joe campbell

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Everything posted by joe campbell

  1. Yea this is it.. if you really found your life passion you wont care one bit about how long the world will last or how screwed up it is or why and how we can "change" it... All that the is. Is you and this moment why worrie about the last one or the one coming... if this moment you are in now is what you want then it wil be simple to enjoy it and fill the next one with twice as much ambishion... But really the life passion and life purpose is what u should be always touching bass with. Ive found myself getting frustrated with the people around me like.. its like you trying to tell a multi story building full of people that there is a bomb in the building and they need to get out.. no one listens or cares that you even know that but why should you really... if you get out well youl be alive.. more alove than anybody that you ever knew.... so if your goin to die in the next moment or two.. so be it.... but what youve done up to this moment most people wont even have taught of doing in 10 lifetimes..... u cant unlearn what youve learnt dont take it for granted... that stuff is golden.. polish it of and find more haha ?