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Everything posted by Spiral

  1. Perhaps a bit of a cold approach but for me a key principle has for a long time been " You can't change people". So in other words if i were you i'd just look for new friends until the old ones come asking for advice/help. Things sometime have to get worse before they get better.
  2. Spirals 4 step guide to making a great first impression. You focus on these in this order. Be fun, she doesn’t need to laugh but a smile goes a long way. Something I like to do is to hit the girl with my hip assuming we are standing side to side. Catching her of guard although it’s great if she sees you coming. Get her trust, a hand shake while you introduce yourself works fine. Get her respect, by expressing what’s important to you, can do this using the regular small talk questions. I would think about how you best reply to “where are you from”. Your values are more important than the city etc. Lastly show interest yourself. Bonus point don’t stay longer than you need to if the convo is dead, leave. Ask her for her number or talk to her later. It’s ok to leave the conversation yourself.
  3. Firstly it’s messages in the study which isn’t a very metric of attractiveness. Secondly it’s the difference between 0th and 100th isn’t that big if you compare to women. Only the last 5%-10% of guys really see any particular interest, and that’s bit silly to assume only 10% of the male population is getting some action.
  4. Don’t tell her that, have fun, abstinence is not the way.
  5. Don’t sext, in person sex is better. Sexing is just frustrating in my opinion.
  6. The Syntheist community "Noden"(The Node) in Stockholm is a permanent burning man and techno temple. Sorry about it being partly in Swedish. For more info: https://www.noden.community/
  7. Wasting time on the forum when you don't need to.
  8. Based on this video i'm not impressed. Talking about the cossacks (or the tatar people) hasn't been my approach to pick up I would go for a more positive approach, as in being more excited to talking to them, spreading good vibes and all that. He seems kinda bored which implies status but is strange since he approached. Less compliments and less pushy in conversation. On the upside he good at get their attention, he is captivating, different, unique and mysterious so that's useful.
  9. I don't care much for establishing long distance friendships, I do sometimes get PMs(or Pm myself) but I recommend you look through their content. Do their beliefs and ideas appeal to you? then maybe you should hit them up.
  10. You mean this? Generally recording girl sleeping with you and so on and uploading it is not what I at least would consider pickup.
  11. @Eric Tarpall What who is being arrested? Do you have any examples?
  12. Everything in moderation, including sex. A inherent problem with pickup is that you activity pursue sex. It’s better to go out in order to have fun. I’ve found that if you honestly do you’ll end up talking to some girl somehow.
  13. While in conversations, try to be calm and aware of your breathing. Talk slower and focus on the words you speak to more impactful/clear in the way you pronounce them. Don’t over use compliments and I try to avoid complimenting the girls actually body for two reasons firstly it can come off as inappropriate and secondly you don’t want her to fell too validated. Touch is important as it builds trust, shoulders are a great place to touch early in the conversation. Also touch everyone you talk to I.e be a universal toucher.
  14. As for the racism, it’s kinda specific a lot of people are anti “muslim looking people” due to the influx of refugees and immigrants. So people of colour that aren’t for instance Somalis are look upon better. Racist people tend to view people from Kongo and ex-colonies better in other words. It’s not so much about race so much as it is islamphobia.
  15. Everything isn’t related to spiral dynamics.
  16. I would try to reframe as something positive. Both the girls and the guys spread good vibes through their interaction. Making other people happier around them, excluding jealousy etc. Girls/women are not rare, there are billions of them. So your not really missing out either. Tried scream therapy?
  17. @Eric Tarpall Why not approach? takes two minutes.
  18. @Alexop That's just the beginning. You should check out the documentary: "The Swedish theory of love"
  19. Slightly different topic, but if a girl has had plenty of boyfriends, and those relationships didn’t last very long I get discouraged.
  20. Get rejected and try again.
  21. Lots of mind games? That stuff only works short term. Unless you want a crazy broken gf that is. The useful traits you have gotten really is the social skills and confidence authenticity.
  22. I suppose this could be useful but Scandinavia is super green and people here generally look down on people who are very active on social media. So this advice kinda feels outdated and this whole thing was cool 5 years ago. I suppose it depends on where you live.