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Everything posted by Live Life Liam
I clearly see that I was being sarcastic but half true. I mean that simply by the fact we our mind creates illusions such as ego that we are psychotic. I think calling it New age information is a little silly though.
In going be quick with this. If your extremely young then I recommend setting a foundation is important and a means to support yourself in the future with a plan is important. Other than that then enlightenment since it's probably the greatest thing you can discover. Personally I'm doing both as I'm 17 and working towards public speaking and coaching is what I am working in and will create a foundation in. At this same time I only really use my free time to do conciousness work and on occasion spend time with loved one. I'd recommend any young person to do the same by focusing on a way to support themselves but this depends on what you want in life. Hope this helps.
Live Life Liam replied to TeenVisionary98's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
Not everyone is built for the schooling system and like Einstein said "everybody is a genius but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree is just going to live his entire life believing he is stupid". I have a goal to end insecurity in others as I don't want to see people suffer like this anymore. I think we need to stop making education about just getting people jobs and focus on individuals. To inspire the young to bring a positive influence in the world using there unique skills should be prime not just making them compete for silly pieces of paper. For a lot of people school actual sucks out the dreams of many so they only go for mediocrity because it can make you feel unworthy then others. Just my opinion but we need to radically open our minds as a collective to new ways of schooling. -
Hey Emerald, if you have checked out my channel I'd like to know your opinion on that also and any improvements you would make. I'm working on making more of a stand out so it's not just me talking into the camera and incorporating edits but don't know yet. It would be amazing to read your advice.
Live Life Liam replied to TeenVisionary98's topic in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance
Look I've just come from a very interesting event where I got to meet amazing Entrepreneurs, self employed artists and employees and the first thing I asked all of them was about this issue. Surprisingly a lot agreed that mainstream education is only for 50% of the population and the other half should find there own path. Personally I'd say be unique and take that risk. There is nothing better then standing out from the crowd in career and life purpose but what I will say is it depends if you have a plan or not. Don't make a choice unless your definite what you want in life. For me my plan is to change the system not work inside it so it's up to you. Much love to you all -
Live Life Liam replied to Live Life Liam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Saw it a few months ago. It truly is something spectacular. It beautifully portrays enlightenment, overcoming the fear of death and our constant search for immortality. So unique. This film is from Darren Aronofsky if anyone didn't know and you should check it out. -
Live Life Liam replied to Live Life Liam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Not really my thing. Hahah I'm a little pretentious and love a film that fucks my mind up completely and opens it up to new ways of seeing life. Whilst "Rocky" is inspirational its a little too straight forward for me. We definitely probably have different tastes in movies as you don't like Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind which is my kind of movie. Seen "Predator" and although it isn't about what I mean by self development or enlightenment film I enjoyed it for what its worth. -
Live Life Liam replied to Live Life Liam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Terry Gilliam is an amazing film maker so I will check it out sometime. -
Live Life Liam replied to Live Life Liam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I litterly just watched forest gump again like two days ago with my girlfriend. Yes he just does without obsessing over future worries and is definitely a figure we can learn from. Eternal Sunshine is a creative masterpiece and is so touching and important to watch. Yeah I get you completely. He was relatable. Inception is a great film but I know lots of people have seen it so no point mentioning. I think waking life is a better film to watch about dreams though since it's less mainstream so more in-depth. -
Live Life Liam replied to Live Life Liam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
American beauty is a masterpiece. Completely agree with you! -
So fascinating. This is something a lot of people don't understand. What you consume ends up consuming you haha
I was just recently watching a Mooji live stream and in a lot of his teachings he tells us to find the space of love in our hearts. Not to mention the fact he's so full of love towards every human being which makes me wonder if being enlightened means loving all since you have no ego to now limit your being. It probably isn't true because there are other enlightened teachers who arent as loving as mooji but maybe it is I couldn't know. So the question I'm asking is that maybe unconditional love and Enlightenment are linked in similar ways. Teal swan also seems to think so with her video about unconditional love. I've personally noticed the more I love the less identity I have and had times when it can disappear entirely. What do you think?
Live Life Liam replied to Live Life Liam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I fixed the issue. Thanks for letting me know though -
Live Life Liam replied to Live Life Liam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There are 3 videos haha. That's strange if you didn't find anything? Check the video section. The uploads are on there. -
Thanks for your time writing this
Live Life Liam replied to Live Life Liam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Brilliant explanation! -
I really hope this video helps you out. I know society can be a very hard thing to overcome but ask yourself, do you want to survive or do you want to live? Also realise that even if you do leave the relationship you did not waste your time. Every choice is the right choice and every path is the right path. STOP guilting yourself. Stop being self hating towards yourself. Realise right here and NOW your not anything that has happened to you or ever will happen to you. It goes into detail in the video advice on overcoming your fears so you can make the right choices.
