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Everything posted by Spiral

  1. At some point, you don't even have the energy for anything (including suicide) but in many way you don't really survive anyway. For me it was like this, during my childhood and teenage years I was extremely addicted to playing video games. So all my friendships most of which I meet online in these games were incredibly shallow. After getting though high school I stop playing video games and in the process lost these "friends" and I came to the realized that my social skills IRL were basically nonexistent. Therefore I couldn't make new friends and so the "fun" begins. Have you had friend in the past? How old are you and what do you do(study, work or unemployed etc)? How do you spend your free time(for fun)?
  2. @kieranperez I mean: Were you a hanging out with lots of people and having success with girls before. So things have gotten worse or did you not and now don't feel the need to improve. (but you want to rationally) I mean because you said "I don't even feel compelled to flirt anymore". So I assumed you did feel compelled, but I don't know of you did actually flirt in the past. Typo my mistake. Moving out would absolutely help, independence is really important and not just for the sake of getting girls.
  3. @Hardkill I would focus on: Habits( working out and eating alright, these kinds of things) Inner and outer weaknesses(can be fixed normally with some new habits) Social skills (Make some friends) Sex/romantic (whichever one comes first) This will take some time yes, but it will definitely be worth it. Btw I was in your position two years ago, although no family either
  4. Never say something about yourself unless someone asks you very specificity about that. Now you can't brag about anything
  5. Flirt not because you want to attract someone but instead for fun. Self-amusement done right. Where you active before socially and with the ladies?
  6. @Rossporn addiction! Skip porn for a month and you'll get very satisfied with straight porn again. Bonus points if you skip porn completely.
  7. Get out of that place and don't sleep with anyone until your over it. Sharing beds with your ex like that can really hurt you permanently.
  8. @Joel3102 Never be nice to anyone, be kind instead. Most guys are beta, girl can like you anyway, sure it's not optimal. But only beta guys try not to be beta.
  9. Yes, this is indeed true. But faking it comes off as incredibly desperate. Perhaps befriending girl, could offer you value. You will learn more about girls and be seen with them.
  10. @Caterpillar I don't like some of your subcategories, but to each their own I guess. If we skip morals, please don't give yourself fake hickeys, I mean are you more attracted to girl who have hickeys? Also are you more attracted to a girl, just because other guys like her? To me this sounds like the kind of attitude girl would dislike. Sorry if put my nose where should not, but I could not resist.
  11. Highly conscious people are aware of the things around them because they are not focused on their thoughts. So a highly conscious person makes less mistakes. Like forgetting their car keys and so on. Low conscious people are lost in thought all the time and so can not appreciate the world around them and also make more mistakes. imagine doing the dishes while in deep thoughts about your crush, the result will not be the best. It's more of a spectrum everyone isn't the lowest possible or enlightened. It's not the most clear wording because both are equally conscious technically but the value of what the are conscious of is different.
  12. You feel cool wearing it, that make you focus on the outside world. Althought this is simply a temporary effect.
  13. @Ether Reproduce I do agree it's a bad term, "calling" or "life goal" would in my opinion be more clear.
  14. Put on a priest "dress?". Then go into a church and talk about our "lord and saviour" Jesus. If you're lucky the actual priest likes you let's you continue. No but many colleges and universities have speech classes you can attend. If not you can create a meetup on meetup.com for public talking. So you can gather a group of strangers to practice.
  15. Girls have an easier time getting a guy, although often have trouble finding one they like/want.
  16. @Marco_the_Ape Try girls you don't like first, that makes it easier. The first one is the hardest. You can simply ask for directions or something until you get used to talking to strangers.
  17. Feels good and I get my karma points!
  18. @Socrates I think this one of the biggest problems in this field, if not the biggest.
  19. Did you say "like" or any other word? that makes a huge difference. Either way girl are misleading, they might have huge crush on you and still say that they don't like you. Girls won't tell you they want to sleep with you even if you ask, 10 minutes later you're in bed with them. Also what do you mean by "like". You like her company, you want to get some of the good stuff, or do you have feelings for her? To avoid the friend zone in the future, be more direct and sexual from the start. Nice guys, normally don't get the girls. I flirt with everyone guys, girls family. Sounds really strange but it is funny for everyone involved, because they know that i'm not serious.
  20. I really like oneNote, it's easy to divide up things. Easy to add pictures and audio. Creating calendars with birthdays and special days like Father's Day. You can link stuff up really nicely too. I'm using the up to date version,It looks a bit confusing at first but it's easy once you get used to it. In regards to the sync well I like it my computer might die any day so I trust in Microsoft more. If they decide to shut it down surely they'll let me know.
  21. @BobbyLowell So they are manipulating you? Ahh I see. Sorry about that. That's really unfortunate
  22. @BobbyLowell Ok, Well I do also have a few shallow friendships. I would try not to take it personally if people don't want more. Maybe they show you that they do not want more but I don't think they mean that you don't deserve it. It's just not a good match for them. Most friendships are shallow I had my first proper friendship when I was 19.
  23. @BobbyLowell What do you mean by fake friendships? Shallow? Manipulative? Romantically motivated ones?
  24. Naw it's just a combination of looks and confidence. Guys that consider them self good looking ->become confident -> get girls -> becomes more confident-> get more girls and so on. For me getting the first girl took a lot of effort, the second one maybe 15% of the effort. At some point you have to start saying no to girls.