Live Life Liam

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Everything posted by Live Life Liam

  1. 3-4 x a week full body resistance workouts (although I've been cutting down so I've been lazier not doing as much workouts) + walking pretty much daily. For the resistance workouts I personally do them at home since I have a lot of equipment but mainly use a barbell, dumbbells, a pull up bar and my own body (all you really need) and do a variety of different exercises throughout so work each muscle in the body for like 30 - 45 mins. My advice is to do exercises and a routine that works for you and meets the requirements for the goals you are aiming for. Even doing some sort of walking each day is an amazing first step and will likely do wonders for your mental and physical health.
  2. You explain what it is like to experience infinity so well! Thanks for the post since I am sure it inspires people to keep the work up
  3. Do it! It's the best thing you will ever do in your life if you actually have a full on enlightenment experience from taking them. I know this question wasn't directed at me but I'll answer anyway. If you meditate and do self inquiry before hand your mind might calm down and the fears come less. The first hour or so taking them is when the fears arise until you have a breakthrough realisation.
  4. Very similar to what I experienced on my mushroom trip it's like all a funny infinite game that is full of limitless possibilities all with which are the exact same thing in different forms (god, infinity, consciousness, whatever) Nothing can explain it as it has to be experienced to be understood. Nothing can contain it as it itself isn't a thing. Now I'd say just use this knowledge to enjoy every moment of your meaningless but divine life whilst continuing your spiritual practices to have a permanent realisation of this. I also told my egoic perspective to stop seeking (I remember vividly saying "just live" over and over) although after the enlightenment experience died down I began getting drawn to try get back into the state again which ultimately is pointless since the ego is the one covering up the truth. Oh yeah I still have a long 90 min recording off all the crazy shit I was saying and my reaction when this realisation hit me. Listening to it now always gives me giggles Anyway I wish you the best in life keep it up!
  5. So I'm not the only one that has been having weird feelings about a nuclear war happening. I've been having reoccurring dreams about this although it could just be a lot of subconscious fears of mine. If it does happen the best thing for us to do is accept it then of course maybe move to a safe country if you have the possibility to do so. P.s I wonder why this topic is in the self actualization section
  6. Using social media most definitely. It is working wonders and the movement is only getting bigger each day thanks to it. Youtube & Facebook seem to be working the best but Instagram is pretty good too. Here are some other suggestions though. Looking fit & healthy (people tend to have a stereotype of vegans being deficient and weak) (its shallow but people will judge veganism on how you look) Going to festivals, events, marches Setting up a vegan related business or charity Setting up a blog related on veganism Get celebrities and big names on board to promote it Learn to cultivate love, empathy and compassion for all things (be the change you want to see in the world) I will be going to the 2017 official animal rights march in London on September 2nd. The more vegans the better since it will help show how serious we are about trying to implement change to our current system. Hope you can come since its definitely going to be a big way to raise awareness of the topic. If you live in somewhere like the US I am sure they have marches going on over there too.
  7. This most likely has a lot to do with how the person was raised and possibly life experience especially if the individual dealt with a very varied and diverse upbringing. Maybe past lives have something to do with this phenomena (for those that believe in them of course but we can't rule out the possibility) Who knows...
  8. I was just going to write something similar to this Totally agree.
  9. I actually agree and didn't mean it the way you interpreted it. Next time I won't get lazy when writing a post. Yeah hedonism dosent cause suffering if you are awake to the fact of the wholeness of life but otherwise your always going to want more pleasure and ultimately it's a losing game because you can't escape physical pain at least.
  10. Because your can't avoid pain even if you tried to live the most pleasurable life possible. All the instant orgasms, money, junk food, alchohol and drugs can't save you from suffering. In fact the more you escape reality and pursue hedonistic activities the less fuffiled you will be. This is why we have to learn to get away from the programming we have be taught our entire lives and begin to gain our freedom back.
  11. The mushrooms will probably change your life commitments drastically if you take them correctly so get ready to see reality in a completely different way. Also I think it is possible to skip sex but not so sure about intimate relationships so soon especially if you haven't achieved spiritual liberation. If you still believe your a separate self its going to hard to not feel alone if you cut off deep loving connections from your life. Good thing about this is you have one less distraction from actualising your life in the way you want. I would personal recommend doing what feels right to you even if it is counter intuitive. Only pursue getting a girlfriend if its truly authentic to you but not just because your friends have one. If you do though then going to clubs is not a good way to find out. Be creative in the places you go to like events, festivals, conventions. What are your interests and focus on going places related to that like for example if you love art then the best place to meet girls is to go to gallery's and use pick up skills to try attract them and get to know them. Online dating works also for some people. Also there are plenty of girls who will go home with someone after one night of knowing him although those aren't the type of people you want for a long term relationship (in my opinion) In the end though the choice is yours I wish you the best.
