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@kieranperez Well I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree then.
@kieranperez Well would you want relationship advice from someone who’s very unsuccessful? Worse case scenario you’ll get into a worse position then you were originally. They’ll give you bad advice in other words. I think it’s more effective to take advice from someone who faced a issue i do but overcame it. Peterson seems less happy and satisfied with life than me, his advice therefor to has to taken with a grain of salt even if it’s scientific. Leo is not this way so I don’t have a problem taking advice and from him
I don’t get a happy vibe from Peterson whatsoever, this makes me reluctant to take advice from him. I do own his book, but it feel unnecessary long so I haven’t read or applied most of it.
It’s understandably painful and difficult at first, but give it some time and try to be thankful for the new opportunities that now can arise.
Change is hard and takes a lot of work and effort. Most don’t succeed so let’s not pretend it’s easy but it’s possible.
I have a few shit tests, verify whether or not she “kiss and tell”. Ask her about details about some guy she have been with that she knows you know. Ask her to lend you a small amount because you forgot your wallet(not in the first few dates). Ask her about her friends, family and “enemies”. Let her talk about her ex to see whether or not she is introspective. Look at her previous relationships, did all of them last 3-ish months? Get your ass out.
@Mikael89 You can change those things. I was once completely socially inept, shy, insecure and what not. Now that was that a painful and maybe not really worth process sure, but at least it’s possible to change.
Human life is worthless. Both collectively and individually. So is worthless the same as worthless? I suppose. A single person is completely irrelevant from a large scale perspective. In the very end did they matter? No.
I’m a bit conflicted and I’m not familiar with the results it had in the US but in Sweden it’s became really big. Now a lot of people became exposed most guilty, some not so much. On the one hand it’s good that the issue became highlighted and that people who misbehave faced proper legal ramifications. But on the other a lot of people who arguably didn’t do much maybe som guy lightly touched a girls butt 2 years ago also got outed and faced social ramifications that were in my opinion was a bit unjustified. We even had people kill themself due to the social and career ramifications. One guy was later discovered to be innocent for instance. The Swedish media companies also took a blow, due to cover ups and for writing articles without evidence and so on and so forth. Perhaps avoiding names could be preferable next time unless you are talking to the police.
@TheBeachBionic Well you can get to know him first, use a condom and so on. Newbies can be slow to go for sex so that can be why you feel like they don’t want to, it can be beneficial to imply that you want to.
What a minute is that Shin?
I’m the other way around, I almost exclusively hang out with girls. Although I can sympathise with having a not so nurturing/caring mother. I’ve noticed that getting really wasted with a guy can be enjoyable and feels more natural. Maybe you could meet some girls at a bar while out with your guy friends.
@TheBeachBionic You might need to make the first move but generally all girls can get laid assuming you have right “equipment”. Dating apps and so on are great.
@bejapuskas I would hate a lonely life. Although being single is alright in my option. You don’t need a partner to be happy, but you’ll probably won’t be happy as long as you feel lonely. Don’t try to cure lonely with a partner do so with friends and/or family.
These “stereotypical examples of the transitions” are very orange. Looking at things in terms of what is effective or not is as orange is it’s gets alongside individual freedoms.
Children, intimacy, love and being relieved from social stigma when you get older. Most other benefits are things you can technically get from friendships. Misc Financial benefits from living with someone. You might enjoy dating. Tax cuts from being married in certain countries. Safer and easier sex. Assuming you don’t have a friend+.
I would stay out of the MGTOW community but going solo and focusing on yourself is very beneficial.
The book: Self-Made Man: One Woman's Year Disguised as a Man. As the name implies it’s a book about men from the female perspective, it’s a self biography. I while I haven’t read it myself, it intrigued me and surely will give you some perspective on things like pickup. There is a shorter documentary about it, that’s why I know the book. It’s not really about pickup and you might feel that’s “complainly” and MRA/MGTOW although I think It can give you some insights.
Try to understand girls, not *just* pickup techniques. I found that this a huge advantage. I see guys in their 20s lie and brag in other to impress girls, this is almost always counterproductive. That’s just one example, I can think of a lot of them. If you don’t understand why that’s bad you’ll make similar mistakes. Don’t focus sooo much on what attracts them. Focus on how they think, what’s important to them. How girls communicate and why as well. As for me, I lost my virginity at 19 and had my first GF at 20. You really don’t have to feel bad about not having much success yet. Your situation is rather normal these days. Social skills in general is very important. How do you make a good impression and so on.
I don’t want someone like that in my life to be honest. If am in the hospital, I’ll be in the hospital until I’m dead or better, them being there won’t change that. I won’t expect that of family either. So it’s pointless for them to come. If I for some reason need them there, I compensate them for the hassle. Maybe that’s cold and individualistic, but I don’t want to expect that of anyone.
@Aakash Vijayan it’s a gamble say you would break up and then isn’t able to attract girls effectively. Partly because of your insecurities, then what? Being worried about not being masculine is not masculine ironically. Not being able to attract girls effectively is not something I consider a requirement to be a masculine men. It’s very tricky, I found that girls who face a similar dilemma often end up cheating. You can most definitely “play the field” in your 30s though.
Be more specific.
Pickup is a easy way to start if the person you’re helping is male and unsuccessful, don’t frame it as self-help. Help them out with that and they’ll get a taste for the potential.
@Lynnel I’m neutral in this question but what if the judges are a bunch of white people, who don’t get “ black culture” so they don’t like it. Then what? Katy Perry, female empowerment at any cost
I see dating as have having three stages. The Introduction stage, a short date to determine if you actually like the other persons company. The key here is to make them easy to stop when you don’t want to continue. This means that visiting a park and going for a walk or having ice cream or something very simple should be what you do. I like going to a cafeteria. This applies even if you like the girl already, since she will be more likely to say yes. Although if you know each other very well already you can skip this stage. The second stage is a more serious date with the intention to finding out if the girl is suitable to be your partner, this is were you ask more personal questions. This date could be in a restaurant over lunch or something. Date number 3 can be the so ever so romantic restaurant visit, but here you can bring the flirting up to 11 and you often end up sleeping together. This date is more physical in general. If she stayed over I highly advice making the two of you breakfast in bed while she sleeps. Picknick with wine, cooking togerher stuff like this. What about kissing? If the first date went well and you have flirted and she has too go for it at the end, otherwise save it for the second date. I generally pay unless she has a problem with it, you don’t wanna the have the awkward “who is going to pay?” situation. Be prepared that you might have sex on the first or second date but I wouldn’t try.