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Everything posted by Spiral

  1. The library? To be honest only meet one girl at the library. Ever tried a spiritual meetup at meetup.com for instance? Those can be fun, it's very often new age stuff, not really my jam but better than nothing.
  2. @Aquarius I mean you don't have suffer because you recently have gone through a breakup, you also don't need to love the person you're in a relationship with. It just uncommon. You know what? I think dating sites etc will be the way to go for you Maybe bars/clubs?
  3. @Aquarius I do agree with Psyche_92, waiting will probably do you better, suffer throught the breakup so to speak. Regardless, I don't complain to guys who wants girlfriends so why should I do the opposite. You'll have to get yourself out there, sitting on you ass obviously doesn't do you any good. If you go out and meet new people surely you'll find a guy you'll like, maybe a concert, maybe a stand-up show, whatever you fancy. Also nothing wrong with talking to the guy first or making the first move, it can come off as desperate, but It can also come off as confident. Guys do actually like confident girls, although in a different way. I would stay away from online apps and sites, I've found that there is a normally a reason people have to use to dating sites etc. P.S It can also just be the way you worded your question, that makes us think this way. II mean if you resenly broke up, you should stay away from guys
  4. Not saying I agree at all with the politics of trump, not super into American politics either, so far my favourite president has been Obama. But! I do think it's not very open minded to assume being spiritual and being liberal have to go together. Spirituality and conservatism goes together just as well. Things like avoiding porn, video games not using drugs for fun and so on is conservatism.
  5. @Shroomdoctor Sorry man! I'm going through the life purpose right now, very slowly and for the first time, so I can't really offer any advice.
  6. Start doing things that have nothing to do with girls, achieve things, create positive habits. Confidence is all about what you feel like you can achieve and if you have a history of success you'll be more confident.
  7. @billiesimon Well I'm going to agree that's more complicated then I made it out to be. I normally don't ask for advice from girls either, when it comes to attraction. But I've in the past gotten very useful tips, that been very successful, that's what I meant. Well feedback to be more specific.I do for instance often cuddle in a cruel way, that was very surprising to hear.
  8. Well I won't say female advice is wrong it's just, communicated in a way guys don't really understand to a guys who won't understand it anyway. Here is a common one: Girl: "I want a guy who can make me laugh" So the guy thinks he should be funny and makes jokes, but that not it at all. I mean it doesn't hurt but that not what she really means. If I would ask her if she meant that she would say yes, because we are confusing to them. How men work is also incredibly complicated. It's a mess basely and people don't really know what attracts them, they just know what they like.
  9. @Shir Tell him how you feel or ask him to get you someone else. @Psyche_92 "Life becomes awesome when YOU are absent. " haha, don't say that to normal people it sounds insulting.
  10. @billiesimon I am really cuddly and affectionate and I'm the most successful person with girls I know. I thinks it's more about how and why you are cuddly etc. Lonely? If so that's bad. It's fine to be open and honest, although being a nice guy can be problematic. You need to have your own stuff going on. Don't start hugs, avoid giving random massages. If you sitting and talk with a girl and you feel like giving her a foot massage go for it. But don't just go and give a girl (you know) random pleasure. P.S you would love Sweden, it's customary to hug as a greeting here, if at least one of the two is female.
  11. She can also just be messing with you, either way I would stay very long in the evening if I can't use a bed. No sex is fine but if I'm gonna spend the night I have want a bed to sleep in. I have a tendency to abuse power not to this extent or really intentionally but still. Like purposely making taken girls horny but not sleeping with them.
  12. Cold showers. Take a deep breath and breath out all the air in your lungs while going in to the icey cold. While breathing out you don't feel it, although you can't breathe out forever. As someone that lives in -15C, cold showers is a great morning habit because it puts you in heat mode. You don't freeze at all if you go outside.
  13. Maybe you should take a break say a week (preferably without seeing him)
  14. I have many of the same problems, I'm not close at with my family. I speak to them once every 2 months, meet them a few times a year. Surely being close to your family has it's benefits but for me it feels like it's too late now. I'm completely independent and don't need them anymore. I wouldn't say you need to be close to your family especially if they're not nice towards you.
