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Everything posted by Spiral

  1. The end results is what matters if she had a good time over all, who cares? It all demands how you do it.
  2. Coconut oil is better for frying right? Cold showers is the shit for losing weight, preferably in the morning. Club soda is fine isn’t if just water and salts or whatever? Avoiding all sugars that’s the basics of losing weight.
  3. Almost everyone has something they can teach you or give you a new perspective. Although I’ve fallen into this trap myself so... yeah.
  4. Seeing thing as black and white is stage red, seeing things as “grey” is orange. Yellow view morality in a multitude of colours.
  5. It’s interesting how often feminists and anti-feminists don’t understand each other when they argue. I don’t mean the two of you above I just mean in general. Both constantly misunderstand each other as if you spoke different languages.
  6. You can still talk to girls and go to parties in order have a good time and/or meet new people. Pickup feels outdated.
  7. I get nervous from dates, idk know why. Usually it’s fine when I get there so you are not alone. Breathing is the way to go to become more comfortable.
  8. @Emerald In yellow feminism do you mean that a post-industrial patriarchal system, is bad to nature because it’s creates for instance global warming? I’m not very familiar with this type of feminism.
  9. Uppsala, Sweden. Green mostly it’s uni city so I guess that explains why. We have plenty of weed smokers I’m not into it, but to each their own. Not a lot of business. Lots of parks, recycling is a big thing in the whole of Sweden.
  10. Clean his room, organise his things and clothing. Improve his hygiene. Get his exterior tidy. Is a good start. Small steps is important. Joining the army could also have positive effects.
  11. The Swedish theory of love, it's a documentary. My friends started crying from seeing it, she is stage blue
  12. It's a phase it will go over, had this that few years ago. I don't consider other people being a different stages a problem, had a few drink with a blue/orange guy yesterday. We talked about stock options and the ongoing political situation (it's a mess). Have have couple of green friends, besides all of the spiritual people i've met have been green. Their reaction when you share something they haven't full grasped is gold Conversions is not about the information, but emotions. Why do you have to talk about the nature of reality? It's not more profound than anything else. Have feeling you just need to get it out and haven't had a chance to do so.
  13. I won’t date but I also won’t break up if they told me later.
  14. So you live in Germany with your boyfriend, and he tells a women that he will be in germany next month. Implying that travel or the lack thereof is somewhere in the equation. Ask him if he has any plans for July, then tell him you wanna do something(minor) and see how he reacts. It can backfire if it’s just like a dentist appointment or something like this if you confront him about it.
  15. NoFap and working out helps, building muscle more precisely. As for girls don’t idealise them. Try to always be a authentic as possible.
  16. Weak how? emotionally?
  17. Here a very basic pros of reasonable muscle mass. You are stronger. You lose fat by working out. Which is healthy. It builds disciple, and confidence.
  18. Hi everyone! I think I have telephonophobia, the irrational fear of phone calls. Sounds ridiculous I know, but I hate phone calls. I really don't want people to call me or make phone calls myself. Also meeting strangers in like a date-like situation, this only applies if we have not met in person before. It really makes me nervous, and don't understand why. I have in my option a great dating record but this still makes me anxious. Talking to strangers is fine and even something I enjoy but it's a appointment no not all. Tips?
  19. I assume you mean genuinely behaving as an alpha would, because acting alpha is stereotypically beta behavior. Also I don't see why it has to have anything to do with what stage you are. Now it's difficult not to be confident and authentic if you truly are stage yellow or above, but otherwise you can be any stage and a alpha as far as I know. Being alpha is basically confidence and authenticity so you get my point. "Logical thinking, critical observation and analytical thinking, explore and develop individual talents" hardly sounds like feminism, I would say that "relativistic, Egalitarian,Emotional, political correctness, Idealistic and strives for consensus" seem more like feminism. Sure you'll find that feminists care mostly about local things like their own country but that applies to most stage one people. The thing about feminism is that it's suppose to be the things you mention but they get fanatical and that corrupts everything. It's rare to see feminists that aren't fanatical. Hillary was just awful in general, that's a big reason people voted for Trump. If you had a way better democrat option, Trump probably won't have won. He won primary because of the way he communicates, which is refreshing for a lot of americans. You could argue that girls with strong father figures didn't want Hillary but it's not like their dream candidate was Trump either. He is not about those conservative family values even. I like your imagine thought, it has some truth to it.
  20. @Hello from Russia Can't say I like him, he seems nervous and he talks too fast, not to mentions interrupts the girls he talks to. But I guess he isn't as egoistic as some others. I find the fact that he takes emails curious Based my opinions on "Hey, I Like You 3".
  21. I have found in my life, that talking about distraction being problematic is mostly a counterproductive interaction. My mother would when I was younger often complain about my video game addiction and my argument was always "well, I don't have anything else to do". So what i'm trying to say is that unless you can find a alternative, it's not really fair to complain and watching something he don't enjoy... well he might as well not watch at all then. So what's the solution? Suggest activities that you think both of you would enjoy, you can't really expect him to want to go yoga a few times a week. Also you shouldn't rely on your partner, they are there to support you and well other benefits if you want to do spiritual things and he doesn't, well you have to do them alone or with someone else. Maybe a friend. Surely you'll should spend some time with your bf but maybe doing something more special on occasion like dinner(out) or an ice cream in the park having a chat a few times a week. Here as some suggestions on things you can do together: cardio, fishing(actually rather meditative), camping, hiking, cooking. I have recently found a interest in mini vacations, just go to some nearby town or city and spend the day there.
  22. I don't like dating apps/websites, due to bad experience with the girls I met there. Ironically if you're a guy, you need to be in the top 20% to really get anywhere and if you are in the top 20% you don't need dating apps. Stay away from selfies, they are awful. The angle of Aurums profile picture and so on, works very well for instance.
  23. I like to take notes in oneNote, make em all nice and organized. I have java program that spits out random questions I make in advance.