  12. You can't stop judging if you are identified with your thoughts since its not like you can just choose to switch off the thought button. Ask yourself; who am I without my judgements? Your sense of self actually uses thoughts as a way to survive since it needs to compare the imaginary you to others to keep intact an identity. You have to accept yourself and allow the judgements to be but let them pass. Each time you get angry at yourself or react to the thoughts in your mind the identification only gets stronger. This is why meditation will really help you if you do this for at least an hour before a part or event you go to. Just watch every thought as well as the sensations around you and you will be amazed at the things that will happen during and after the session. You should always question a judgement too and ask; Where do these judgements arise from? There are many other questions to ask of course but be serious about this. If you walk around the street and feel disgust for a women or man you perceive as physically unattractive ask; What makes them unattractive to me? Why do I need them to be other then what they are? What am I trying to escape from when I judge these people? Who is the one that is actually judging? Feel the subtle negative emotions that arise in your body. The problem is a lot of people are rejecting themselves and one of the cores of spirituality is absolute surrender (which means accepting you and everything else in reality) So my tips are as the follows: 1. Calm the mind down and carefully watch it through meditation before events (1 hour min) 2. Incorporate self inquiry whenever chaotic judging does happen throughout your day. Over time you may discover your judging to be less and less prominent and also your happiness levels increasing. You will also learn you will be more self accepting towards yourself even when you do things you were once not proud of doing. I hope this advice helps you and I wish you the best
  13. Yes I've had direct experiences of that which I must say I tend to value more although I'm learning to read more into the theory of it. I love quantum physics but actually having a first person experience of some of the findings are extraordinary.
  14. Thanks for the questions and response. Well I am 17 so I don't know how young you think I look in the picture to be fair a lot of people think I am like 14 or younger although I did start personal development at 15 but only really got serious into this non dual field when I was 16. Before that I was focused on other areas of life. I got started into a number of insights I learnt through my highschool years that shaped my life forever. I had an exstistencial crisis as a teenager which was strange but a sudden occurance of the impermanence of life led me to a lot of different questions I felt driven to answer. I think my love for cinema as a child actually helped too start this search also since I was always seeing different worlds and perceptions and characters each day which made it apparent to me a lot of things I wouldn't due to the beauty of been able to see different perspectives on the world. If I'm honest I'm not 100% sure what led me to go towards this path I just think I've always had an intuition that there is something more & I've just been curious about discovering why we are here. I think just the way events panned out that were out of my control led me to where I am. I had a first long term relationship during highschool that ended which affected me a lot in those years. I started to read self help and do fitness from there and although I know it was the pretty shallow form of self help it did introduce me to a lot of different information. I was watching but when Leo wasn't talking about the stuff he was now. His shift happened about a similar time as mine. As Aroung the age of 15 I became homeless due to family issues such as divorce, abuse etc. That was when an even major shift happened that I decided I really have to take ownership of my one life now and matured a lot through that difficult period. With young kids I recommend you just keep being an example for them and spend time doing fun stuff with them that is related to personal development might help. It's like if you were or are a Dad that loves football if you keep playing it with them and watching it around them most of the time the child will too in my experience since they really do take a lot in from there parents idea of what is a worthwhile interest. Try meditate and do yoga around them and as they get older (if they refuse to do it now) ask them if they want to join in and teach them. Take them to interesting retreats, events and country's to expand there minds. Read children books to them based around the personal development or spiritual or scentific topics you love. The famous book "the little prince" is one of them that can teach them interesting philosophy's to grow up with. Of course there are many many more though you just have to look into it deeply but I believe this is a useful way. You can do the same with all forms of entertainment they love. Just introduce them to a variety of diffekinds even the more socially "weird" ones. Being introduced to many different perspectives on life, relationship, suffering, death, morality, religion, science etc greatly influenced me so I'm only speaking from personal experience. I think the environment your kids live in is important too though so the school, neighbourhood, friends, teachers, media all shape the type of things they will be interested in growing up and some of them can be out of your control if you don't want to be a controlling father. Overall I'm not a father so I'm not the only person you should be asking so maybe someone else on this forum can help you out. I hope this has benefitted you though Also by when I mean pleasurable sensations are ego percieved I don't mean they are wrong or should be denied but mean that they aren't any sort of awakening as it will pass. If you have a genuine enlightenment experience you can feel the mostly divine bliss and peace you can ever feel but it's not dependent on the body's emotions. You become the stillness infinite timeless space that is within everything. I'm talking about emotions like anger, sadness, pleasure such as sexual relief or the feeling when you have a good meal since all those pass and are not a constant. These are not wrong in any way and I'm not saying don't try feel pleasure but what we are looking for is what has always been there throughout our lives at all times. Becoming fully aware of that is enlightenment although the best term would be awakening since it isn't as flashy.
