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Everything posted by Spiral

  1. N1, Block you ex everywhere. N2, Meet new people, make new friends.Plus points if they happens to be the opposite sex. You are you angry at him/her? Did he/she do something wrong?
  2. Do other people open up to you?If you are not used to opening up, being the one that starts makes the hole thing more difficult. Start with the small things preferably something fun, I for instance likd this mermaid show when I was a kid. You can make all kinds of jokes when you tell someone something like that, especially if you have the confidence to back it up. Once you started things gets easier, but don't drop everything at the same time. You can for instance drop the mermaid thing the first time you meet some because it's just something lighthearted you can joke about. Something slightly more serious the next time, well you get.
  3. @student Because most of the aren't, so most of your consumers won't even think about stealing your idea. Imagine you had leos idea and you started this forum. Some people "copied" him and started a channel but as far as i've seen aren't as professorial, serious or successful and don't really get in his way. I'm studying software engineering , the ideas is a product/service duo in the "health and beauty sector". Still experimental but I like the progress i've seen so far. Due to the idea being a applied cream with simpel yet secret ingrediens I have to apply it myself to prevent analys. Here is a idea, contract someone else to do the promotion. They sign a contract disalowing them to steal your idea
  4. @Lynnel If all men are insecure, indecisive or good for nothing, women have all the sexual power. Don't be underestimate the primitive triggers the rule of of emotions, especially in females. Some girls, but not most can be destructive. Let those feminazis do their thing, it's getting dated. Do men care much about a girls personally when they just meet, would not think so. To some degree a lot of men can discard a girls personally completely for sex. Although it is true that men are attracted to "better" personalty traits, whilst girls "only" like them rationally. "So guys are not that great either, but girls are still selfish" Well that one way of looking at it, it's better to drop the emotional side and admit that neither are perfect and that's alright. That's all we get and if you really want to be alone for the rest of your life ,because girls aren't perfect, then that's your choice. We are not ment to be want to be alone, single forever. if we are ment be a certain way and we are, we tend to get rewarded for it. If you get your confidence etc to ridiculously high levels, girls start acting like men but with a key differens, they assume all guys want to fuck them. So if you don't then, there is something wrong with the girl or you're gay or something. So you can imagine all the "justified" unappreciated sexual harassment you'll get, it is at this point remaining none-misogynistic is difficult.
  5. Just me who think people are talking this to seriously, it's a model and has some merit, but it's not a precise science. Feels like popular science, I for one is a mix of a lot of the types. Although extroverted. Apparently i'm ESFP-A, the entertainer this time. 4 months ago I was the consult.
  6. @Visitor can't you throw some appreciation in the mix to for some extra happiness. So you'd think "i'm good", excluding the moral perceptive.
  7. Only ok.... that's a bit underwhelming.
  8. I think you lack the motivation to get started, reading books and watching videos us the easy part.If it's a product, prototype it and ask around if people would be interested. If you need investments there are probably people who can help with that too. If it's a service offer it for free once or twice to get some customers. If you never start because you don't want people to find out, you'll never get anywhere. Most people who buy what you sell are not smart enought to steal it and will think, well clearly there is already a market for that, so why should I start? I also have a crazy "not available elsewhere" idea, but i feel like it would be almost unethical to sell it.Because it exploits a very serous insecurity. The dilemmas of personal-development.
  9. @Joseph Maynor@Fredrik Andersson I strongly advice against trying to find long term relationships in nightclubs, unless you really enjoy the "get drunk and party" lifestyle. Too many neurotic and/or fuckgirls. On the other hand if you want to get better with girls then it's a easy way to do it. Don't get me wrong I like the method just not the example.
  10. @Siv You can and it's a great why to open up, but you require great charisma to pull it of in a good way. If you can't speak freely you lack confidence or care to much about other people view of you. Although it is common in my experience that people will assume that whatever problem you bring up is something they glorify, so things gets awkward.
  11. @Joseph Maynor Well I don't mind but, I think it can help certainly people open up and explain what issues they face if they feel anonymous. Either way I'm going assume it would be in north america and don't have enought time to go, nor really that much of a desire to go there for an evening of mingling. I mean no offence but i don't consider anyone really worth the time/money spent atm. Would we meet in Sweden then yeah sure if I have time but, I find that unlikely with Leo and most people here being in America.