  15. @Shir I find you view of sex admirable, but you'll find that once you get feelings it will be difficult to resist. I mean are going to be girlfriend/boyfriend for at least 3 years without sex etc. If so you'll probably need to find a very religious guy. Another bonus is that you'll have stronger connection, due to neither of you have orgasms.
  16. I would skip talking about exes in general, unless the girl asks. If she does try to be possitive. Saying that girl was crazy is not going to help you at all. Talking about serious problems and opening up is good but not before kissing the girl. Yeah absolutely, try to avoid being somewhere where she knows people, like work/school etc. Bonus points for being completely alone with her. I have a nice garden near where I live, it's good if it's a serious date. Although normally most of my first kisses happens at her/my place.
  17. @F A B 19 is a great age, most of my growth happened when I was 19. Also when it comes to girls. Try to be more on top of the girl when you kiss her, rather beside her. The more you do it the more natural it feels. Not sure what you mean by emotional stuff but talking about super serious topics might not be the best. Try to keep the conversation light hearted and flirtatious. If you talk about how your father has cancer and then go for a kiss, you'll kinda ruin the vibe. Not saying you shouldn't open up but it's not a good time for kissing. Another thing that became very clear to me is that girls like to feel special even if you just meet to hook up. So talking about how you would be fine sleeping with another girl instead is generally not a good idea. Things I've learned: Be restrictive when it comes to tongue use. Less is better. Kissing into light neck kissing is a great way to escalate into more fun things. Light and slow is key here.
  18. Well I generally try to avoid talking about PD with friends unless I know they are into it as well. Now would I from personal experience recommend cutting him out? no, because someone is better than no one. It's really tricky to meet new people you don't have any other actual friends, especially if your maybe not the best at it. I would try to meet new people that you could transition into, to make new friends so to speak.
  19. No specific topic, generally you get closer and more physical, after that you go for it. For instance last night I hand my hand on her inner thighs before I kissed her, we were talking about "street music". Sitting like an "X" with her legs over mine. So I was not able to reach her mouth but I was close to her legs. There is no one way to do that. In a Netflix and chill situation I generally put my arm around her first and then go for the kiss when it feels reasonable. Gently touch her arm in the other side, after ten minutes (ish)when he movie is kinda chill go it. If it's in a bar or club I generally go for it when they seem like they want to. Generally they first look at your eyes then your mouth. On a date I do it when it ends if I felt like it went well. I would avoid having the kiss be the first physical contact I have. You can get closer to her face and look at her mouth to show her you want to before you go for it.
  20. Nothing is true, therefor everything you believe is untrue. What matters is what the things you believe, make you do and feel.
  21. You have already approached quite a few girls, so I would advice analysing what is stopping from being more successful in the practically. I mean it can be as simple as what you wear or your hygiene. We can provide feedback if you upload a video of yourself taking about something and wearing and looking like you do when you game. I would make it unlisted and simply send the link.
  22. What @Psyche_92 said is great, I would give rep but that's not possible anymore.
  23. I wouldn't say I ever really got into to pickup, but I did approach one girl when I was 19. Had some success, we made out. At the time I had wasn't aware of the concept of pickup, but I got lucky because she was in the mood. When I talk to girls these days I don't consider it pickup either. I mostly do so because I've gotten bored of the party I'm at. For me the most important insight when it comes to attraction is: The type of attraction you get is equal the what you showcase, what you showcase is equal to that you think you value comes from. If you think your value comes from money, you'll get gold diggers. If you think your value comes from how nice and respectful you are, you'll make friends or become a doormat. If you think your value comes from who you are, people will want to know more about you and be interested in you. The latter is the best for sex, relationship and friendship.
  24. @Hardkill Out of curiosity, what does the average girl look like in your country? Super easy way to lower your standards, go on NoFap, two weeks you'll be happy to get anything.