  15. Just going to add one more thing. The difference between and wacked out mystical ego percieved state and an enlightened one is simple. Enlightenment or enlightenment experiences are basically when the separate self (your sense of im a body, mind, identity) disappears and what is left is infinity. Waked out mystical ego states are possibly shit like seeing entities, demons, feeling pleasurable sensations, visions of jesus or buddha and anything that is a thing or phenomena in existence. What you are is NO THING. These mystical experiences can break your sense of self though for example if you start noticing time speed up or slow down or slowly dissapear then you are getting closer to a full enlightenment experience since the ego can only exist within the mental constructs of time, space, thoughts and stuff like that.
  16. Because you are God/infinity/consciousness or whatever you want to call it which is essentially everything and nothing. There is no such thing except that so you can't transcend to become anything. All that is needed is the veil of illusion to disappear. Another way to put it is that you are like a cartoon or movie character that doesn't know he's in one and believes he is actually real. Once he awakens and sees that not only is he is part of a cartoon or film but his essential nature is the entirety of that film then he can truly enjoy life and not take it so seriously. #belikedeadpool (or maybe not since he might just be a comic book zen devil) P.s these are only concepts and pointers to the truth since it is beyond all experience and can't even be communicated well. Also these are insights I have had directly with enlightenment experiences although I do not claim to be living in this state all day everyday so i wouldnt consider myself fully awakened. I am on the path just like you are Hope this helps.
  17. There is no such thing as a mediocre life since everything is neutral and has the exact same value and meaning. Success is relative based on the culture you live in or the rules, expectations and should statements you made as a child. The truth is you just exist and so does everyone else and you have the ultimate freedom to do what you want with your time. Do what you want but remember every action does have a reaction as long as you are living in this "physical" planet we call earth as a separate body. If you want to live simply you can create that type of Lifestyle over time with the right planning and commitment towards it. Some people live off the grid (self sustainable living) or go to a third world country where life is simpler or go become monks or nuns. Many other ways of course and the beauty of life is there are multiple ways to go at it and live so you should just do with what works for you. Listen to your intuition and don't let anybody try dictate what you should be doing with your time. I wish you the best
  18. You can get B12 fortified in foods like soy milk, nutritional yeast, cheese of all kind (plant based versions too) and other sources so I wouldn't worry about vegetarians and vegans talking supplements. Also no food naturally contains B12 so you can't get it exactly naturally per say since its a microbe.
  19. Well ego transcendence is impossible for "you" so don't think about it too much This is a way you deceive yourself because its your job to survive. I am referring to the ego as you because that is exactly what you as the limited person is (an ego) so there is no you to get enlightened in the end. You have to surrender to experience and die to live once again. This is all probably contradictory or paradoxical and frustrating to hear but that is a good thing since confusion can lead to breakthrough experiences. Just keep doing what you are and maintain the daily practices if you can but you don't have to listen to me do whatever you want (even though you don't exist to make any choice in the first place) hahaha
  20. Well I think the easy way to differentiate the neurotic ego driven values to the true authentic ones is by asking your self the following question. Does this value/ambition/action promote separation or unity? Simple as that If you live by unifying values then you wont suffer. At least that's working in my case.
  21. The ego thinks it has free will when really it's just an illusion and only consciousness/God/infinity or whatever you want to call it that does. When you have a direct experience of the true one self you will know what people are talking about by saying free will dosent exist. But technically you do have free will because your not this limited identity at all. So yes and no but the person you think you are does not.
  22. Whilst like you I am sceptical of his no food or water meditating claims I find it hard to believe this is just a money or sex scam thing. People in the West always tend to say that about everything that is outside of the orange stage paradigm of knowledge and reality. I know the BBC has quoted articles if him doing what you said although it's not the most credible source. Even if he did we can't judge the guy and put lot of assumptions on his character. On the other hand let's maybe not just to conclusions and idolise him as litterly Buddha incarnate either but everybody is entitled to do so if they wish He probably has achieved enlightenment but as many people like Leo has mentioned that does not equate being a "good" person in the societal sense. He has gained a huge following since then and now teaches people and even has events going on this year. Maybe you should go take a trip to see if he's a scam for yourself haha
  23. Mooji and adyashanti definitely never meant what your most likely thinking when they say they don't feel. They are the most empathetic teachers in the non duality field. Mooji especially as his unconditional love clearly shows for all. Also Rali has admitted he's still growing (and was wrong) and is changing and becoming more empathetic as he is integrating his enlightenment more and more if you watch his recent videos. The problem is your still trying to validate your claims about the truth from external sources. None of that matters and is meaningless until you do the work and see for yourself.