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Everything posted by Spiral

  1. @Raze@Leo Gura Well then they don’t have their shit together. Having ones shit together doesn’t mean being rich. Back in the day guys would persuade the respect of their fellow man rather than the affection of girls. To be apart of something greater and work towards a common goals. These days we’re just atomized and sitting at home working on ourself if at all. We don’t care about our day jobs, it’s just money. Then we complain that no girl what’s to be apart of our life. That they lose their respect for us and our relationships don’t pass the test of time. Even if you are introvert(I am too) you still need to be apart of a Brotherhood and I don’t mean online. Not just have some guy friends who you hang out with because you share a common interest. Who you would stop hanging out with if they got a girlfriend and lost interest in going out picking up girls with you. That’s not really a friend anyway.
  2. Have you ever seen a man who’s really got his shit together be unable to get a girl? Assuming he does not have disabilities. I certainly have not.
  3. @NoSelfSelf No the girl with the silly hat is right.
  4. I typically don’t share his opinions but in this case I do Game is just pretending to be something you’re not.
  5. I speculate that it’s related to attraction. If they are into to you they care about you. Most women isn’t into most men so it feels like they are not empathetic.
  6. You may struggle if you are not into that sort of stuff. Edit: by which I mean party and so on.
  7. Being a man is about having the bits that counts. That’s all there is to it. However yes you’ll be happier in a good relationship.
  8. Nope typically shallow and not very long lasting? but I move around a lot.
  9. @r0ckyreed That’s legally rape even if she really wants to sleep with you in Sweden. Sneaky solutions include going to her place and not giving your real name or at least not last name.
  10. I don’t know about hatred. However androphobia is terribly common. Or they are afraid of men in more simple terms.
  11. Imagine girls are cats and dangling yarn in front of them is playing hard. They lose interest the second you stop. So in other words don’t play “hard to get” it doesn’t work.
  12. Well did you learn anything? Or was a waste of time?
  13. If she makes you happy, and you think you’ll be happy in a relationship long term with her. Although I’d be careful with girls that chase.
  14. @Princess Arabia It could be however most people are idiots and the likelihood of bitterness is high. Like they say, we haven’t found any sign of intelligent life in the universe.
  15. I’d say the US is one of the least developed western countries.
  16. That you do not understand woman.
  17. Ignorance and unfortunate experience. Like maybe you’re wife cheated on you.
  18. If you are argue, you’ve already lost.
  19. Why are you nice and considerate?
  20. People who “can’t” dance typically don’t enjoy it. If you don’t enjoy it don’t do it. Doing things you do not enjoy will not get you laid/find a partner nor get you new friends.
  21. I don’t drink coffee either. I do however consume tea.
  22. This seems like speculation unrelated to direct experience.
  23. @vindicated erudite While (actual) republicanism is quite big in my country and is a topic of debate. It’s not some people particularly care much about. It gives the women something to gossip about. It creates tourism, Germans love that shit. I don’t envy them at all, but I’m sure I has it’s perks.
  24. Don’t do if you don’t enjoy it. Preformative sex is not the way. I reckon they don’t ask you to do that either. Arguably foreplay kinda requires that stuff, I don’t know
  25. I live in a monarchy it’s alright. But I take it you don’t mean a democratic one?