you neglect your children you'll go backwards in your progression. P.S you can hide the other thread by click options- hide
  6. Game can only get you so far, it's primary benefit is improving social skills but it can also help you improve your confidence. It's shallow but is a good "gateway" to deeper self-development.
  7. Well lets assume the adults are enlighten, because why would kids be? I would guess some kind of relatively small authoritarian-capitalistic-democratic-meritocracy government with the focusing on enlightening the youth, while still remaining small to promote growth in the form of capitalism. Because in a state where everyone is enlighten, capitalism will work wonderfully as people are very focused on being ethical while not having to dealing with horrible government running institutions. When i say authoritarian i mean a government that prevents things like porn, gamling and alcohol from being consumed by the naive youth. Democracy would also work well as different people have different perspectives yet are all wise in this society.
  8. I have people in my program that's 30+ with kids....
  9. Gross mind. Needing validation Procrastination Studies too much (or anything else too much) P.S Why gossip/drink at all?
  10. Well I find that be a preferred state of being, after all hanging out with people is more convenient and you girlfriend probably does not mind.
  11. Could also be the partner then, although that's normal so don't be worried about that. Perhaps non-organismic sex could "help" if you want to get increased sexual desire.
  12. Cancer dies not cause hair loss certain treatments to cancer does. Male pattern hair loss is caused by the conversion of testosterone into another hormon that causes facial hair and if your genetics are "flawed" also causes hair loss. This is why some men lose hair over a longer period of time. Regarding looks, well it all depends on your face and things like if you are wearing glasses and facial hair can reduce the issue so to speak. As for removing shininess well I'm not bald so would not know but, perhaps applying moisturizer could help(or maybe that makes it worse?)
  13. Smoothies are fine and even healthy but juice is too low in fiber to prevent that high level of glucose(suger) from being harmful. Why you might wonder, well most juices are only the liquids from the fruit not the the "meat" of the fruit. The meat of the fruit is where you find the fibers.
  14. Eat healthy fat, don't worry it does not make you fat. Suger is problematic and is to be avoided unless it's found in fruits or other fiber heavy products.
  15. @LiakosN Well have you lost all sexual desire? Are you in a relationship? Do you masterbate regularly?
  16. I actually like them for the winter as your body goes into heat-mode
  17. If you are not enjoying the experience your to focused on the overall song and thinking about other things. Try slowing down and focus on each tone individually instead.
  18. Making friends when you are new to it, at least for me feels like pure luck. I would consider joining a sports team. Don't like any sports? well you not there to have fun, you are there to get to know people. It's stereotypical advice, I know but unless something in you life changes you are most likely going to struggle. So you made a friend but it's shallow well now you can "use" that person to go to social events and meet new people. Also don't neglect girls as friends,you can have all kind of fun with them. Does not have to be one you are attracted to sexually.
  19. Blood foods work great for getting iron, but it's unfortunately an acquired taste.
  20. Discipline, if it comes to mediation set a time for it everyday and not just before you go to bed as that time may differ. Also don't try to implement multiple habit at the same time as that often leads to none of them getting established.
  21. It was was a general statement but primarily for eskwire. As per your question regarding nofap and celibacy: If your only goal is spiritual insight avoiding "distractions" like partners, kids and sex is beneficial as the distract you from you goal.We are talking really hard core search here, you might as well be in a temple mediating etc for 15h/day every day for years. If you want a more balanced life, which is what I would recommend then go ahead, I don't restrain myself from relationships or sex within them, but i do avoid a pleasure oriented life style in the areas were I find it resonable. noFap has it's special effects that I consider separate from other spiritual practices, I would recommend a balanced approach, say once a week, if the need goes away great if it does not that fine too. Stopping permanently is really difficult and a long up hill battle what is barely worth it as it also is distracting from the rest of your life.
  22. Try it you really want to get into spirituality "hard core" style, but it might be a bigger sacrifice then you intended original if you ever change your mind.
  23. If you intend to waste sperm everyday at least me make sure you eat properly as, you are spending lots of minerals and vitamins "restocking".
  24. Humans are "designed" to prefer happiness and therefore we strive for it, although maybe I misunderstand what you are asking for. If you mean why are we designed to strive after happiness, we need to it for biological reason, now why do things have to be that way? well... idk, that just how it is I suppose.
  25. I would be somewhat careful with this as it does not necessarily have to be temporary thing, there are other ways to die besides enlightenment and physical death. Or as those theist look at it, when you die you either go to heaven or hell (or your physical body dies) Edit: I don't know the mechanic of these types of "forcing death" works but I would not take it super lighty