Live Life Liam

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Everything posted by Live Life Liam

  1. Truth is we are all psychotic. The mind is an illusion machine. You are only diagnosed because you aren't the "normal" form of psychotic Hope that makes you feel better
  2. Why do you need to go to university if you want to be an actor? I'm just mentioning this to save you a lot of time and money. We have been conditioned a lot to believe we need to follow the education system if we ever have a chance at success and if we don't then we will be broke or something but there are alternatives. I don't know exactly what to suggest since I'm 17 also and at the moment still working things out myself. I live by myself and am supporting myself a little bit but through public speaking and I am still a little bit in the education system but actually want to quit for good and start a business anyway. What I can say though is you have the ability to do this but you might need to think out of the box a little. Have you been to any auditions so far or is this the beginning of your journey?
  3. I'm still technically in the system too but since I live alone I have more of a choice what I decide to do. It must be frustrating following a path you don't want and I understand you. Well before I can answer that you should respond to these two questions: What is your life purpose? How do you want to live your life? (life plan) Until you know them both in detail you can't really make the right choices. Most people go into college or university with no idea what they want to do. Figure out what your focus in life is and we can help you out more. What I would say is that if you don't have a clue what you want to do then college is idiotic unless its free of course which it isn't in places like the US.
  4. Well I know there are a couple but I mean only a few. At least only a few mainstream ones anyway. It's the same with movies as I mentioned in a topic I made but even less so with video games but there are few exceptions. Personally the only high consciousness game I've ever played is "Journey" which you should check out as it's extremely unique also. It's definitely heavily influenced by spirituality and can be interpreted in various ways. I have also heard about "the Stanley parable" which is about breaking free from the system of society. I heard it's very ambiguous and can also be viewed in different interpretations. I haven't played it though. I don't even have a TV never mind a game console or high-end PC to do that but I used to. I'm sure there are a few more but like I said they aren't mainstream. Its all about mind numbing shooters and open world crime games for most people. I think it's a great idea and if it's your purpose you should definitely pursue it. The gaming industry NEEDS you as it's seriously lacking quality. I wish you the best in your endeavors.
  5. Terrance McKenna knows his shit. I enjoy his stuff even though I have to admit I've never took psychedelics before haha.
  6. I'm just going to be straight and honest with you. Pleasure is not happiness. It's easy to be convinced that what you see in western society is fulfilled nations who are full of life but look closer. Most people are absolutely miserable nomatter how much money they have in the bank account or how many people they are having sex with. All I will say is I recommend you looking deeper into this assumption you have made. Research into the lives of the people you claim to be living in abundance and find out every detail of their life you can uncover. Even the little things like how well they handle arguments and the so called bad moments of life. What you may begin to realise is this lifestyle causes suffering in very subtle ways that often go overlooked.
  7. Don't think it's really the best movie to watch about actual enlightenment. It glorifies it and actually has nothing to do with ego if you haven't noticed just magic and sorcery which of course is not what it's about. To be fair I didn't watch most of it I only picked out a few bits to get a gist of the movie as it was recommended but I quickly realized It's still a superhero movie for mainstream audiences which means it's never ever going to be that deep usually which it wasn't. I did like the trippy scene where she got him to go out of his body into the astral form or whatever. Also that the film would be a great way to open people's left brained mind to Eastern philosophy but probably not since most people will just brush it off as complete fiction. Dont get me wrong most of it is but definitely not some of it since it borrows from actual mystic teachings. Just my opinion but I stopped watching films like this a long time ago. I think they are usually a waste of time especially these marvel films but do what you please
  8. Its funny because I don't know if your being sarcastic or not haha
  9. Blade runner was a recent one I saw and I love that it's such an ambiguous movie left me with so many questions afterwards. I heard they are making a sequel and hope that's just a well done. @Dawson I haven't seen those films but looking forward to watching them. I'm always up for great films to watch that help you see life in a different way. I'll check them out they both seem interested. I've heard about the "man from earth" before but not "my dinner with Andre". I've seen the matrix films and they definitely were great for a lot of people awakening but the commentary is something I will look into. @Fearless@Joel3102 this film sounds absolutely awesome. Can't wait to check it out. Reminds me of a few other films I've seen. @Vytas le grand blue is one I haven't heard of but will check out too. Sounds very strange but fascinating which is my kind of thing. I'm so glad there are more films about enlightenment and truth then the ones I listed. Will check out. If you have an other films on your mind please mention. I think these types of movies should be embraced so the more they get spread the better. It's definitely hard to make a good film never mind a truly life changing on so I'm grateful for them.
