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Everything posted by Spiral

  1. The scientific way of understanding the universe, is great of interacting with then universe. Because you learn the relationship a certain object or phenomenon interact with other objects and phenomenons. With this knowledge you can manipulate the universe to you liking by putting small things together to create something greater then sum of it's parts. Like a for a computer for instance. Using this method you'll get to figure things out but, why it does not really add much anymore, a iPhone six or and old Nokia. The newer phone doesn't make you happier. The expensive care doesn't have you happier. Science is not wrong, but there is more to life than it.
  2. We don't have sun in the morning Why should I sleep naked?
  3. Does not matter if you just want to get laid, don't believe me? Try lying about, it's just going to make things worse. You do't need to have fun with girls for hours without having end goal being sex, unless you live in super conservative country. Although it does help. Why do you think you would make a terrible father?
  4. Being a slut to me is more then just being promiscuous, it's how a person views themselves.Generally they feel like their value comes from their looks and how much others approve of them sexually. So they have a need for approval and affection, that will lead them down a miserable path. This need as a coping mechanism to very briefly feel better about themselves. So technically you can be a "virgin slut" or be a girl whom have slept with lot's of guys without being a slut. People in stage green will disagree with this whole idea, which makes finding them very easy to distinguish.
  5. Trump know people that's for sure, maybe in order to exploit them, but still. He manged to become president with all odds against him. His motivations might not be great, but that does not mean the results won't be. Think of Asia, in those countries workers are payed almost nothing under poor conditions and as a result they can export almost everything we make. Trump wants all the productions to move back to the US because he is wants to "empower" the country. If he has success the environment of will benefit as a result, due to different regulations and because of the unneeded transports. Also the Asian countries might reconsider their view on pay for their employees due this big loss of cash flow. To be honest this is really a annoying problem, my father also has a company but he can't compete with eastern countries because of their laws and low pay. I mean he could not legally pay someone that little. He has a transport firm so it's not like he is selling a product.
  6. I got laid my first few times was via online "dating" websites. Sure it took a few months and for me and it was like 100% luck the first time. Some horny girl wanted some d and I guess I was good enough.
  7. @Anna Konstantaki Well the desire for approval in general is problematic, it means you have limiting beliefs about yourself. Altought giving an girl a orgasm via text. That sounds interesting, haven't done that before(as far as I know) . @aurum Thanks for your reply
  8. I can't talk about those countries you mentioned but I'm sure there is some, shaming is such an unproductive way of doing things. But it has absolutely been reduced heavily within the last 10 years.
  9. "Knowing" things that make you happy is what matters. If you think you know, that a loved one that has passed away is in a good place, you'll feel happier about that. If it's actually true or not is rather irrelevant.
  10. Were neglected as a child now can't fall in in love, makes sense. Ideas on how to fix?
  11. Somewhat of a different topic but I've noticed that I have become decadent in regards to pickup. I need to go a club I don't particularly like, there I need to drink which I don't particularly like for money I don't want to spend. To later dance which I don't particularly like ,to music I don't particularly like, to find a girl I most likely don't find that attractive. Then I need to spend time making her like me and get my ass over to her place, to have poor sleep and to wake up sweaty and slimy from using a condom. Only to later have to find my way home. All this for sloppy sex with some intoxicated chick. I don't feel like it's worth it to me, maybe it's just winter depression and my libido be lost in absentia. Technically there is even a risk I won't be successful "seducing" the girl. Now you might be like well you don't have to dance or drink, that's very much true but in that case ill have friends nagging and being bothersome. Well what about pickup from the street, well not something we have in our culture but I suppose I could try it. Although very limited experience with this. @Ayilton Yeah there is some truth to that. To know your (female)self is to know the "enemy".
  12. That sex was alright, not amazing by any stretch of the imagination. Our problem was with communication, she was extremely shy and had problems opening up. This in turn led to a ready awkward vibe outside the bedroom, we basically had nothing to talk about, like literally nothing. Not even for five minutes. First person I've ever had that problem with. I also weren't in love with her so the the relationship was kind of doomed to being with. Although I'm not blaming her for the break up, she did nothing wrong and I hope her the best, but it was a bad match to being with.
  13. @LaucherJunge So you mean a girl who wants to have a actual relationship? That's not that rare dude... sure lot's just wants to sleep around but it's all about where you look for them. Nightclubs and tinder is kinda a waste of time in this regard.
  14. @LaucherJunge Are you saying you won't go for 10/10 aka a flawless girl if you get the chance? Or are you just saying you're picky? Nothing wrong with being abstinent but, you're not going to find the perfect girl and that's coming from me and I have ridiculous expectations.Either way it's fine just live your life until the feels hit you, then you feel differently and things resolve themselves.
  15. @BobbyLowell Respect is something a guy needs, just common decency will do the trick. Similar to how you expect you friends to respect your time and so on. Guys require respect, but you won't get a guy by just being respectful towards him. Just like a guy won't get you just because he finds you attractive. While I do not like giving sneaky tricks, because that gives someone a false perspective of you. Showing that you think that your worth is not derived from your looks is something I find attractive. I suppose you can talk to him and flirt a little bit. Tell me about him, is he the popular guy all the girls like? How old is he and how do you know him/of him?
  16. @Light Lover Well the answer was for my younger self. You are free to disagree, it's was just my opinion. "Hot girls" is a term i would use for kids that age, because that's what I cared about at that time. 15 year olds can reflect on that and if they find value in the can change their behaviour, if not then that's fine.