  12. Well sun light is good for your eyes, looking straight at the sun is not. Not sure sure what sungazing is about either.
  13. @Little Plant I'm not saying it's impossible but I shouldn't be 100% certain either, which I am because of experience. I mean can you be 100% certainty say that you'll wake up on mars tomorrow. I mean it's possible but very unlikely.
  14. @Fredrik Andersson Confidence is all about the things you think you can achieve things. If your confidence is too high you believe you can achieve what you can't. You are also become in sense to intensive for people creating unhealthy relationships, especially with people whom have low confidence. Often a type of neurotic worship(with you being worshiped). This is a slight over exaggeration to get my point across but, if you see yourself as a god others will also do that and that creates problems. Unless you want to start a cult You will also seem smug and self-satisfied which is unappealing. Edit: Here is an example. Normal guy: "mm I think I can get her number... "Me: "Yeah I can have sex with her on that roof, got nothing better do anyway, let's do that to pass the time."
  15. I for one prefer spending time with others, I would not want to change that about myself.
  16. Notice how you only complain about your father's traits, it would be native of you to think all his values are wrong and have some bad intention. It is common to think that you know everything when you are young and to be rebellious. Seeing the value in conservatism requires wisdom. Seeing the value in liberalism not so much. So i'm saying you should listen to him and become like him, no. But only blaming someone else is flawed. If uni is what you want, then go for it. I would not stay with someone whom is treating me poorly unless i have to. As for backfiring no you'll do fine.
  17. Sounds interesting, could be useful to have Leo preaching live of course the rest of us could also meet. Although I do think we do benefit from being anonymous. So stick to your pseudonym.
  18. It’s going to be a bit of rant, but here we go. Like many others here on the forum, I was in a problematic situation and started PD to solve the problem. Mine was a severe video game addiction. I would skip school on regularly basis and I would hate going on vacations because, you can’t play on those… One day I stopped, was 19(two years ago). Unfortunately all my friends were into videogames so I lost them in the process. So there I was: no friends, virgin, with a lack any social skill and with a lot of time on my hands. So I had a look at social dynamics and pickup, never did any pickup but my journey started here. Year 1. (19-20) So now things improved? No, not at all. It went from “meh guess my life is kind of boring” to Hell. I don’t what to go into that but, I got completely fucked up. But I technically lost my virginity so at least I got the squared away. Year 2. (20-21) So started by moving out of a drug addicts apartment, felt like good idea . It really was, because doing so got me to meet this girl, she was my new neighbor. We became friends, I made some more friends and got myself a girlfriend. During this time I also got my social skills in order. Unfortunately I also got way too confident. Year 3. (21-22) So I’m here now. Currently I’m improving my motivation levels, improving my habits and getting a realistic level of self-esteem, meditation. I also quit porn. Hopefully I can fix the damage I got the first year, but I probably need to see some kind of medical professional for that. To be honest don’t even think that could too much. Had a chat with a psychology student, never seen anyone so scared. Even I felt strange from her reaction. So I’m a bit reluctant to see a psychiatrist. But don't think that i'm crazy or something, to other people(in real life) I seem really kind yet cold.
  19. Ascension,not sure how that works.
  20. If you know you'll benefit from helping someone even if it's just, you feel good about it, can you really call it selflessness?
  21. @Moreira You don't need porn or even be of mature age to have fetishes like that, genetics can impact how you react to the world and thereby make you develop fetishes. Domination/submissive fetishes are somewhat different as the have to do with your feminine/masculine side so perhaps I put that in a bad way. Had something similar, but I was neurotic as fuck But don't get me wrong i'm not inherently against fetishes, the expression of them or people who have them.
  22. Being fanatic is the opposite of being open minded, it's the easiest way and the result of being ignorant of the fact that you know so little.
  23. @sleeperstakes Can it help you? yeah sure, but indirectly. You don't need pickup to find girls for relationships, but it can help you with confidence and social skills. So i don't necessary think it's a bad start.
  24. Have you even been had any life coaching and if so how as it? Did it help? How did you find the coach?
  25. Being nice is something people usually learn by there parents. Treat her nicely blah blah blah, while their morally is not established yet so the learn to be "fake kind" and that becomes a habit.