  10. I'd recommend doing it at home if you are so anxious of the alternative. Personally I see no benefit in using a gym but that depends on your goals. If you buy weights, barbell and dumbbells, pull up bar and skipping rope (maybe) then that's really all you need if your creative enough with your exercises. It's not the equipment that counts but how you use them of course. In theory you could meet any fitness goal with no equipment amd go all natural with body weight exercises and stuff in your house to use. It's all variable based on your goals. Last thing I will say though is maybe you need to work on the fears you have about working out around others but other than that it's fine.
  11. Why do you need to lose your viginity? To complete yourself? Ask that part of yourself these questions with self inquiry. To be honest though if you truly want it go after it but realise that this desire is probably egoic and needy. I'm not a mind reader though so I can't tell. I wish the best for you and remember that you are whole and perfect as you are!
  12. I don't think that's what anyone was saying. They were just admiring her choice of living. We know truth has nothing to do with how you live but it's great to see there are alternative lifestyles. Personally I've always felt like this mainstream consumer way of living is not for me and desire living similar to this woman. It dosent mean I think it's the path that will lead me to truth but simply how I'd want to live. Same for everyone else. I do believe it's easier to get distracted when living in a materialistic society though fur to the hectic nature of it. Do what you wish though.
  13. At times I truly have and it's wonderful. It's moments when everything becomes new and fresh again and you embrace all that life has to offer. I think you can obtain that right here and now but you may have to put a little bit of effort in. The more vulnerable you are and open the more you become free and therefore the inner child comes out. Most children express themselves fully and wholly considering they don't have trauma but the conditioning of society slowly turns them into a adult which is essentially the same as the child except with all these rules and regulations on how to live. My advice and technique to you is to begin reconnecting to the things and activities you loved as a child and also begin opening up your heart but I warn you this will be terrifying to your ego especially if your identified with being masculine. When you feel like expressing yourself in a certain way do it and don't hold back even if that resistant ego is stopping you. This is hard to do but the more you do it the more you begin to not give a fuck and essentially break free. Other than this meditation and self inquiry are of course perfect ways to do this as they get rid of the false self so you realise your true nature more and by doing that become more authentic. Of course enlightenment is usually the perfect way to reconnect with your inner child because with no more ego means no more pretending to be something your not overtime. The goal is to eliminate all ideas, concepts and ideologies of who you think you are which isn't what you have grown up to believe. When you are a child you have barely any identity so remember all you have to do is get rid of that which holds you back. Also try spend more time with the people that open up your playful side more it will help. Be with those who love your childlike side since we all have that side even a little bit as adults. Good luck! I know you can do it.
  14. It will always be difficult to have constant silence but that isn't the point whilst meditating. I have very loud neighborhood for example and it does not bother me. The goal is to accept the moment as it is and not get attached to silence or sound or anything else.
  15. Realise how lucky you are first for waking up so young. I'm 17 too and have been introduced to self development work for over a year not but just recently have I been fully committed. What I advise is that you become clear on what you want your life path to be like (almost every teenager gets this part wrong and fuck up there life thanks to this) and also to be mindful of your environment. A big distraction at our age is the unconscious friends and families around us who influence us a lot at this age. Don't worry about not being "normal" or "cool" and just distance yourself from what dosent serve you. Also to listen to your internal guidance system (intuition) and not others. I have finished school now so I've been though it all and I've learnt that's good advice although all this is coming from an extremely rebellious student so I may not have a good opinion in this
  16. No worries. If you need to ask any questions message me.
  17. Great advice and thanks for this. I agree with what you mean. Its not like I have a huge desire for that lifestyle and if anything I don't want it that is why I'm not sure if its just my ego afraid of the hard struggle that life would entail. I love my comforts now I must be honest. I have a easy simple life and although not a millionaire live pretty wealthy materially (although I live more minimally then most) and in other areas too so I know the luxuries don't fulfil me but I know doing the opposite of how I live now isn't the answer. I probably don't have it in me currently to leave my relationship and everything else I have built at the moment which is why I am wondering if that what it takes to find the truth. I know what is needed is the time to meditate and contemplate on the existence of life and this so called me so that is what I what I am trying to work on to build my life around focusing on these thing. Probably not in the same way as the Buddha but still doing the same thing basically. What is the truth? Its definitely one of my values.
