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Everything posted by ShaharA

  1. Day 21 The family came by and many of them asked me to make them coffee. I did it and didn't even feel the need to drink with them. I feel much better with my body that can finally absorb the minerals from the food I eat without going to the bathroom so many time a day.
  2. @Charlotte I drink the puka supreme green organic tea- its a green tea with matcha It feels incredible!
  3. Day 19 I feel great and don't even feel the need to drink coffee. It is crazy because I even feel aversion when I think about coffee! I just don't want it! I found green tea much better option! might be a new addiction
  4. I drink coffee (sometimes a lot) and I have heard Leo talking about how coffee is not recommended, But he never gave a full explanation why... I couldn't really find any reliable source against coffee online (everywhere it said it is good got us) and I really want to find that true information that will help me to raise my awareness about it. For now, something in my body is telling me that it is not good for me, but it is just an intuition- that's why I'm asking this question.
  5. Day 7 A full week without coffee, today I didn't even feel the need to drink a coffee. It is actually great to know that I do not depend on this thing.
  6. Day 6 This is the longer period of time without coffee I have ever had since I was 18. I can feel my body and emotions in a much more clear way. The way my digestion system works changed for the better. Today I felt really tired and almost bought myself a cup of espresso - then I realized I wanna do it just in order to wake up myself in a chemical way. then I avoided it.
  7. @outlandish Thank you for your sharing. I guess I'll have to find out in the next few months what it does to my body. By the way, did you find anything interesting regarding coffee and calcium absorption in your research? I couldn't really find some reliable sources about that- Please share with me about that only if you had serious research about that specifically.
  8. Day 4 Felt depressed in the morning, I realized that coffee has always been an escape from any bad emotions. Instead of the coffee, I felt the emotions with full awareness and intent, powerful experience.
  9. @outlandish Take into account the economic interests for funding some of the researches and hiding the others. Especially when we are talking about the food and beverages industries (billions of dollars) and the social norm that coffee "is ok" and not like alcohol. I read about all the famous benefits of coffee but also about the downsides of it + my own experience. I suggest you make serious research about the other side also and try some higher doses of coffee to see what it does to your body, then decide for yourself.
  10. @ajasatya I began my process a few days ago and experienced headaches. You can follow my journal here:
  11. Day 3 I woke up early today and felt extremely tired. I felt the need to have my cup but decided to drink clean herbal tea instead. I had an important day at work today and had this thought: "I'm tired and in order to be the best version of myself I need to have an espresso shot! how bad could it be?" With a lot of awareness and loyalty to myself and my commitment, I said to myself: "I don't need any chemical substance to be the best version of myself" From this point on it was much easier and I had no headaches today. @EvilAngel Good lack brother! Yes, definitely much easier to fall asleep without the caffeine in your system. And after working out at the gym in the evening it's like heaven in your bad. By the way: breaking benjamin is my favorite band of all time!! The love of my life! I will go to see them in Europe after they finish their long tour in the US. @Marah You are absolutely right! the social part is one of the most difficult for me. Most people don't really get it about coffee. I found just one friend who really understood my process and supported me.
  12. Day 2 I felt light headaches during most of the day. I was invited to drink a coffee with a friend and said no. We sat together while he drinks his coffee and I'm not. Feeling proud. @Arthur Thank you brother!
  13. Day 1: I woke up this morning with the same thought I have every morning: "when do I get my coffee?"- then I became so aware of this that release how strong this habit was in my life and how much it became a part of who I am. I just skipped the coffee routine and made myself an orange juice from a real fresh orange with a great healthy breakfast. I felt headaches in the middle of the day and suddenly realized that the "solution" for headaches for me was always been a cup of coffee. This time I didn't use this solution and it was gone by the evening. It is evening now, and I didn't drink coffee today! I feel proud! @Marah I could not agree more! I experience the exact same symptoms. It is good to know there are more people who can be aware of that! good luck with your own process! @RiseAbove @Charlotte Thank you for your support! I'm excited to share my journey with you!
  14. Hey guys, after research I did and after I checked all the pros and cons today I decided to quit coffee entirely. The main reason I decided to do it is that I realized it is running my life and that I depend on it. I will run a Journal about it in the Journals forum you are more than welcome to follow.
  15. I'll give you 3 perspectives to look at that: Your perspective: it is a good thing to protest. My perspective: I'm aware of the problem of child slavery and I'm against it. However, in this point in my life, I choose not to take action regarding this problem. Another perspective: There is no such thing as "Good" and "bad" anyway, everything in reality is perfect and in the right order.
  16. Protesting is all about ideology. Watch the videos of Leo about ideology and spiral dynamics stage green again. This will give you a big picture understanding.
  17. Great topic! As society evolves I believe we are going to have much more high consciousness institutions. However, The problem in big groups is that it creates collective ego and cult dynamics inside the organization very quickly- that's because most of the people in the group are not developed enough. Small spiritual groups, independent work and platforms like are the right way to go in the next 50 years in my opinion. Orange is still in power nowadays and it's gonna take a while until society will go fully into green and beyond.
  18. Hey Amit, I also from Israel and I did 7 years in the IDF as a human resources manager. It is true that it is a very blue + orange system (very dependent on the unit). However, you have a good chance to avoid service as a fighter and do some nice interesting stuff that will grow you during this period! In many cases you can come home every day, do office work, manage and lead other people in intelligence projects, arranging education plans with cute girls and even save lives in the medical unit. Send me a private message I can help you,
  19. Thank you all! It is so interesting that the awareness around this topic is so low even among intelligent people. If anyone can provide here some sources of information about this topic it will be great for my research about it.
  20. sometimes I just stare into space without thinking about anything. It can happen spontaneously especially when I'm alone, it's kind of like I'm zooming out of reality and disconnect. It can last for a few minutes and even for 30-40 minutes sometimes. I read about dissociation (which I did experience in pressure situations) but in this case it is different because I can experience it when I'm fully relaxed and calm (especially in the evening or the end of the day) and I never felt the "temporary time lost" or "memory loss" like the dissociation description. also, I never felt like I can't control it or come back to reality when I want. I would call it just a daily "need" to stare in the air for a few minutes every day. Did any of you ever experience such a thing?
  21. Thank you for your detailed answers!
  22. lower stages are not going anywhere. In the future, the development of stages will be faster and we will have more people in high stages.
  23. This is common among green people. A lot of them didn't fully integrate orange and that's why they stuck. Be grateful for the awareness you have for the model of SD, you have a map that most green people don't have. I am a mix of orange and green with some yellow and I understand that I will never be able to fully enter green and yellow without mastering orange. My strategy is to work on orange with the awareness it is not the final step: I do my meditation and take green workshops and meet with green people and in addition, I take orange workshops and some orange coaching and building my business. Of course, I keep watching to get more yellow content. Everyone's journey is different, so this is the right way to go in my opinion. Good luck!