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Everything posted by Spiral

  1. This has not been my experience. However if being overly sexual and saying “weird” or inappropriate stuff causes you problems then don’t. Being well-behaved is hardly an unreasonable baseline expectation. Besides it’s only weird if you don’t have the status to justify talking about or it’s completely irrelevant to that you were talking about before.
  2. Hot people struggle too. It’s easier to think the grass is green on the other side.
  3. Don’t lend out a sum of money you are uncomfortable losing. It will only cause misery.
  4. I’ve found this sort of thing resolves itself if you are actually enjoying yourself. If you and your friends seems to have a great time, people will want to be a part of that. If it’s a rave, club or bar doesn’t really matter.
  5. This can become a trap however, in which you are naively cheap and retire at 35 only to find that lives becomes sort of meaningless without meaningful work. Balance is needed.
  6. I’m terribly immature when it comes to work and home chores. In the sense that I want to do as little amount of work as possible. Only to instead get stressed about being found out. How do I become more mature in this regard?
  7. Don’t look at them and don’t compliment them. If you are intimate with a girl you may(usually) touch and look at them.
  8. I’m not into that. Needlessly violent or sexual content is unappealing to me in entertainment.
  9. I think expecting the girl to be a virgin is unreasonable. Preferring a girl who’s not promiscuous is another. Sleeping around is bad for you regardless of gender.
  10. Not sure if this is the right category. Have you guys tried Silva ultramind? yeah the name sounds ridiculous but I does contain some useful stuff. A friend sent it to me and it’s very unlike anything I’ve tried before. You can essentially program your mind through self hypnosis to alter you conscious state at will. So you of want to be in a flow state while in the park chilling out. Just to some finger moments and you’re there. I’d say it’s mostly for like productivity and such more so than for mystical experiences. However with some alterations perhaps this sort of stuff could be used for that? Reading this now, kinda feels like I’m trying to sell the product. That’s not the case I don’t even know where you buy it.
  11. Life’s not fair. Expecting it to be will only make you suffer.
  12. I noticed a pattern in uni. A lot people who struggle with mental health study physiology. I also had a friend of sorts who was definitely on the spectrum so to speak, studying Human Resources. As for the question regarding judgment, I don’t know. I reckon having a considerate perspective is the best option.
  13. I would get lonely when I get old if don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t particularly enjoy hookups either.
  14. While I agree with most of what you said. There is a qualitative difference with what one might call “natural game” and “learned game” in this regard to this. With the former you just naturally attract girls, even you don’t try or desire them. While I recognize this probably sounds terribly braggy, it actually creates issues and is often a disadvantage.
  15. A common trap guys often fall for is that they invest too much in the early stages. This creates a expectation, that once you get comfortable you’ll struggle to maintain. On the other hand you actually need to spend time to maintaining your relationship. Having sex and hanging out is not good enough.
  16. @Sugarcoat I’m a native Swedish guy, yet I’ve never seriously dated a Swedish girl Typically date French, Austrian, Greek or Italian girls.
  17. You can have kids and a lasting relationship without marriage.
  18. In theory yes, however if I have kids with this woman things get more complicated.
  19. Do you intend to stay in this town long term?
  20. You should not try to have a “regular logical conversation”. Furthermore it’s better to flirt as oppose to telling them something you like about them. Doing the latter creates needlessly strong tension, or more specifically you create tension without an outlet for it. This in turn will create an awkward feeling. There is of course exceptions, but generally I would be minimalistic with compliments communicated through none flirtatious means, at least early in dating.
  21. I advise you to avoid all forms of social media. Regardless of whether you want to get in contact with girls.
  22. Personally, I don’t really care either way.