Are you looking for a girlfriend or for picking up girls? The thing is a lot of guys study for years in this field when they don't realise how easy it can be to actually pick up girls and it can actually be more difficult to find a long lasting partner with similar values so it's ironic people think this is something that needs mastering. Of course it depends on the culture you live in too. I live in Britain where girls are essentially becoming socially the same as guys and play around a little more with multiple sexual partners. Since it's more acceptable it's easier to find someone since they are on the same page as you. Personally I have a girlfriend and do not plan to go out dating other people again anytime soon as I feel its a waste of time since my priorities are my life purpose and enlightenment. What I have realised though is that the more I focus on my dreams and aspire to help others I am ultimately more attractive to girls and generally that's the case for everyone. A lot of my friends say they love a man who's passionate about something and it's hot. That's just one tip so the goal is to not focus on attracting women as you will NEVER be successful with this attitude. Instead when you are going out places to pursue them I'd recommend to have another focus in why you are doing what you are doing but speak to women whenever you have to chance. Humans are amazing at subconsciously sensing what your intention is when speaking to them so if your focus is on self improvement and towards a particular dream of yours they will sense that as the way communicate will change and you want even notice it. Neediness is the worst trait in the world when attracting someone so that's why you must have other things driving you. Also instead of playing a macho image like most guys try be vulnerable and expressive about your feelings. Balance the masculine and feminine as this is a genius way to generally be more attractive as your unique and people love that nomatter what gender. I'm not just telling you this such with no evidence I've experienced this stuff myself and this is without actively seeking women. I find it a waste of time and think pick up is generally not very respectful. Btw I'm 17 so I'm a year older then you so it's not like I've had decades of experience although I've always had a lot of female friends and partners throughout my life so I have learnt all these through this time. I guarantee you that this stuff genuinely works. I don't have videos or books or anything for you since practice is perfect. You don't need theory for this field what you need is action and to work with the flow. If your going to read a book then try read books that develop you internally and aren't focused on dating since they are usually more helpful. Everyone learns differently though but I'm telling you that if you have the idea that attracting women is like mastering Kung fu then you will always find it a challenge. Just go out there and connect with women. Some people you click with and some you dont. To get over your anxiety (if you have it) of approaching don't obsess over the outcome. Stop glorifying women and the fear will go away. Also meditation every morning over time will solve this issue trust me. I wish you the best on your journey. Anything is possible and I believe in you. If you want something you just reach out and grab it. Peace
Love will set you free
Awesome stuff man. Keep up the work
Live Life Liam replied to Jared Gregory's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes I think the rest are pretty spot on. It depends how you define druggie. He could be very aware but of course we put judgements on these people as good or bad. I think that taking drugs dosent make you closer but it definitely speeds up the process I've noticed this even by just taking cannabis whilst meditating and self inquiry sometimes. I don't do it very often but when I do I feel how well it can work for people on the path as it opens your mind up and insights come way quicker. I haven't tried other psychedelics due to my age but if cannabis can do that imagine what the others can do like mushrooms or DMT. You gotta realise though that most people who do drugs have the wrong intention so usually aren't very developed even if they are taking psychedelics. So most of the time no unless they are someone who actually uses them for meditative purposes. -
Live Life Liam replied to SamEuphoria93's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is absolutely hilarious but very interesting Gotta try this out sometime. -
Yep awakening is a terrifying thing. I can safety say I have been on the same boat as you. As you get rid of your identity all of the things you believed were a part of who you are start to crumble and you don't know what to do. You have been taught your whole life what life should be about and now your opening up to other ways and its seriously messing with you. Ask yourself What is life? Why do I need purpose to truly be fulfilled? What am I? Also investigate the idea that you have no sense of passion or enthusiasm for life. What you will find may shock and fascinate you. Truth is you have been told you need to have to be this specific way and life has to be a certain way but its a lie that is pretty hard to get out of the subconscious mind. As Leo said in his recent video "cultural conditioning is a extremely tricky thing to work out of your system" so don't worry keep the work going. What you need right now in my opinion is to also not let your consciousness work take over your day to day life too soon. Overtime though you will have to completely disappear to achieve enlightenment. Your ego is scared and that is perfect. I wish you the best and remember everything is okay. Let go and it will be fine this is something we all need to keep in mind.