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Everything posted by Spiral

  1. Probably caused by deforestation equipment or something if it’s kept secret. Although our media, at least our government-funded media has brought up the fires. Some fires in Spain also apparently.
  2. @Leo Gura That very unclear, if i was a an hivemind and my mother hivemind died? or my queen? or? I was a hivemind I rather kill humans because that's a lot of food. If a was a lone ant I won't care cuz ants can't care.
  3. Killing a human creates mental distress, killing insects don’t. In essence both are just as imaginary and worthy of life. Ants are hiveminded so you should consider it as a limb rather then a individual entity. Beetles are less detrimental to earth than humans so one might argue for why they are more worthy.
  4. I consider “the gender wars” to be a game for people who do not understand the other side . On both sides but very often guys, who make assumptions, that often just is a misunderstanding. After which they argue against something no one had any interest in to begin with. Statements like “Men rape!” And then guys get upset because all guys don’t rape and that statement implies that. Is a bad choice of words? Sure but not something worth arguing and wasting time on. That being said feminism is often so green and idealistic it’s silly and without system thinking goes nowhere.
  5. So the financial state of experience Europe/North America is in a bit of a pickle. Partly because of Trumps trade war but also due to a lot of other factors. High debt both private and governmental, the car industry isn’t doing so well and so on. Things will get worse before they get better. A recession is long due. What’s your investment strategy? Gold? Obligations? Something else?
  6. @playdoh You know, not all Scandinavians are blond That's just a stereotype.
  7. I think abortion should be legal until the day the child is born. Not for for woman’s sake but for the child’s. Being raised by people who doesn’t want you is not worth it.
  8. It does have some problems, but I think Americans should get free healthcare. Like quality over quantity, in that waiting times are super long but once you get it, it’s really solid. Nurse have really stressful working conditions and often get sick due to it. That combined with a poor pay makes it a unwanted career choice. Also by raising taxes you incentivise large companies to move and pay taxes somewhere else.
  9. A lot of the cohorts in Roman armies become loyal the their “general”. United in brotherhood rather then Rome itself.
  10. I was addicted to games up until university. I regret it, completely wasted by childhood and teenage years with nothing to show for it.
  11. You make it sound like you want something from somebody else, it’s better to reframe it as you want to offer someone something. People want benefits not be taken advantage of, this is a fundamental principle in persuasion.
  12. I think his content is alright. Although some advice girls are given by other “experts” is really creepy and immoral. It was enlightening about how toxic, the advice guys often get. I for one don’t want to date anyone who I can sense is using a lot of “attractive the guy” techniques. Like: Go out and have fun with other guys so he’ll get jealous and want you more.
  13. I made fun plans for tomorrow and there was cake left over.
  14. Are you writing fiction? If you are do not self publish your first book unless you have a really good reason to do so. Most books are written in past tense but you can often use present tense in a past tense sentence to make it feel more immediate. Also don’t even try writing in 3rd person before you know the difference between 3rd person limited and 3rd person omniscient. Use the readers imagination, you don’t have to describe everything let them do some of the work for you.
  15. We have some yellow in Stockholm(Sweden). Although it’s mostly green and even has some orange in the upperclass regions(can’t blame actual nobility for getting stuck).
  16. You're probably too weak, it takes a while for the whole "pumping" to pass. Continue holding even after the pumping for a few more seconds. Shin or someone else you probably help you more on this topic, this whole practice isn't really my thing. Try using your finger to press the on that special point and you'll discover that you can completely avoid ejaculation if you hold long enough. Using your finger is kinda "uncomfortable" making it sub-optimal so you probably lose the mood to continue, it's mostly for testing.
  17. I would be careful with practicing detachment too much. Not saying you shouldn't practice it but detachment is the opposite of love. If you go too far you might find yourself unable to care about, enjoy or love anything Most people believe that hatred is the opposite of love but that isn't the case. After all if it was, how come you can love and hate something at the same time?
  18. I made that mistake, I wouldn’t advice it. There are better ways to know if she wants to. Like: Looking at her lips briefly and then back to her eyes. If she follows your lead, she wants to.
  19. It’s not a proven model nor is a well established model, It’s just a a theory. So the best source is probably the book written by the inventor.
  20. I like visualPolitik on YouTube, yes it really orange but getting some different sources prevents you from being fanatical. It helps you get a sense of geopolitics and learn stuff about countries other then yours.
  21. A counter-Intuitive thing about Sweden is that we are too individualist, in other words we don't care about each other because we don't have too. Why? Because the government does it for us, have problems in your life? Go a profession, that's not you family or friends business. So ironically now when things are kinda messy(welfare) people care more about each other. You can watch the documentary " The Swedish theory of love" for more info. Found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMUytlKA5EM (use subtitles some parts are in Swedish)
  22. Seems good, virtues are underrated in personal development.
  23. I learned pickup in Dalarna but was arguably in a unique position. Never devoted my life to pick up tho. Do you prefer going over-seas? You'll need a green card to get into the US, I suspect AU has a similar system. There are English speaking countries in the EU, Malta for instance, alternatively living in a "touristy" location might do you well. Places like Uppsala, Lund or Göteborg are full of young people. Stockholm is fine as well, they have some decent clubs there. Barista is probably a good job. As for living share the apartment with someone if you have multiple bed rooms. People usually let you do your thing if you let them know in advance.