  17. Work on your self-worth and confidence outside of social interaction.
  18. Breaking up is the way to go, not because she expects you to pay but because you have to, to begin with. People who's always getting in trouble is not worth the trouble. Changing people is the absolute last option.
  19. @Lorcan There is absolutely some truth to that girls over 25 tend to be more serious about wanting a relationship. Which feels a bit backwards but alright, to each their own I guess.
  20. @Nadosa You said that you are dating, did you meet her online, pickup or casually? There are a plenty of ways to deal with awkward silences, although getting super nervous about them is one of the worst ways. First and foremost silence is not necessary a bad thing, but if it's a constant awkward vibe around to them ? yes, it does effect you results poorly. The most common reasons this happens in the first place is that you don't ask questions or respond in a effective way. Asking questions that can be answered with yes/no is generally kind of boring and does not go anywhere. While you can't effect how she create her questions, it up to you how you respond to them. Also of course this both of yours responsibility, but if you know the tricks you will not have to deal with this problem.
  21. Everyone is not capable of love, but everyone can be loved.
  22. I've or a long time had a preference for female friends for a variety of reasons, but I've decided to expand my horizons and start to get some male friends. I've for some time had some for party purposes, but as I'm sure you can imagine people who you only party with are not the most meaningful friendships. These are somethings I've noticed: 1. Guys spend 80% of their time talking about girls in some way, pickup or sex or their ex or a girl the like or whatever.Now if we have to talk about something else of course we will do that most of the time, but when are just hanging out for the sake of hanging out. Now sure I can talk about girls to some extend, but the point at least for me was to kind of have something unrelated to girls. A study friend, always asks when we meet, how thing are going with which ever girl he saw me hanging out with last. Hinting that he wants to know whether or not I've gotten some "action". Now I get it, but it's gets old very fast. I get a feeling he is having problems with girls yet for some reason he wants to impress me by showing me some chat he had with some girl or whatever. When out with my party friend he is always talking about "how to get some pussy"(to use the words, he uses). Now that's fine, I don't hang out with him that much and we can pull some fun stuff with the ladies. The problem is outside a party, he is almost always on about how to get girls or making jokes about girl related topics. 2. I've also noticed that guys are very.... I wouldn't call it competitive but it's like they need to show off or fight for some reason. Prove their worth might be a good way to put it. Had a guy hit me quite a lot for talking to his crush, I did not even know he liked her and we were not friends. 3. Also guys in many cases have a poor view of girls, it's ridiculous, being all like "girl are only useful for sex" or whatever. I think that's kind of sad. 4. Lastly, whats with guys being afraid of other guys? I'm not big and muscular but very often guy show fear or at least keep their distance if I meet them in a corridor. Now I've not hurt anyone or even talked to these guys but they are like inherently afraid of me. If it was some really nerdy insecure guy fine maybe he is like that with a a lot of people, but it can be really "popular" guys with lots of other friends and success with girls. If I have a chat with them, normally this thing goes away, but find I find it strange. Now yes sure I'm not the pickiest guy when it come to male friends but, the world of male friendship is not my strongest area of expertise. I was primarily raised by a single mother and no siblings but 3 stepsisters and mostly female friends growing up. Don't really have any stereotypically male hobbies. Do you have have any tips for how to create male friendships and/or improve the once you already have?
  23. @Marinus How would you feel if, she had sex with you on your birthday, and the day after you lost all your interested in her? Now I'm not saying this is the going to be the case but it very often is. Pro tip After the two of you have kissed once, you can kiss her again later if you want to, although make sure it is a reasonable situation and not in public unless you know she is comfortable with that (Girls don't want to come off as sluts and all that) If you have kissed her in the past, a good next step is cuddles with lot's of kissing, if you want to go ham you can lightly kiss her on the neck a few times, girls love that shit. (To be honest even if I like that) Once you get to the "kissing,cuddle and neck kissing" stage things tend to play out the way you want to. In my experience getting a girl to the stage where she wants to kiss you is the hardest, once they two of you is getting a lot of cuddles and kissing her none emotional mind takes over and stuff happens. Also being "bad" is not something bad, ironically. She is testing you, often called a "shit test". Unless you do something unethical you're not mean. While your response was a "nice guy response" you did create a proper date out of it, so that's good.
  24. 1. Well, I don't really get the intellectual conversations I want from girls. Sure girls can talk about relationships and friendships and feelings to a great degree but in my experience not more theoretical things. 2. For me masculinity is all about being ground in one self and confidence. 3. It's something I've observed in my age group (18-23), that does not mean it objectively true. That has just been my experience. I have listen to the first half of that book, and yes I held some insight but it felt like he repeatedly said same thing over and over again. @smd They are lonely yes, drinking to much, well some of them. I can imagine this is what will become of them when they can older. I do think age does play a big factor here, these guys you describe have more things going on and might even have a girlfriend/wife. So there is lots of other things to talk about, most guy where I live are single, some are good with girls some are not. It doesn't really matter in the end. Now yea I've had a conversation about stocks with one of them, but I was very brief and only once. If I bring it up now then it's just "it's going good, bought some stuff sold some stuff, you know the basics" Girls are not a reward! That's a problematic mind set you have. I see myself as a reward, although that is also to some degree problematic
  25. You can't do anything, that really sucks but that just how it is. All you can do is work on yourself so that one day they will see the value in what you have achieved.