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Everything posted by philosogi

  1. I think it's a metaphor. I see the illusion of individual awareness (aka egoic experience) to be the universe/existence/consciousness becoming self-aware/awakening. So each egoic experience (aka individual) is a portal or appendage into a process of awakening. So in this framework, reincarnation is a singular but complex consciousness acting through different portals with the potential of awakening in the world of form.
  2. Ya have had it occasionally over the years, maybe once or twice a year.
  3. Recently a friend asked me how I was feeling about a relationship issue I am going though. I replied "que sera sera" ("whatever will be will be"). And my friend interpreted that as me not caring. This made me wonder: what is the difference between not judging and not caring?
  4. @electroBeam maybe this is obvious, but the world/universe will still continue to do the same things now as it did before you started enlightenment work. So none of the external factors will actually change for you; it's just your perspective. Why then is there more fear now than before? I also agree with others who suggested to ground yourself with physical activity. I've experienced getting too cerebral with these concepts/inquiries/meditations, etc., and paying more attention to core feelings within the body helped.
  5. People describe a "joy" or "awe" when they experience non-egoic states. Are "joy" and "awe" emotions? It seems that emotions must stem from judgments, and if there is no ego, there is no judgment.
  6. @Sano Morphing haha I relate to this. The ego is very tricky! The most helpful way I've found to interpret "embrace your ego" is to take its complains, its prideful acting, its petty defensiveness, or however your particular ego reacts, and use them as clues. I'm guessing that mine knows I'm trying to take the power away from it, so it hides itself in a smoke and mirrors game. It's very smart. Don't try to jail, chain up, kill, obliterate, or otherwise harm your ego. Your ego is a part of you. Your ego has helped your body live in this world for a while. I'd advise being thankful towards it for the positives that it has done for you, but also treating it as a slightly misguided friend that you love. Your ego can give clues as to your real motives/identity. So you can be thankful for it for that too, every time it helps you out by making a disingenuous remark!
  7. @ClearThought A good therapist can help you. But you can also do it yourself if you have the will and persistence. For me, it involves always returning to awareness of the issue when I realize I've lost it. External triggers cause the issue to be more painful at some points, and I see those moments as opportunities to examine and feel the pain and the thoughts around them with a lot of curiosity; asking myself (sometimes asking the current "me" and sometimes the childhood "me") a lot of questions about it, and noticing any judgments. It helps to take notes. Sometimes there's grief, which is welcome. My dad used to point out his tears of joy, and these tears of grief seem almost at the same tears of joy/relief at being able to express the repressed pain. The denial learned for everyday life is reduced a little bit. The burden gets a little lighter.
  8. Hi @LiakosN, sorry I can't offer any real help. It sounds like you're in a really tough situation, stuck between your parents and your brother and wanting to do the right thing for everyone. I don't know how old you are, but it might be easier to help if you move out until your brother gets treatment.
  9. @OhHiMark To keep your conscience clear, you can always try to make or be open to eye contact. If there's eye contact, you could nod. If there's no eye contact, then the other person is in their own world or doesn't want to interact.
  10. @STC @electroBeam or better yet, find one who you can talk to honestly so we don't have to keep playing these silly games.
  11. @Annie I don't know for sure as it's your body, but why wouldn't it make sense? Your body is interconnected and works as a system. If some things are misaligned, they could be important nerves blocking energy flow within your body.
  12. What if schizophrenia is not a "disorder" ?
  13. I had never put much stock into the concept of chakras, until two nights ago while drifting off to sleep while focusing on internal body sensations. I realized that these internal body sensations led to the locations of the chakras. It seemed like energies flowing through my nervous system led to their roots, aka the chakras. Very cool, I say. Very cool.
  14. These two are my favourite for attaining a meditative contemplative state. No words can express my love for these two mixes.
  15. @Soulbass I have been trying to find out what you mean when you say "Ra." At first I was reminded of the Egyptian god Amen-Ra but it seemed unlikely. Thanks for the description. What book are you referring to?
  16. Hey @DimmedBulb, two things. First, yes, I think "brain damage" is possible from internet addiction, the same way as is possible from any other addiction. But the crux of the issue is that there is underlying damage to the brain that makes you susceptible to the addiction. I don't fully believe in labels such as ADHD because they can tend to encourage victim mentality, but I do believe that there are certain things that happened to us in our childhoods, which when combined with our DNA result in susceptibility to certain mental weaknesses. Actually three things. Second, it's not permanent brain damage. It just gets more and more entrenched the longer it goes uncared-for. Third, probably not the whole issue is from internet addiction. I don't know your age, but I think "growing up" and having more responsibilities in life combined with an unhealthy mental view of these challenges, can combine to cause a lack of focus/procrastination through addiction. If you haven't already seen them a few times, I recommend Leo's "Addiction" video and his "Procrastination" video.
  17. Maybe keep the book on hand until you encounter a problem? Knowledge of the dangers might cause you to limit your practice. Also, problems are opportunities to uncover more truths. Also, Leo has a video on the negative side-effects of meditation.
  18. @OhHiMark Yes there's fake humbleness, AKA the "humble brag." Gotta make sure not to put the cart before the horse.
  19. @OhHiMark I have a similar issue. I think it comes from a need for validation, either positive or negative. I think this is because somewhere along the way in life (probably early childhood), I "learned" that my self-worth is tied to my accomplishments. I think a more empowered way of looking at self-worth is that it is independent from external validation, either by accomplishments, praise, failure, etc... So I've been trying not to show off (even subtly), and I've been trying not to play the victim, either, to try to switch external validation to internal validation.
  20. @Vegeta not very advanced.
  21. I see north america as having this issue too. I think our culture is like a teenager and needs to break away (war of independence) and then make all sorts of its own mistakes before realizing that the things parents (old world) were doing had a root of truth. This is so so damaging to everyone.