  18. Makes sense. I hope some day I will be able to get to that point but I know at the moment I have attachments like to relationships especially (my girlfriend and friends) and to the comforts of modern living like the internet and good food. Of course there are plenty of other attachments but those are probably the main ones I notice in my awareness at this current time. I am definitely slowly moving towards that lifestyle more and more every day though and minimising my life drastically. Thanks for the response.
  19. Would you recommend us to go this extreme towards enlightenment or not? I'm just curious what you think about people who decide to live this way for 20 years?
  20. Completely agree with the video. Anyone reading this and truly wants to get out of the constant chasing of your tail then watch this video. I've seen it before but he speaks a lot of truths especially if you want a lot of free time to Meditate and focus on internal work. Life should be easy and society has been pretending too long that they are some how different from nature and need to work so hard just to survive. You can build a house, grow your own food, make your own clothing all through simple mother earth if you truly want. Yes you will look poor and may have to move country but like I say it's up to you what your goals are but realise a life like this is definitely possible.
  21. You can work full time doing something which promotes consciousness work but it takes a lot of out of the box thinking to do that. Most jobs aren't ideal for it and is all ego game but there are exceptions. @Leo Gura is right so I'd follow his advice and also @Reality knows what he's doing by following a minimalism lifestyle. If your truly dedicated towards a life of focusing on consciousness work you can find a way to dedicate your time on it. For me I live alone at 17 independently atm so I think it's possible for you also. I only got where I am by taking huge risks and following my intuition nomatter how scary that seemed at first. The problem is most people love their comfort bubble and we fear the unknown so don't take action. Here are ways you can start to get out of the rat race: RV living/Build tiny home (cheap effective way so making it easier to meet basic survival needs with less money) Build your own online source of income (passive income if you don't want to work at all) Build a business that suits your values Become a monk or live in a culture that focuses more on what you desire to accomplish in life Live off the grid or land (this is possible many people have accomplished this regardless of what people think) (grow own food, buy own land and more to meet basic needs) The list goes on and on the problem is people are close minded to these ideas because either they are afraid of the unknown of love the comfort of mainstream living too much to change. If you want to get out of the schooling system that can be more tricky but is possible. Remember that if you don't want to follow the rat race then your goals should be to find a way to live in a way meets your basic needs so you can focus on the things such as meditation and conscious work. If your still attached to material things and luxury than the things I said sound like hell to you. I really hope the best for you. Keep us updated on this but remember there is always a way to live your dreams. If you want something just go grab it. Peace.
  22. This is a perfectly natural phenomena so don't be worried. I haven't experienced this myself but know that it occurs and the only thing you should to its allow what happens to be. Meditation brings out a lot of things and a lot that you aren't even conscious of when doing it and your body reacts to that as it's very much connected to your mind and spirit. I hope everything turns out well and keep updating about these experiences.
  23. Also where in Scotland do you live? This is an alternative route then university although they have a stage program and one of them can involve a foundation degree at university. I was glad to see that their are many different ways to go at it.
  24. Well tbh either way you take is similar as it all depends on your goals. If your idea is to be a certified counsellor for the bacp (British association of counselling) (I think it's like this in Scotland too and use the same system) like I am then they have a specific guide on how to become certified. Certification is usually the only way to get a job in the industry but they never say once that you need a university degree and you don't need one to be a certified counsellor although university course usually meet the required training times I think. I've researched a lot into this but I'll share you links so you can see what I mean. Over in Britain there are a lot of independent counselling programs to help you get all the training needed to become a certified counsellor and usually this is for people who may not like the university atmosphere or don't have the grade requirements for a general university course. Like I said becoming a counsellor or psychotherapist is a little variable then other types of jobs because it depends on your goal. You can still be a counsellor without being certified since it doesn't have a legal attachment with it like a doctor does although you could only work online for yourself most likely since pretty much all NHS or other places require a diploma, a bacp certification and a lot of experience in the mental health field so it's what your goals are. I'm planning to move to Scotland soon with my girlfriend since she wants to study nutrition there and she's Bulgarian so she is better of in Scotland then Britain. Seems like your doing great though. What is Scotland like? This link shows basically what you need to become a member of the bacp and is their recommended 3 step strategy.